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The White Widow’s Revenge

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Help out, will you? he said.

Shimmer joined him, fastening her beak on the bolt as well. Together they succeeded in moving it across.

Lydia, it’s open! Caw shouted, forgetting for a moment that he was talking in crow.

But his friend must have heard the sound of the bolt shifting. The hatch swung open from above, and she grinned down. “Nice work, guys!”

Caw flew out on to the roof, and landed next to his motionless human form. He concentrated hard on letting his aura split from Screech’s and wobbled slightly as he reassumed his normal body.

Screech blinked then pecked him on the ear lightly. You got me all dirty.

“Sorry,” said Caw. “And thank you.”

Lydia started to climb down the ladder into the service stairwell. Caw followed her, instructing all the crows to stay on the roof apart from Glum, Screech and Shimmer.

At the bottom they came to a plain metal door. Caw turned the handle slowly and opened it up a crack. The corridor on the other side took him by surprise.

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