 Рейтинг: 4.5

Английский язык для медиков: конспект лекций

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mesoderm – мезодерма

neural – нервный

crest – гребень

cartilage – хрящ

fibroblasts – фибробласты

chondroblasts – хондробласты

osteoblasts – остеобласты

paraxial – параксиальный

which – который

may – мочь, может

flat – плоский

bone – кость

to provide – снабжать

protection – защита

long – длинный

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание.

In front

Запомните следующие конструкции, требующие неопределенного артикля.

I have a…

Не has a…

I see a…

I am a…

He is a.

She is a.

This is a.

That is a.

It is a…

There is a.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. We have… big dog… dog is very clever.

2. My friend has… very good computer.

3. This… boy is big. He is… student.

4. There is… very big piano in. hall.

5. This is. tree and that is not… tree. It's. bush.

6. I am… boy. I am… pupil. I learn at… school.

7. My sister is at… work. She is… secretary. She works at… large office.

8. This is… very difficult question. I don't know. answer to it.

9. Do you see… little girl with… big ball in her… hands? She is… pupil of our… school.

10. There was… beautiful flower in this… vase yesterday. Where is … flower now?

Answer the questions.

1. Where the components of the skeletal system are derived from?

2. What do mesenchymal cells differentiate into?

3. What produces connective tissue, cartilage, and bone tissue?

4. What does the splanch nic mesoderm give rise?

5. What does the integument consist of?

6. What is the skeletal system developed from?

7. How many portions is neurocranium divided into?

8. What does the membranous neurocranium consist of?

9. Where does viscerocranium arise primarily?

10. During what week do sclerotome cells migrate?

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