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Blood Royal: A Novel

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‘I can see it would,’ Gillespie answered, glancing away from her gently, for she was crying hard now. His heart warmed to the poor girl. How he wished it had been possible for him to help her effectually!

Maud leaned forward with clasped hands, and spoke still more earnestly. ‘Then you’ll help me with it?’ she said, drawing a sigh. ‘You’ll work with me to prevent him? I know Dick thinks a great deal of your advice and opinion. He’s often told me so. You’ll try to persuade him not to leave Oxford, won’t you? Or if he leaves, at least not to come back to Chiddingwick?

Oh, do say you will! for Dick’s so much influenced by what you think and say. You see, he’ll want to do what’s best for us– he’s always so unselfish. But that’s not what we want: you must try and make him neglect us, and think only of himself; for the more he thinks of us, the more unhappy and ashamed and desperate he’ll make us; and the more he thinks of himself, why, the better we’ll all love him.’

It was a topsy-turvy gospel – but one couldn’t help respecting it. Gillespie rose and ‘sported the oak,’ closed the big outer door, which stands as a sign in all Oxford rooms that the occupant is out, or doesn’t wish to be disturbed, and so secures men when reading from casual interruption. He told Maud what he had done; and Maud, who had been brought up too simply to distrust her brother’s friend, or to recognise the rules of polite etiquette on such subjects, was grateful to him for the courtesy.

‘Now, we must talk this out together,’ he said, ‘more plainly and practically. It’s a business matter: we must discuss it as business. But anyhow, Miss Plantagenet, I’ll do my very best to help you in keeping Dick on at Oxford.’


At Chiddingwick, meanwhile, Dick Plantagenet himself had been oddly enough engaged on rather opposite business. When he arrived at the house in the High Street, so long his father’s, he found Maud flown, of course, and nobody at home but his mother and little Eleanor. Now, if Maud had been there, being a forcible young person in spite of her frail frame, she would soon have stirred up Mrs. Plantagenet to take her own view of the existing situation. But the widow, always weary with the cares of too large a family for her slender means, and now broken by the suddenness of her husband’s death – thus left without Maud’s aid – was disposed like Dick himself to take the practical side in this pressing emergency. To her, very naturally, the question of bread-and-cheese for the boys and girls came uppermost in consciousness. And though it was terrible they should have to face that sordid question at such a moment as this, yet that was a painful fate they shared, after all, with the vast majority of their fellow-creatures, who constantly have to consider practical difficulties of daily bread at the very time when their affections have just been most deeply lacerated. The more Dick talked with his mother, indeed, the more did he feel himself how imperative a duty it was for him to resign his dream and return home at once, to do what he could for her and his brothers and sisters. He was a Plantagenet, he reflected, and noblesse oblige. That motto of his race stood him in good stead on all such occasions. If do it he must, then do it he would. A Plantagenet should not be ashamed of earning his livelihood and supporting his family in any honest way, however distasteful. For no matter what trade he might happen to take up, being a Plantagenet himself, ipso facto he ennobled it.

Fired with these sentiments, which, after all, were as proud in their way as Maud’s equally strong ones, if not even prouder, Dick went out almost at once to inquire at the White Horse about the possibility of his keeping up the rent of the rooms as his father had paid it; for if the scheme was to be worked no time must be lost over it, so that the lessons might be continuous. He was a capital dancer himself (worse luck!) and a tolerable violinist – and, for the matter of that, Maud could help him with the music; though he shrank, to be sure, from the painful idea that the heiress of the Plantagenets, a born princess of the blood royal of England, should mix herself up any longer with that hateful profession.

Oh, how his soul loathed it! Indeed, on second thoughts he decided ‘twould be best for Maud to-be set free from the classes for her ordinary music lessons. While his father lived he couldn’t have done without Maud; but now the head of the house was gone, never more should she be subjected to that horrid slavery. Enough that one member of the family should give himself up to it for the common good. Maud, poor, delicate, high-strung Maud, should, at least, be exempt.

If he needed any help he would hire an assistant.

