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Fortunes' Women: Mistress of Fortune

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His expression became unreadable a moment before he shook his head and pointed to her black suit. “I just figured you’d want to trade your skirt and heels for something more comfortable.”

“There’s no need for you to come back up here. I’ll meet you downstairs in the restaurant,” she said when he turned to leave.

He looked as if he intended to say something. Instead, he gave her a short nod and without another word left the room.

When Sasha heard the outer door close, she finally released the breath she was certain she’d been holding from the moment they’d entered the suite. What on earth had she done? More importantly, why had she let Blake get to her?

She’d had every intention of leaving when they’d walked into the suite. And if she hadn’t let his goading rile her, she’d be on her way to the airfield at that very moment.

But no. She couldn’t leave well enough alone. He’d been so sure of himself, she’d taken up the challenge and had been determined to prove him wrong. Unfortunately, the only thing she’d accomplished was doing what he wanted her to do in the first place—to spend the weekend with him in Deadwood.

Shaking her head, she couldn’t help but wonder what she’d gotten herself into. Or, more importantly, how she was going to get out of it.

The second Sasha stepped off the elevator and walked toward the entrance of the Golden Belle Restaurant, Blake watched several men in the lobby turn to stare at the auburn-haired beauty in the jade silk pantsuit. Her slender body moved with a sensual grace that he found absolutely fascinating and he took a moment to enjoy the view.

Blake was going to enjoy sharing a physical relationship with Sasha. The chemistry between them was utterly amazing. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. And her reaction to his touch, her breathlessness whenever he came near her, indicated that she found him to be every bit as compelling.

But he’d have to be careful not to put too much pressure on her, too soon. He’d have to take his time and romance her in order to prove that whatever Creed had told her about him had been erroneous.

Gritting his teeth at the thought of Creed’s interrupting phone call, Blake had to force himself to calm down. He’d thought that by acting like Creed, it would win her over. But it was clear she was tired of the bulldozer approach to romance.

All Blake had to do was change tactics, turn on the charm and Sasha would be his for the taking. He could be himself and old Creed would take care of the rest. Knowing his half brother the way he did, Blake was confident that Creed would keep reminding her of his suspicions, continue to make phone calls to check up on her and ultimately push her right into Blake’s waiting arms.

He smiled as he watched Sasha standing by the entrance to the restaurant, obviously waiting for him. She was a captivating woman and he wasn’t the only one who thought so. Apparently, the men who had turned to watch her walk across the lobby found her just as mesmerizing. One in particular caught Blake’s attention when the man approached Sasha to strike up a conversation.

For reasons he didn’t care to analyze, a wave of possessiveness shot through Blake and he wasted no time in moving in to stake his claim. “You’re late, sweetheart.” He met the interloper’s curious gaze with a cold smile as he slipped his arm around Sasha’s shoulders. “You’ll have to excuse us. We’re on our way to dinner.” He nodded toward the casino. “And I’m sure you’d like to get back to the action.”

The man returned Blake’s stare for several silent seconds, then lifting the drink he held, he nodded a silent concession. “Have a nice dinner.”

As the man descended the steps into the casino area, Sasha turned on Blake. “Are you always that rude to your guests?”

Sliding his hand down her back to cup her elbow, he steered her back toward the elevators. “Are you in the habit of encouraging men to hit on you?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but all he wanted from me was to see if I knew what time it was,” she said, clearly exasperated.

Blake grunted. “Yeah, and I’m Buffalo Bill Cody.”

When the elevator doors opened, she stopped dead in her tracks. “Why are we going back upstairs? I thought we were going to dinner.”

“We are.” He urged her forward, then pushed the button for the top floor. “I had the staff set up our dinner in my suite.”

“Why?” If her expression was any indication, she was anything but happy about the arrangement and more than a little suspicious of his motives.

“I thought it would give us a chance to talk uninterrupted and catch up on old times,” he said, shrugging.

