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Roger the Bold: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico

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Not one of the Aztecs understood his words, but all heard his shout; and when they saw their young leader throw himself impetuously on the Spaniards with his sword, they gathered together and rushed forward with their lances. At the same time those who had been trained to follow in rear of the men who held the lances dashed through the gaps in their ranks, and fell upon the enemy furiously; indeed, never before had the Spaniards met with such fierce opposition or such strenuous attack. On former occasions their numerous allies had been able to help them, for they had an unbounded faith in their masters, just as the Mexicans had in Roger. But these new methods of warfare astounded and disheartened them, and the shafts from the crossbows did the rest. They retreated early in the encounter, leaving the Spaniards to themselves. Then the lance-bearers amongst Cortes' men gave way, leaving only the swordsmen. It was an opportunity, and Roger and his men took it.

"Coming!" shouted Philip, as he saw his friend dash out against the head of the enemy. "Now, into their very centre!"

He flung his men on the flank of the swordsmen, and combining with Roger's part, caused the Spaniards to stagger. A number fell, pierced by the lances; then the remainder turned and attempted to flee. But the active natives were on them promptly, and of the number who had advanced at a run to the attack, only a few returned to their friends; the rest were slain, and lay where they fell.

"Let the men retire!" said Roger to Teotlili, as his lancemen began to gather together again, looking as if they would like to push on to the camp of the enemy. "Tell them to get behind the wall again, and wait for orders. These trained bands are too valuable to have their lives thrown away."

Accordingly the Mexican noble whistled shrilly, and very soon all were back behind the wall. But their feelings now were very different. They had, for the very first time since they had met with the Spaniards, defeated them in the open, and their jubilation was great.

"Truly the manœuvre was well planned and most effective," said Teotlili, as he came to Roger's side. "The king was looking at us as we fought, and his messenger has just come with his thanks."

"Then tell him that we must fail next time," answered Roger, calmly. "The enemy will bring up all their strength, and we shall be forced to give way. But we can renew the conflict elsewhere. Let him keep that in mind, and not show displeasure or disappointment if we are beaten. And, Teotlili – "

"What next, my lord?"

"Make complete arrangements for the retirement of the men. Some must take to the boats, while others can run by means of the aqueduct. All the crossbow-men are to retire last, and are to harass the enemy as they go. They can lie off in the canoes and fire from the water."

The Mexicans made the most of the lull in the fighting, and whilst the Spaniards gathered in their camp, discussing the unexpected turn of events, Roger and his friends perfected their arrangements for retirement, for it was clear to all that prolonged resistance could not be offered. And, indeed, they soon had cause to congratulate themselves on their caution; for Cortes was roused by the failure of his attack, and within an hour he sent his complete force against the wall, some seven hundred Spaniards attacking with unparalleled fury. Roger and his command resisted with determination, and held the wall till it was obvious that further delay would be disastrous. Then Teotlili put his fingers to his lips and sounded a shrill whistle.

"That is the signal," he said, "and the men with the lances are even now retiring by the aqueduct. We will give them a little while, and then the others can go."

"But we must beat the enemy back before they move!" exclaimed Roger. "For otherwise they would be in our ranks before we were clear. Let them collect here, and we will dash out at them with a hundred lances."

Again the prudence of their young English leader helped the Mexicans, and when the call came for a hundred of the lancemen to stay, a thousand eagerly offered their services. However, Teotlili soon picked out a chosen band, while the others retired swiftly, and without being seen. Then the crossbow-men were ordered to increase their fire, till the attackers were confused.

"Now we will charge," said Roger, placing himself at the head of the men. "Once we have met them, let every one turn and run as you give the signal."

Half an hour later the whole command was back in Mexico, very few men having been lost, while the Spaniards had had numbers killed or wounded, and their native allies had suffered heavily. Then for an hour the crossbow-men kept up a stinging fire, while the enemy destroyed the landward end of the aqueduct.

"It is a misfortune which cannot be helped," said Teotlili, as he watched the process of destruction, "and it would have been better for us had the people taken your advice, and sent all the women and children away to the hills. But the times are strange ones. We of Mexico have many enemies, and it is likely that our womenkind might fall amongst those who are unfriendly. Still, their presence here adds to the mouths to be filled, and to the numbers requiring water. For that we must rely upon the large storage tanks which we have constructed. And now, my lord, what arrangements shall be made with regard to the brigantines?"

They went in search of Peter Tamworth, while their look-outs posted on the summit of every temple sent them word of the movements of the enemy. And very soon they learned that the brigantines were afloat in the lake, and were to be expected very soon.

"Then, we will send out a fleet to meet them," said Roger, with decision. "I grant that our chances are not very great, but it happens that there is very little wind, and in a light breeze our small canoes can paddle faster than one of these Spanish vessels, while our new craft can sail with them, at least, if they cannot outstrip them. We will try what huge numbers and a fierce attack will do."