The interview at the White Horse was quite satisfactory – too satisfactory by far, Dick thought, for he longed for a decent obstacle; and as soon as it was finished Dick felt the hardest part of his self-sacrifice was yet to come. For he had to give up not only Oxford, but also Mary Tudor. For her own sake he felt he must really do it. He had never asked her to think of him till he got his Scholarship; and it was on the strength of that small success he first ventured to speak to her. Now that Oxford must fade like a delicious dream behind him, he saw clearly his hopes of Mary must needs go with it.

They were never engaged: from first to last Mary had always said so, and Dick had admitted it. But, still, they had come most perilously near it. During the Long Vacation, when Dick had had some coaching to do for matriculation at a neighbouring town, he and Mary, had almost arrived at an understanding with one another. Dick was a gentleman now – he had always been a gentleman, indeed, in everything except the artificial position; and since he went to Oxford he had that as well, and Mary felt there was no longer any barrier of any sort interposed between them. But now all, all must go, and he must say farewell for ever to Mary.

It was hard, very hard; but duty before everything! With a beating heart he mounted the Rectory steps, and for the first time in his life ventured to ask boldly out if he could see Miss Tudor. It would be the last time, too, he thought bitterly to himself, and so it didn’t matter.

Mrs. Tradescant was kinder than usual. Mr. Plantagenet’s sudden death had softened her heart for the moment towards the family – perhaps even towards Maud herself, that horrid girl who committed the unpardonable offence, to a mother, of being prettier and more ladylike than her own eldest daughter. The lady of the Rectory was in the schoolroom with Mary when Ellen, the housemaid, came in with the unwonted message that Mr. Richard Plantagenet – ‘him as has gone up to college at Oxford, ma’am, has called for to see Miss Tudor.’

Mary blushed up to her eyes, and expected Mrs. Tradescant would insist upon going down and seeing Dick with her.

But Mrs. Tradescant had a woman’s inkling of what was afoot between the two young people; and now that that horrid old man was dead, and Richard his own master, she really didn’t know that it very much mattered. Young Plantagenet was an Oxford man, after all, and might go into the Church, and turn out a very good match in the end for Mary Tudor. So she only looked up and said, with a most unusual smile:

‘You’d better run down to him, dear. I dare say you’d like best to see him alone for awhile, after all that’s happened.’

Taken aback at such generosity, Mary ran down at once, still blushing violently, to Dick in the drawing-room. She hardly paused for a second at the glass on her way, just to pull her front hair straight and rub her cheek with her hand – quite needlessly – to bring up some colour.

Dick was dressed in black from head to foot, and looked even graver and more solemn than usual. He stretched out both his hands to hers as Mary entered, and took her fingers in his own with a regretful tenderness. Then he looked deep into her eyes for some seconds in silence. His heart was full to bursting. How could he ever break it to her? ‘Twas so hard to give up all his dreams for ever. At last he found words.

‘Oh, Mary,’ he cried, trembling, ‘you’ve heard of all that’s happened?’

Mary pressed his hand hard, and answered simply, with a great lump in her throat: ‘Yes, Dick dear, I’ve heard – and all these days long I’ve lived with you constantly.’

Dick sat down on the sofa and began to tell her all his story. He told her first about his father’s death and the things that had followed it; and then he went on to the more immediately practical question of what he was to do for his mother and sisters. His voice trembled as he spoke, for he was very, very fond of her; but he told her all straight out, as a Plantagenet should, without one word of the disgrace he felt it would be. He dwelt only on the absolute necessity of his doing something at once to provide for the family.

‘And under these circumstances, Mary,’ he said at last, looking down at her with some moisture in his brimming eyes. ‘I feel that my duty to you is perfectly plain and clear. I must release you unconditionally from the engagement, which, as we both know, has never existed between us.’

Mary looked at him for a moment as if she hardly took in the full meaning of his words; then, in a. very low and decided voice, she answered clearly: ‘But I don’t release you, dear Dick – and I shall never release you.’

‘But, Mary,’ Dick cried, unable to conceal his pleasure at her words, in spite of himself, ‘you mustn’t think of it, you know. It’s – it’s quite, quite impossible. In the first place, I shall never be able to marry at all now, or if ever, why, only after years and years – oh, Heaven only knows how many!’

(‘That’s nothing!’ Mary sobbed out parenthetically; ‘if necessary, I could wait a thousand years for you.’)