She looked at him as if she thought he might be a few cards shy of a full deck. “Catch up on old times? Since I started working at Dakota Fortune, we’ve only spoken briefly at the office and a few times at the social functions I’ve attended with Creed.”

His gut burned at the mention of his half brother’s name, but Blake stifled the urge to curse aloud. The success of his mission depended on him keeping a cool head.

When the elevators doors opened, he guided her down the hall toward his suite. “You’re forgetting that we attended the same high school.”

She shook her head. “Don’t feed me that line, Blake Fortune. You didn’t have the slightest notion that I existed back then.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Sasha.” Opening the door to the Admiral’s Suite, Blake stood back for her to enter his private domain. “I would have had to be as blind as a damned bat not to have noticed one of the prettiest girls in school.” He smiled. “And I’ve never had vision problems.”

“Give me a break.” She rolled her eyes. “We had a photography class together for one semester and in that whole time, I don’t remember a single instance of you speaking to me.”

Walking up to stand in front of her, he touched her soft cheek with his index finger. “Believe me, sweetheart, I found out all I could about you after that first day of class. But you were too young for me back then.”

“There’s only … three years difference in our ages.” To his satisfaction, she sounded a little breathless and confirmed his suspicions beyond a shadow of doubt that she was still attracted to him.

Smiling, he shook his head. “I was a typical eighteen-year-old boy with a raging case of hormones. I wanted a whole lot more from a girl than sharing a few chaste kisses. And let’s face it, Sasha, at fifteen that’s all you were ready for.”

“Why are you telling me this now, Blake?” Her confusion was reflected in her luminous green eyes and he didn’t think he’d ever seen her look more desirable.

He was going to enjoy his seduction of Sasha Kilgore. But it was time to back off a little and let her catch up.

Deciding it would be in his best interest to put a little space between them, he guided her over to the table his staff had set up by the window overlooking Deadwood’s historic district below. “I told you. We’re talking about old times, sweetheart.” He held her chair, then seated himself on the opposite side of the small round table. “You were in the chorus weren’t you?”

“Yes, but you weren’t.”

The flicker of the small candle on the table between them brought out the highlights of golden red in her auburn hair, fascinating him. “That doesn’t mean I don’t remember your singing at my graduation.”

“Oh, dear,” she said, her cheeks coloring a pretty pink. “You remember that?”

“It was quite an honor for a freshman to be asked to sing a solo at another class’s graduation,” he said, nodding.

He’d anticipated her wanting to know what he remembered about her and he’d done his homework in advance. Besides thumbing through his high-school annual, Blake had spent several hours trying to think of all the times their paths had crossed during his last year of school.

The color on her cheeks deepened. “Having to perform in front of all those people made me a nervous wreck. That’s when I decided to limit my singing to the shower.”

“That’s a shame. You have a beautiful voice and did a wonderful job with the song.” Reaching across the table, he took her hand in his. “I’d like to hear you sing again sometime, sweetheart.” He smiled and before he could stop himself, he added, “My shower has great acoustics.”

Her eyes widened a moment before anger filled their green depths. “I don’t think so.”

“Never say never, Sasha.”

She pulled her hand from his and, pushing her chair back, rose to her feet. “I don’t know what you’re up to, Blake Fortune. But it’s not going to work.”

Rising to face her, he didn’t think twice about taking her into his arms and drawing her to him. “I’m not up to anything more than having dinner with a beautiful woman that for years, I’ve wanted to get to know better.”

He heard the hitch in her breath a moment before she trembled against him. “Why now? Why after all these years are you—”

“Hush, Sasha.”

Before she had the chance to question him further, Blake lowered his mouth to hers and at the first contact, he felt as if he’d been hit by a bolt of lightning. Nothing could have prepared him for his reaction to the softness of her perfect lips, yielding to the demands of his.

But it was her response that had him hard in less than two seconds flat and forgetting all about slowing things down. Resistant at first, when she melted against him, her fingers curled into the front of his shirt as if she needed to hold on to him to keep from falling at his feet.
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