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Last Chance For Baby

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The falsely cheerful tone of her voice didn’t fool Raoul. Though she was plainly in better health today, there was a distinct tension in her body and face.

The snow that had fallen during the night made the footing treacherous, and Raoul put a hand on Julia’s elbow. Fortunately, the winding, snow-lined streets of the neighborhood had already been tended by city employees, making them safe to drive now that the storm had blown over.

When they reached the car he held up the key once more. “Do you wish to drive, or shall I?”

Again, surprise registered in her hazel-gold eyes. “Er…no, go ahead.”

There were so many mysteries about Julia. Raoul shook his head as he closed the passenger door and crossed to the driver’s side of the vehicle. In Washington they had shared a great passion—an uncomplicated passion in many ways. Though he’d sensed deeper currents within his mischievously sensual lover, they’d been well protected.

“Tell me something about the people at Kane Haley, Inc.,” he asked, deciding it was a safe topic, and might help Julia relax. “I’ve met a few, and reviewed the employee records, but that’s all.”

“Well, Margaret Steward is Kane’s administrative assistant. She’s extremely competent and knows the company from top to bottom. She’s great to go to when you have questions or problems. Matthew Holder and Jennifer Martin just got married and they have a baby, but she’s out on maternity leave. Sharon Davies recently married Jack Waterton, who’s one of our big clients. Sharon and I’ve been….” At the swift intake of Julia’s breath, Raoul glanced at her and saw she was more tense than ever.


“N-nothing. You know Kane, of course.”

“We met when I was attending the Sorbonne.”

“You didn’t go to Oxford?” Julia turned in her seat, nervously adjusting the seat belt over her waist. “I thought it was the school of choice for wealthy Middle-Eastern families.”

“I did attend university in England. But as a compromise to Grand-mère, my post-graduate studies were completed in France at the Sorbonne.”

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