"And meanwhile I will communicate the news which has just reached me," said Teotlili. "Our scouts and spies have obtained full information of the movements of the enemy, and of their method of attack. He is a crafty man, this Malinché, and he is closing a huge net about us. Already he has marched his men completely round the lake, and now he has divided them into three divisions."

"An arrangement which we have foreseen," Roger reminded him. "We are prepared for combined attack from three or more quarters, and for one from the lake side itself."

"Then these are the commanders and their positions, the information being reliable. Pedro de Alvarado will go to Tlacuba, which lies close to the post which we have just defended, and is at the end of the shorter causeway. He commands thirty horsemen, some twenty with crossbow or musket, and twenty thousand native allies. In addition, he will have one hundred and fifty soldiers armed with sword and buckler.

"Cristoval de Olid has a force of like proportions, except that he will command more of the allies, and he will take post at Cuyoacan, a town at the entrance of a second short causeway, and one which runs to the main causeway outside the city.

"Gonzalo de Sandoval will take charge of the third force, and will have as many as thirty thousand allies, and Spaniards equal in numbers to the other commanders, only fifty of his swordsmen will be picked soldiers, who are to act as a bodyguard to Malinché when he joins the troops. But we shall see, my lord. It may be that a bodyguard even will be unable to protect them. This third force will go to Iztapalapa, and march on to the main causeway, where they will fight their way, with the object of coming to the junction of the smaller causeway and there meeting their friends under De Olid. They will be supported by the brigantines, which will have all the sailors aboard, as well as fighting men, and will be commanded by Malinché himself."

"Then we must make a special effort against them," said Roger. "As to the junction being formed, that is a matter which we must put a stop to. We must do all that we can to delay the advance, and, if possible, we must lure the attacking divisions on singly, so as to destroy them one by one."

The plans of the Spaniards needed a large amount of consideration on the part of the Mexicans, and Roger and the king, with Teotlili and other nobles, spent many hours in discussing the means of defence. That Cortes had made clever arrangements for the siege and taking of the city could not be denied, and his first action had shown his astuteness; for he had cut off the water supply, well knowing that the resistance of the Mexicans depended largely on this. Then, too, his decision to assail the city from three separate points at one and the same time was a wise one, for thereby he engaged every one of the defenders, and none could rest. This in itself was a serious matter, for though the Mexican numbers were huge, their whole force would be compelled to remain alert, if not actually engaged, ready to reinforce any part specially threatened. The troops under Cortes, on the other hand, were even more numerous, and some could rest while their comrades were fighting; for the causeways gave limited space, and it was impossible for all to come to close quarters with the enemy.

As to the points from which his attacks were to be launched, they were undoubtedly the best under the circumstances, though, had he wished, he could have selected a fourth, thereby launching his men along each end of the main causeway, and by each one of the branches which led into it. But he was too astute to block up the path of retreat. He recognised that even with all his allies he had an enormous host to contend with, and that all were filled with desperation and determination. His spies had told him that, and also that amongst the allies who had come into the city there were some who, like those outside, might in time waver. It would be wise policy to give them a free outlet to escape, and thereby reduce the numbers of the defenders. And to further this solution he took care to send messages to these friends of the Mexicans, offering every inducement to cause them to waver in their allegiance.

His arrangements made, as Teotlili had correctly reported, Cortes no sooner saw the aqueduct destroyed, than he sent his divisions to their posts, and caused the brigantines to be floated. A glance at the plan of Mexico will show the camps of the Spaniards, and the reader will be able to see the construction of the causeways. One running directly from shore to shore, through the heart of the city, while a second – that by which Pedro de Alvarado was to force an entrance – cut out from the shore to what might be described as the back of Mexico. For this fine city was situated at one end of the lake, within easy distance of the shore to which the causeways connected it, while its face might be said to look out to the vast expanse of salt lake on which the brigantines had just been floated. And these latter could attack this side alone and the long causeway running through the heart of the city, for the latter presented a barrier through which only canoes could pass. There were three other causeways or viaducts, one of which De Olid was to march by, while the other two were small and insignificant, and ran from the north-western shore.

A few words will describe the preparations of the defenders, many carried out at the suggestion of Roger. Numerous breaches had been constructed along the causeways, planks being left for the use of the Mexicans. Then barricades had been built of sun-dried bricks at the back of these breaches, and crossbow shafts piled there, with an ample supply of lances and other weapons. Canoes lay on either side, ready to hamper the attackers in every possible manner, while all carried long poles with hooks at the end.

