5. These are pictures.
6. Those arе bags.
7. These are crayons (цветной карандаш, мелок).
8. These are lectures (лекция).
Say as questions (вопрос).
This is а desk (письменный стол). Is this a desk?
These are our tickets. Are these our tickets?
1. These are watches (наручные часы).
2. This is a spoon.
3. This is а portrait (портрет).
4. These are glasses (стакан, бокал, фужер, рюмка).
5. This is his box.
6. This is a plate (тарелка).
7. These are knives (нож).
8. These are our trunks (чемодан).
9. These are pictures on the wall (стена).
10. These are forks (вилка).
Say with not, please.
Example: This is а desk. This is not a desk.
These are tables. These are not tables.
1. This is a cupboard (посудный шкаф).
2. This is a cat on the chair (стул).
3. These are saucers (блюдце).
4. Those are rings (кольцо).
5. Those are ear-rings (серьги).
6. This is a car in the street.
7. These are sauce-pans (кастрюля).
8. These are bags (сумка, чемодан).
Please, look through the following examples.
Pattern 1 (Образец 1): My – mine
Differentiate (различать) between «my’ and «mine’. The pronoun «my’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: my book. «Mine’ is used with no noun after it: a book of mine.
This is my box. This box is mine (мой).
These are my bохеs. These bохеs are mine.
That is my umbrella (зонтик). That umbrella is mine.
Those are my umbrellas. Those umbrellas are mine.
Translate, please
Это моя шляпа. Эта шляпа моя.
Это (these are) мои билеты. Эти билеты мои.
Тот – мой шейный платок (scarf). Тот шейный платок мой.
Те – мои теплые шарфы (muffler). Те теплые шарфы мои.
Это мой дом. Этот дом мой
Это мои отметки (mark). Эти отметки мои.
Тот – мой стол. Тот стол мой.
Те – мои принадлежности (belongings). Те принадлежности мои.
Pattern 2: Your – yours
Differentiate (различать) between «your’ and «yours’. «Your’ is used with a noun (существительное) after it: your book. «Yours’ is used with no noun after it: a book of mine.
This is your box. This box is yours.
These are your books. These books are yours.