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All Quiet on the Western Front / На Западном фронте без перемен. Книга для чтения на английском языке

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He nods. ‘That’s true, and I have to make sure they’ve got enough to eat.’

We all laugh. ‘There won’t be any problem there, Kat, you’d just requisition something.’

Muller is hungry and says he still isn’t satisfied with the answers. He shakes Haie Westhus out of his daydreams of beating up Himmelstoss. ‘Haie, what would you do if the war ended?’

‘What he ought to do is kick your arse from here to kingdom come[120 - kick your arse from here to kingdom come (разг.) – всыпал бы тебе по заднице по первое число] for talking about that sort of thing here,’ I put in. ‘Where did you get the idea anyway?’

‘Where do the flies go in winter?[121 - Where do the flies go in winter? – ответ на вопрос «Откуда?» – «От верблюда» (досл. «Оттуда, где мухи зимуют»)]’ is Muller’s brief answer before he turns to Haie Westhus again.

Haie is suddenly finding it all a bit difficult. He puts his freckled head in his hands: ‘You mean, when there isn’t any more war?’

‘Dead right.[122 - Dead right (разг.) – Точно] You’ve got it in one.[123 - You’ve got it in one (прост.) – В яблочко]’

‘Then there’d be women around again, wouldn’t there?’ Haie licks his lips.

‘That as well.’

‘Christ almighty,’ says Haie, and his expression softens, ‘the first thing I’d do is pick myself up some strapping great bint[124 - strapping great bint (прост.) – крепкая бабенка]

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