It must not be imagined that the Mexicans allowed each party to fight independent of the others, for to have done so would have led to early disaster; but, as Cortes had anticipated, they held a huge force in reserve, and their operations were directed from the central and tallest tower of all from the summit of which all the causeways, the lake, and, in fact, the whole fighting arena, could be seen. Thus prepared, with a store of water and of food, and with arrangements made whereby fresh provisions were brought in from the northern shore by canoe or by the open causeway every day, the Mexicans, with their gallant young king and Roger at their head, looked for the coming of the enemy, and particularly for the sailing of the fleet of brigantines. Nor had they long to wait, for by now the canal which Cortes had caused to be dug at Tezcuco was completed and joined to the lake, and very soon the brigantines were floating on the surface of the vast basin, at the far corner of which was situated the city of Mexico. Then the report came that their masts were erected, and soon they were steering down the lake, propelled by a light breeze.

"There is a stir in the camps of the enemy also," said Teotlili, receiving a message from one of the look-outs. "Our men are prepared on the causeways, and we are expecting attack."

"Then we will set out in the canoes as soon as the brigantines are within a few leagues," answered Roger. "I will go now to the port and prepare to sail."

An hour later he, with Philip to keep him company, set foot on one of the bulky craft constructed of several canoes, and put off from Mexico. They were followed by Peter and a host of the Mexicans, some in the larger craft which were propelled by sails, and more in the single canoes urged by means of paddles. The whole fleet steered from the city towards the enemy, and met them some three leagues away, where they lay, the brigantines swaying to and fro, their canvas flapping idly, for there was now no wind at all.

"Nothing could be more favourable," exclaimed Roger. "We will attack at once, and before they get a breeze to help them."

The cotton sheets which were hoisted aboard the larger craft were lowered, and paddles seized. Then the fleet of canoes dashed forward, forty or more making for each brigantine.


A Fleet of Brigantines

Boom! A cannon-shot thundered from the nearest brigantine, and a ball ploughed its way through the very heart of the fleet of Mexican canoes. Boom! a second shot rang out, and was followed by a fusillade, which was helped from each one of the ships.

"Forward!" called out Teotlili, who was with Roger and Philip. "Take no heed of their shot, but close in and scramble aboard. Our numbers will overwhelm them."

"Shout to the men to separate," called out Roger; "then there will be less chance of being hit. Now, push on. A breeze would ruin our chances."

"And one is coming, my leader," said Peter, mournfully, pointing to the sky. "There is wind there, and it will fill the sails before we can get to this fleet. They are a long cannon-shot from us yet, and there is time for them to gather way. Better perhaps to retire."

"Better to risk disaster than do that," exclaimed Roger, sharply. "To retire would be to dishearten the men. Forward! We will make a brave attempt to capture them."

He urged the rowers to get the bulky craft ahead of the others, and, thanks to the fact that more than thirty were plying the paddles, the boat shot ahead and took the lead. Then Roger pointed to the largest of the brigantines.

"Run us aboard that," he said in peremptory tones, "and, Philip, prepare to follow me over the side. The natives will come after us willingly, and with a rush we may capture the craft. Now, push on, push on!"

His eye shifted from the brigantines to the sky, and back to the surface of the lake. It was ruffled already, he noticed, and the large, flapping sails of the enemy's fleet flapped louder still, while some bellied. It was a question of time, he knew, for if the brigantines could get the wind, and a good one, too, they could sail away from the canoes, could circle round them, and deluge the Mexicans with shot. Worse still, these bulky vessels, the like of which had never appeared on the lake before in the memory of man, would, if they were sailed boldly down upon the canoes of the Mexicans, overwhelm them, and ride over them as if they were straws floating in the water. It was a race, and Roger and his men made strenuous efforts to win it.

"They are off. Look at their sails. They are under way! Master Roger, 'twould be better to beat a retreat."

Peter took him by the sleeve, but our hero shook him off.

"We have men to spare, even if the whole fleet be sunk," he said, "and at this stage of the battle it is better to risk all than to set a bad example. Let us show the Spaniards that we will not be conquered without a struggle. Come, take the tiller, and set us aboard."

He was inflexible now that he had given his orders, and, come what might, was determined to give battle to the enemy.

"It may seem unwise," he said to himself over and over again, "but it is a necessary act, I am sure. Besides, if we could cripple one of the brigantines only it would be something gained, even at the cost of thousands of lives. And, if the wind is really coming steadily, they would be after us if we retired, and would treat us just as badly as they can do now. No. Attack is the only thing for us, and we will see it through."

By now the two fleets were rapidly approaching one another – the Spaniards moving slowly through the water, with their sails only half filled, while the Mexican fleet advanced at a swifter pace, propelled by paddles. Those who were free to do so answered the cannon-shots with shouts and shrill whistles, while every canoe showed a number of dusky figures brandishing their arms. Occasionally a shot would strike one of the tiny craft, and she would sink at once, the occupants swimming away to others, or turning their heads toward the city. Roger hardly noticed these, however. His eye was fixed upon the large brigantine, which he was determined to capture. And those aboard her evidently saw his object, for they trained a gun upon him and took careful aim.
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