‘And then again,’ Dick continued, resolved not to spare himself one solitary drop in his cup of degradation, ‘it would never do for you to be engaged – to the local dancing-master. If it comes to that, indeed, I’m sure Mrs. Tradeseant wouldn’t allow it.’

With a sudden womanly impulse Mary rose all at once and flung herself, sobbing, on her lover’s bosom.

‘Oh, Dick,’ she cried – ‘dear Dick, I’m proud of you – so proud of you, no matter what you do – prouder now than ever! I think it’s just grand of you to be so ready to give up everything for your mother and sisters. You seem to me to think only of them – and of me – and not a word of yourself; and I say it’s just beautiful of you. I couldn’t be ashamed of you if you sold apples in the street. You’d always be yourself, and I couldn’t help being proud of you. And as for Mrs. Tradeseant, if she won’t let me be engaged to you, why, I’ll throw up the place and take another one, if I can get it – or else go without one. But I’m yours now, Dick, and I shall be yours for ever.’ She threw her arms round his neck, and, for the first time in her life, she raised her lips and kissed him. ‘Why, what a wretch I should be,’ she cried through her tears, ‘if I could dream of giving you up just at the very moment when you most want my help and sympathy! Dick, Dick – dear Dick, we never were engaged till now; but now we are engaged, and you won’t argue me out of it!’

Dick led her to a seat. For the next few minutes the conversation was chiefly of an inarticulate character. The type-founder’s art has no letters to represent it. Then Dick tried to speak again in the English language. (The rest had been common to the human family.)

‘This is very good of you, dearest,’ he said, holding her hand tight in his own; ‘very, very good and sweet of you! It’s just what I might have expected; though I confess, being engaged chiefly in thinking of the thing from the practical standpoint, I didn’t expect it, which was awfully dull of me. But we must be practical – practical. I must devote myself in future to my mother and sisters; and you mustn’t waste all the best of your life in waiting for me – in waiting for a man who will probably never, never be able to marry you.’

But women, thank God, are profoundly unpractical creatures! Mary looked up in his face through her tears, and made answer solemnly:

‘Oh, Dick, you don’t know how long I would wait for you! I want to tell you something, dear; to-day I feel I can tell you. I could never have told you before; I wouldn’t tell you now if it weren’t for all that has happened. Eighteen months ago, when you first spoke to me, I thought to myself: “He’s a charming young man, and I like him very much; he’s so kind and so clever; but how could I ever marry him? It wouldn’t be right; he’s the son of the dancing-master.” And now to-day, dear Dick, you darling good fellow, if you turn dancing-master yourself, or anything else in the world – if you sweep a crossing, even – I shall be proud of you still; I shall feel prouder of you by far than if you stopped there selfishly in your rooms at Oxford, and never gave a thought to your mother and sisters.’

She paused for a second and looked at him. Then once more she flung her arms round his neck and cried aloud, almost hysterically:

‘Oh, Dick, dear Dick, whatever on earth you do, I shall always love you; I shall always be proud of you!’

And when they parted that morning, Richard Plantagenet and Mary Tudor were for the first time in their lives engaged to one another.

That’s what always happens when you go to see a girl, conscientiously determined, for her sake, much against the grain, to break things off with her for ever. I have been there myself, and I know all about it.


At Oxford all that day, Mr. Archibald Gillespie, of Durham College, found himself in a very singular position indeed for an undergraduate of such unquestioned and respectable manners. For he was keeping Maud Plantagenet shut up behind a sported oak in her brother’s rooms, and clandestinely supplying her with lunch, tea and dinner.

This somewhat compromising condition of affairs in the third pair left of Back Quad New Buildings had been brought about by a pure concatenation of accidents. When Maud left Chiddingwick that morning, with nothing in her purse, she had trusted to Dick to supply her with the wherewithal for paying her way back again. But as Dick was not at home when she reached his rooms, she had been compelled to wait in for him till he returned from Chiddingwick. For the same reason she was obviously unable to supply herself with food at a hotel or restaurant. Being a Plan-tagenet, indeed, she would have been far too proud to let Gillespie suspect these facts by overt act or word of hers; but, somehow, he guessed them for himself, and soon found his suspicions confirmed by her very silence.

