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The Merlin Conspiracy

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“Yes,” I said.

“And a plumb ignorant one too,” he grumbled. “Fancy not knowing – Well, your centre is here!”

He plunged towards me and took me completely by surprise by jabbing me hard just under my breastbone. What with that, and the blast of alcohol that came with the jab, I went staggering backwards into the rocks on the other side of the path. He overbalanced. He snatched at my knees as he went down, missed, and ended in a heap by my feet. The blue light seemed to splash all over the ground. Then it climbed one of his arms and settled on his shiny wet shoulder.

“Polar sexus,” he said sadly. “That’s where it is, polar sexus.”

“Are you hurt?” I asked.

He raised his soaking grey head. “There is,” he said, “a special angel appointed to watch over those under the inkerfluence of eight over the one. That, young man, is why I had to imbibe before coming here. It all hangs together. Now do you understand how to summon light?”

“No,” I said frankly.

“Don’t you even know where your solar plexus is?” he demanded.

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