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Dr Cinderella's Midnight Fling

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And, just like it had been between them on the dance floor, he felt desire lance through him.

He pulled away slightly, spun her round and undid the zip of her dress. She arched back as he stroked his way down the bare skin he uncovered. Her skin was so soft; and touching her like this wasn’t enough. He wanted more. A hell of a lot more.

Gently, he slid the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He drew her back against him, his hands splayed across her midriff and his thumbs stroking the undersides of her breasts through the lace of her bra.

‘I want you,’ he whispered. ‘I want to be with you, skin to skin.’

‘Me, too.’ The admission was low and throaty, and sent a kick of sheer need through him.

She turned to face him, untucked his shirt from his trousers and undid the rest of the buttons of his shirt. Her hands were gentle and yet sure as she slid her palms across his pecs. ‘Nice,’ she said appreciatively.

‘Thank you.’ He inclined his head, acknowledging the compliment. ‘I like it when you touch me.’

She smiled back, and pushed the cotton from his shoulders; his shirt pooled on the floor next to her dress. She traced the line of his collarbone with one finger.

Good, but not enough. He needed more. He kissed her again, his mouth teasing and demanding at the same time.

He unsnapped her bra, tossed the lace to the floor and then cupped her breasts properly. ‘You’re beautiful, Cinders.’

No, I’m not. Her thoughts were written all over her face.

Someone—presumably her ex—had really done a number on her. Just as much as Camilla had made him wary of trusting anyone.

‘Whoever he was,’ Ed said softly, ‘he was an idiot.’


‘Whoever put that look in your eyes.’

She shrugged. ‘You’re wearing too much.’

She’d said ‘no questions’. And now he had a pretty good idea why. This was starting to look like rebound sex. For both of them.

But they’d agreed from the start that this was one night only. A night out of time. The new hospital was big enough for their paths never to cross again. And if he could make her feel good about herself again tonight, the way she was making him feel good about himself, then that would be a bonus for both of them.

He took her hands and drew them down to his belt. ‘Since you think I’m wearing too much, why don’t you even things up?’ he invited.

Her hands were shaking slightly as she undid his belt, then the button of his formal trousers, and slid the zipper down.

‘You are beautiful, you know,’ he said softly. ‘Your eyes—I’m not sure if they’re green or grey or brown. The colour keeps shifting, and it makes me want to know what colour they are when you’re really aroused. And your mouth.’ He traced her lower lip with one fingertip. ‘It’s a perfect cupid’s bow. It makes me want to kiss you until we’re both dizzy. And here…’ He dipped his head and took one hardened nipple into his mouth.

She gave a sharp intake of breath and tipped her head back in pleasure.

Part of Jane knew that this was a seriously bad idea. He was a stranger. And she’d never had a one-night stand before.

Then again, this wasn’t a relationship. She didn’t have to take the risk of trusting him and then discovering that he had feet of clay, the way she had with Shaun. In a weird kind of way, this was safe—because this man wasn’t going to get close enough to her heart to break it.

His mouth teased her lower lip, demanding and getting a response. Jane wasn’t sure which of them finished undressing whom, but then he’d lifted her and was carrying her to the bed. She felt the bed dip with his weight, and then the mattress shifted again as he climbed off. She opened her eyes.

‘Condom,’ he said in answer to her unspoken question.

At least one of them was being sensible. It hadn’t even occurred to her. How reckless and stupid was that?

He rummaged in his trousers for his wallet, took out the foil wrapper and placed it on the bedside table.

‘You look worried.’ He stroked her face. ‘If you’ve changed your mind, I’ll understand. I’ve never forced a woman, and I don’t intend to start now.’

‘I just…’ She hadn’t even dated anyone since Shaun’s betrayal, let alone slept with anyone. She’d turned down the couple of offers she’d had, not wanting to risk the same thing happening all over again. ‘I’m not used to this kind of thing,’ she admitted.

‘Then let’s get used to it together.’ He bent his head to kiss her again; his mouth was gentle and promising, rather than demanding. Until she responded, when suddenly the kiss turned hot, turning her into a mass of sheer aching need.

This time, when he touched her, the shyness was gone. She gave herself up to the sensation as he stroked her, teased her, let her touch him in return.

His hand slid between her thighs and she gasped in pleasure.

It really shouldn’t be this good for a first time. They didn’t even know each other’s names, for pity’s sake. But it felt as if Prince Charming knew exactly where she liked being touched, exactly how to make her respond to him.

She was near to babbling when she heard the rip of the foil packet and the snap as he rolled on the condom to protect her. Then he eased, oh, so slowly into her. And it was heaven. This was a man who knew exactly what to do—how to give pleasure, how to take her right to the edge and keep her there until she was practically hyperventilating.

And then wave after wave of pleasure surged through her as her climax hit. He held her tightly, and she felt the answering surge of his own body against hers.

Gently, he withdrew. ‘I’d better deal with the condom. Excuse me a moment,’ he said softly.

Jane pulled the sheet back over her, the pleasure replaced by a rush of awkwardness. What did you do on a one-night stand? Did you stay for the whole night, or did you get dressed and leave straight after having sex? She didn’t have a clue. She’d never done this kind of thing before; she’d always hung out with the nerdy students, not the wild ones.

He reappeared from the bathroom—still naked, and looking completely unembarrassed about the situation. Clearly he had some idea of the rules; whereas she felt totally at sea.

He climbed into bed beside her and drew her against him. ‘What’s wrong?’

She sighed. ‘If you really want to know, I don’t have a clue what the rules are. What you’re supposed to do next on a one-night stand.’

‘Once you’ve had sex, you mean?’ He stroked her hair. ‘I don’t think there are any rules. What we do next is entirely up to you.’ He smiled. ‘Though my vote would be for you to stay a bit longer and for us to order something from room service.’

‘Your toasted cheese sandwich?’

He shrugged. ‘Or whatever you like from the menu.’

Funny how something so homely could make her feel so much more at ease. ‘Toasted sandwiches would be lovely, thank you. And orange juice.’ She smiled at him. ‘And can I be really greedy and ask for coffee as well?’ The champagne she’d gulped down was still fizzing through her and she really didn’t want to spend the next day with a hangover. OK, so she was a lightweight, hardly ever drinking more than a single glass of wine; but she didn’t need alcohol to have a good time.

He smiled back at her. ‘Coffee sounds great to me.’

‘And of course I’ll pay my half,’ she added.

He shook his head. ‘My room, my idea and my bill. Don’t argue.’

There wasn’t much she could say to that, unless she offered to treat him some other night. Which would definitely be breaking the rules—by definition, a one-night stand was for one night only. ‘Then thank you,’ she said.

‘You know,’ he said, ‘when I came out tonight, didn’t think I was going to end up sitting in bed with a perfect stranger, eating comfort food. But I’m really glad I met you, Cinders.’
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