Now, the scouts, or college servants, have a key of the ‘oak,’ and can enter men’s rooms at any moment without warning beforehand. There was nothing for it, therefore, but for Gillespie to take Dick’s scout frankly into his confidence; which he did accordingly. Already he had forgotten his eleven o’clock lecture; Plato’s ‘Bepublic’ had gone to the wall before a pretty face; and now he went outside the door to plot still further treason, and shouted, after the primitive Oxford fashion, for the servant.

‘Look here, Robert,’ he said, as the scout came up, ‘there’s a young lady in deep mourning in Mr. Plantagenet’s rooms. She’s Mr. Plantagenet’s sister, and she’s come up to see him about this dreadful affair the other day, you understand. But he’s gone down home for the morning to Chiddingwick – they’ve crossed on the road – and he mayn’t perhaps be back again till late in the evening. Now, I can see the young lady’s got no money about her – she came away hurriedly – and I don’t like to offer her any. So I’m going to telegraph to Mr. Plantagenet to come back as soon as he can; but he can’t be here for some time yet, anyhow. Of course, the young lady must have something to eat; and I want you to help me with it. Tell the porter who she is, and that she’ll probably have to stop here till Mr. Plantagenet comes back. Under the circumstances, nobody will say anything about it. At lunch-time you must take out something quiet and nice in my name from the kitchen – chicken cutlets, and so forth – and serve it to the young lady in Mr. Plantagenet’s rooms. When Mr. Plantagenet returns he’ll see her out of college.’

As for Robert, standing by obsequious, he grinned from ear to ear at the obvious prospect of a good round tip, and undertook for his part with a very fair grace that the young lady’s needs should be properly provided for. Your scout is a person of infinite resource, the most servile of his kind; he scents tips from afar, and would sell his soul to earn one.

Even in this age of enlightenment, however, an Oxford college still retains many traits of the medieval monastery from which it sprang; women are banned in it; and ‘twould have been as much as Mr. Robert’s place was worth to serve the unknown young lady in Dick Plantagenet’s rooms without leave from headquarters. So he made a clean breast of it. Application to the Dean, however, resulted in his obtaining the necessary acquiescence; and Gillespie devoted himself through the rest of that day to making Maud as comfortable as was possible under the circumstances in her brother’s rooms till Dick’s return from Chiddingwick.

So charitably was he minded, indeed, that he hardly left her at all except at meal-times. Now, in the course of a long day’s tête-à-tête two people get to know a wonderful deal of one another, especially if they have mutually sympathetic natures; and before Dick returned that evening to set Maud at liberty, she and Gillespie felt already like old friends together.

Dick didn’t get back, as it happened, till long after Hall, and then it was too late for Maud to catch a train back that evening. The reason for the delay was simple; Dick hadn’t received Archie Gillespie’s telegram till his return from the Rectory. He had stopped there to lunch, at Mrs. Tradescant’s request, after his interview with Mary; and for Mary’s sake he thought it best to accept the invitation. So the end of it all was that Dick had to find his sister a bed under the friendly roof of a married Fellow of his college, and that before he took her round there, he, she, and Gillespie had a long chat together about the prospects of the situation.

‘Mr. Gillespie and I have been talking it over all day, Dick,’ Maud said very decidedly; ‘and we’re both of us of opinion – most distinctly of opinion – that you oughtn’t, as a duty to mother and to us, to do anything that’ll compel you to take back again the one great forward step you took in coming to Oxford. Mr. Gillespie says rightly, it’s easy enough to go down, but not by any means so easy, once you’re there, to climb up again.’

‘I ought to do whatever makes me earn an immediate income soonest, though, for all your sakes, Maud,’ Dick objected stoutly.

‘Not at all!’ Maud answered with Plantagenet decision, and with wisdom above her years, dictated no doubt by her love and pride in her brother. ‘You oughtn’t to sacrifice the future to the present.’ Then she turned to him quite sharply. ‘Did you see Mary Tudor to-day?’ she asked, regardless of Gillespie’s presence, for she considered him already as an old friend of the family.

The tell-tale colour rushed up fast into Dick’s cheek.
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