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A Special Kind Of Family

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“Yeah!” He bounced a little more than was warranted by Rob’s long strides. “Mama’s been bakin’ and cookin’ all day long, and I’ve been a’ helpin’.”

Rob grinned, surmising that cooking help from a four-year-old would not make work easier.

Betty held the door open for them while, with her free arm, she scooped up the two-year-old trying to get outside. “This isn’t too much of an inconvenience, is it?”

“I’m not the best cook in the world, Betty, but I do drive. This way we pool our strengths.”

She smiled up at him, probably not realizing he’d provided the first meal. “I love cooking, and it’s little more time-or energy-consuming to make double of everything. So,” she continued with a sweeping gesture toward countertops covered with food, “our dinner and theirs came out at the same time.”

“Wow! Even pineapple upside-down cake for dessert!”

“It’s Paul’s favorite, and I don’t make it as often as I should. He’ll enjoy some when he gets home tonight.”

It took two trips for Rob to get everything to his car, and he was just starting up the front walk at Gram’s with his first armload when Vanessa pulled up. “You’re getting enough practice as a delivery-man to hang out your shingle,” she greeted, walking toward him as he waited. “If you need a reference, I’m available.”

It’s not as a reference I wish you were available! But he had no right to think such a thing—was almost shocked that he had. “Miz Aggie beat you to it, for she’s the one who told Betty. It’s a lot easier for me to bring this than for her, with her three little ones, especially since the baby has an ear infection.”

She nodded, then glanced back toward the car. “Is there more?”

“Mm-hmmm, but I’ll come back for it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. All I have to carry is this,” she said, raising her calfskin attaché case a few inches.

“Okay, you asked for it.” He handed her the box he’d been carrying. “I’ll bring the hot things.”

He’d expected her to go on, but was inordinately pleased when she waited for him to pick up the even larger, towel-covered box and push the car door shut with his hip. He came back toward her, going slowly enough to enjoy watching as she gracefully walked up the steps in front of him.

Kate met them at the door, offering to take part of the load, but Vanessa shook her head. “Things are well balanced weight-wise, and might shift if anything’s removed.”


“No, thanks. This is more bulky than heavy.”

Jana and Ricki came running down the wide, carpeted stairs, so everyone was soon in the kitchen. Vanessa placed a hand on Mrs. Redding’s shoulder as she picked up her sweater. “Stay and eat with us, Gin.”

“That’s not necessary, dear. Really.” She took another step toward the back door. “I’m glad to help out…you don’t need to feed me.”

“Of course you’ll stay. We enjoyed having you and Rob with us before, and want very much for you to do it again.”

Gin looked at him with uncertainty, so for her sake as much as his—at least he told himself that—he grinned at her, then Vanessa. “You’ve talked us into it.”

This could become addictive, he told himself later, as the conversations swirled around him. Then he pulled himself up short, both physically, by sitting straighter in his chair, and psychologically. He’d been talking a lot, but now paid more attention to everyone else at the table.

Gin said Gram called late in the afternoon to report that the therapists not only had her out of bed, but took her by wheelchair to Rehab, where they had her try to walk with the parallel bars.

AnnaMae looked appalled. “How did she make out?”

“She said it was awful!” Gin made a face. “She tried real hard, but only managed a few steps. She hopes it will go better tomorrow.”

They talked about that, then about various things Phyl Bastian had discussed with the older three that day. Jana, who’d chattered most of the time the previous evening, said very little, and Barb was noticeably silent, toying with her food but eating little, and not looking anyone in the eye.

Vanessa must have noticed, too, for several times Rob saw her throwing worried, or at least concerned glances in that direction. She asked no questions, but when the phone rang as they were eating dessert, he thought that Barb’s expression betrayed panic as Vanessa left the table.

She relaxed with Vanessa’s first words, “Hi, Keith, how’s that wonderful baby and her mom?” She was smiling at his answer and said she was pleased Katherine slept six hours during the night. Then, her back to those at the table, her voice became lower, words indistinct.

Everyone was too quiet, so he asked Gin about someone at church, and tried to draw the girls into conversation. Vanessa, coming back to her seat, said Keith had gone in to see Gram for a short visit, and from there the talk drifted naturally in other directions.

Gin finally said she must go, which seemed his cue to leave also.

Barb had not said a word.

Vanessa checked homework while the rest of them cleared away things from dinner. She didn’t feel like working on GED material, so was relieved to learn that Aunt Phyl had done some of it with them in the late morning. She agreed with Ricki’s suggestion that if they got through the next three pages, then into pajamas and robes in time, they could join the younger two for a TV special. After all, it was Friday—and apparently Gram permitted them to sleep in Saturday mornings.

While the girls watched TV, Vanessa phoned her parents’ house to speak to her mother about Barb. Her father usually wasn’t the one to answer when she called, but this time he seemed cheerful and talkative, so she spent four or five minutes with him before asking to talk with her mother. Paula stated that preliminary notifications had been made to the authorities, and she was hoping for some sort of response soon.

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