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write – писать, right – правильно, правый.

For an untrained ear, even incomplete homophones can become a problem:

beside – возле, около, besides – кроме того, помимо.

As it is clear from the above information, the main difficulties of translation are homophones, phrasal verbs, idioms, word play. All this can affect the translation and become a fatal mistake.


In my research, I analyzed the topic of errors while translating from English into Russian. The main conclusion is that errors in translation can often be fatal and lead to a distorted perception of information. Details are really important, because the perception of the text can change drastically if you miss something. After reading and learning about the high importance of the details in translation, I hope that translators, even amateurs, will pay more attention to them and translate the text more accurately. I can advise novice specialists to pay attention to phrasal verbs, ambiguous phrases and to use a dictionary of English idioms. In conclusion, I do hope that my work will help novice translators to avoid mistakes.


1. Begin-English. URL: http://begin-english.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

2. Журнальный зал: список изданий. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

3. ИноСМИ. URL: http://inosmi.ru/ (дата обращения: 20.02.2018).

4. Бархударов Л. С. Что нужно знать переводчику // Тетради переводчика. Вып. 15. М., 1978.

5. Рецкер Я. И. Что же такое лексические трансформации? // Тетради переводчика. Вып. 17. М., 1980.

Идеальная школа – миф или реальность?

The Perfect School – Myth or Reality?

Смирнова Мария

ГБОУ города Москвы «Школа № 1575»


Солосина Оксана Анатольевна, учитель английского языка



The problem with “dream schools” is that we think they have to be something that instantly impresses everyone; something difficult to achieve, something that only “the best people” can have, something that everyone wants. However, there may be one college that is the best fit for you, but chances are it will not be “perfect”.

Relevance of the selected topic: Sooner or later, all of us face the issue of choosing school/college/university etc., and there comes the rush and stress of choosing the right one, and of course we want to enter the best of the best, and in this project, I will try to complete the mission.

Purpose: make a booklet “The Perfect School – Myth or Reality” to help students choose an educational institution.

Education is one of the topics of heated discussion nowadays. Everybody has to choose an institution at least twice in their lifetime, but that choice is an important decision and a lot of things depend on it. Therefore, students are often scared of making a wrong decision and do need guidance.

While making my project, I used information from different websites and my own experience. There were plenty of columns and articles on the topic, all the authors had their own points of view. The product we will have at the end is a result of collaboration and careful sorting of data about “The Perfect School – Myth or Reality”.

Main Body

I have divided this project into several sections, each of which tells about characteristics of YOUR perfect school. I am going to break some stereotypes and tell you the truth. I hope all that information will help students to make a mature decision, because entering a good institution is literally 50% of your future success.

Ready to be successful?

What we usually pay attention to:

• The first thing we consider while choosing school, or any institution is its quality, its rating at the state and international levels. Yet if you really want to choose a good one, you should pay attention to details. Have you ever thought what makes the quality of schools higher or lower? We are going to explore this issue.


The most common thing we usually look at while searching schools is a percentage of successfully graduated students. This number also makes the rating of the school. Students must pass tests in certain subjects (the number and kinds of the subjects depend on the school) in order to graduate. State governments and independent groups use the percentages of students who pass the tests to determine school ratings.

Ratings are also affected by the perceived strength of the faculty of the schools and the resources that are available to students.

So, the main definition of school is what kind of students it educates. However, if you are not bright enough, your chances to pass the entry tests for those schools are low.


Obviously we choose a college according to our subject preferences and our profile. You may be more into liberal arts, biology, or technical science, that depends on you. However, there’s a point: we often prefer an institution degree to the more accurate direction of training, and that causes lower productivity and studying unnecessary subjects, which totally puts you on the wrong way.

What do representatives of institutions accentuate while advertising them:

Lately I have visited an event “Presentations of world innovative schools” where the heads of different schools presented their advantages.

Here are the most common points they underlined:

• Educational (Learning), Facilities (laboratories, libraries, halls, campus, technology, accommodation, meals)

• New Learning Methods (Problem method, method of project training, global contexts)

• Socializing (Teamwork, collaboration, etc.)

Dear Ms. Liusvaara,

We are Moscow students you met after the conference “City for Education” on the 8th of September. We had a small talk and you wished us “Be happy and study hard” and we promised to be in touch.

That is why we are writing to you hoping to become friends with your students and teachers.

We officially became an IB School only a year ago and your speech grabbed our attention as we found that we have a lot of things in common. Your school is much more experienced than ours.

We would like to learn how make our school a better one by communicating with you and your students.

We are 4-year MYP students and we would like to communicate with our peers, share the experience and master skills of IB students.

In the enclosed pictures, you will see our smiling faces.

Looking forward to your answer.
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