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Something About You

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Tayler crossed her arms. “Because we waited up for you, that’s why.”

Stumped, Kyla glanced around the room. They’d never waited up for her before. “Is something wrong?” she asked.

Rita walked in from the back hall, clearing her throat and looking in Tayler’s direction. Something was going on.

“No, everything’s okay. Rollin just wanted to talk to you, but it can wait until around lunch,” Tayler answered, after she glanced over at Rita.

Kyla glanced from Tayler to Rita, who had started humming as she loaded the dishwasher. “Okay, I’ll look for him.”

“Well, breakfast is over and the guests are waiting on the front porch, so you’d better get going,” Tayler said, walking over to help Rita clean the kitchen.

“Okay.” Kyla decided to play along. Tayler had never rushed her out of the house before. She left the kitchen and grabbed the clipboard from the hall with the names of all the guests for today. She walked out the back door shaking her head. Those ladies are up to something.

Kevin had the truck parked in its usual spot and was currently sweeping the bed with a broom.

“What we got this morning?” he asked as Kyla approached.

She read through the list then tossed the clipboard into the passenger’s seat.

Kevin secured the broom under the seats and jumped down from the truck bed as she climbed up, taking her seat on the bench below the rear window.

“Let’s get this show on the road,” he said before climbing into the truck and starting it up.

They drove to the front of the house to pick up the guests, and Kyla jumped down the minute Kevin stopped. She lowered the back step to help an elderly couple who’d been with them a week now.

Kyla was on autopilot—until the front door opened and an unexpected guest walked out.

Every muscle in her body stiffened as Miles Parker stepped out the front door ahead of Rollin. They shook hands before Rollin walked off and Miles strolled toward the truck. Kyla took a long, deep breath to slow her racing heartbeat and regain control of her senses. What was he doing here? Now she understood the strangeness in the kitchen earlier.

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