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The Father of Her Son

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“Now I’m insulted!”

His laughter was disarming. “Kelly, I’ve never met a more independent or resilient woman than you. Now, how about some lunch before we tackle the rest of the zoo?”

Matt jumped up and down. “I want a hot dog, French fries and a root beer.”


Evan reached for Kelly’s hand, and the gesture was clearly impulsive because he let his hand drop at the surprise she felt fill her face.

Instead he ruffled Matt’s hair. “There’s a concession stand down this path. One hot dog, coming up.”

He fell into step beside her while Matt ran ahead, then tracked back to them. “I hope you are enjoying yourself as much as I am.”

“Actually, I didn’t realize how much I needed to take a day off. I have to admit you had a good idea.”

“I find it comfortable being with you. I like this.” The sweeping gesture of his hands indicated the three of them and their surroundings.

“Well, I don’t want you or Matt getting the wrong impression.”

He frowned. “Don’t tell me you are going to launch...”

She held up a hand. “Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate your friendship. More than you can imagine.”

“But we can only be friends because you don’t date?”


“Kelly, you really do not have to reiterate that fact every time we meet. I heard you the first, second, third and the millionth time. I get it. But I like you. I like Matt. I’m hoping we can be friends. And friends spend time with each other. Can you tolerate that?”

They reached the concession stand. Oblivious to their conversation, Matt pointed to the picture of an ice-cream cone plastered on a poster near the ordering window.

“Can I get one, Mom?”

She paused to read the brief menu on the board. “Let’s eat our lunch first and see how we feel afterward.”

Evan nudged her. “Does the same answer apply to my question?”

She laughed. “No, Evan. I can answer you right off. I am happy to be your friend. Thank you for understanding.” She chuckled. “I can tell you that my gal friends will be green with envy.”

“So will the guys in the newsroom.”


He looked dismayed at her surprise. “Kelly, your male patrons think you are a hotter item than, oh, say, your Friday Special.”

She laughed. “Given how much you like that Reuben sandwich, I’m flattered.” When she was with Evan, she laughed often. She liked that.

Matt had ordered his hot dog, Evan seconded the order. She asked for a knish with mustard and a bottled water. Kelly was acutely aware that Evan watched her as she spoke. Goodness, his grin was like a physical touch. She could see how women fell for him and sent a grateful prayer skyward that she had already set the boundaries between them. The last thing she wanted was to be another notch on his bedpost.

They stayed at the zoo until closing time at five-thirty. Traffic back into Manhattan wasn’t too bad for a Sunday. Matt turned on the small television in the limo and promptly fell asleep, sprawled on the cushions along the side lounge. Kelly and Evan sat on either side of the backseat. Despite the arm’s length between them, no matter how much she tried, Kelly could not ignore the pull Evan’s body had on hers. Never mind how good Evan looked in a business suit during the week—now in jeans and a black T-shirt with sleeves pulled across well-formed biceps, his dark hair pushed back and almost too long on his neck, the scent of his skin rising on the air between them, Kelly had to swallow a few times to reel herself in. His strong hand lay palm down on his thigh. She couldn’t even look at his hand without remembering that he had reached for hers earlier—and how nice it would have been to slide her hand into his, just once.

Evan had become quiet, staring out the window. His profile, strong and kind and appealing, tugged at her as well, especially because he appeared so relaxed. He had been wonderful with Matt today, matching that small boy’s energy moment for moment. The proof lay in the fact that Matt lay sleeping when usually he’d still be bouncing around the limo. If Evan wasn’t such an ambitious man, one who took conquering the world as a sport and winning hearts as a hobby, she might actually consider him as a keeper one day. But no. She already knew what happened at the hands of a man who knew no boundaries.

While as a lover, she could never truly relax with Evan, as a friend it was abundantly clear that she could rely on him. He’d already proven himself in that arena with Matt and his constant presence. She was okay with accepting the man’s limitations. Besides, by the time she was ready to date, she’d want a nice simple man with a good sense of humor and a strong heart, with eyes only for her. She could wait for that day because in the meantime she had so much more to do.

* * *

CAUGHT IN HIS own thoughts about how perfectly the afternoon had passed with Kelly and Matt, it took a moment before the heat of Kelly’s stare penetrated Evan’s awareness. The way her brow, lightly dusted with freckles, furrowed in concentration betrayed how she was battling with thoughts of her own. Wouldn’t it be great if she was rethinking her stance on their friendship-only status? He liked the fit of Kelly and Matt in his world. He hadn’t realized how much he missed creating his own family life until spending time with these two. He smiled when he realized she was unaware that she was staring at him.

He turned his full focus on her. “Penny for your thoughts, Red?”

Ever the body language reader, he didn’t miss the fact that she took time to clear her throat, which meant that she was stealing a precious moment to regroup.

She leaned toward him. “Actually, I wanted to ask your advice about something.”

He turned his body to face her. “If I can help, I will.”

She leaned back, but kept her voice low. “I have a brother who is a priest.”

He smiled. “I know. You’ve told me.”

She looked at her hands. “That’s right. I forgot. Well, it seems Michael has found himself shepherding a new flock of parishioners in Brooklyn.”

“That’s terrific, Kelly. You must be happy to have family here.”

She released a sigh. “Yes, and no.”

“What do you mean?”

Kelly glanced at Matt to reassure herself he was asleep. “Until yesterday, Michael did not know about Matt. No one in Ireland does. And worse, Matt knows nothing about my family.”

A soft whistle escaped his lips. “My God, Kelly. How did you pull that one off?”

She shrugged. “It’s probably been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Until recently, we had Herby George. Everyone else who knows me lives in Ireland. The distance makes it easier. Having Matt out of wedlock, I knew my parents would never accept him. I decided not to expose my son or myself to their disapproval. I keep communications with Ireland short and sweet.”

Along with the barrage of questions that rose in his mind, a swell of new respect for this woman’s indomitable spirit filled him. He hoped she could see admiration reflected in his eyes. The questions could wait. He didn’t want to raise Kelly’s defenses with an interrogation.

She tilted her head, as if trying to read him. “Why are you shaking your head?”

He wanted to reach for her, but refrained. Instead he pressed his back against the limo wall. “Because you truly amaze me, Kelly. You are like a lioness with her cub. I’d love to do a news piece on you.”

Horror rose in her eyes. “Never, Evan! Don’t even think something like that.”

He held up his hand. “Easy, girl. It’s just a statement of my admiration for you.”

She settled back into her seat. “Okay.”

He watched her struggle, as if she wanted to say something. “Kelly. When it comes to you, I feel like that gorilla in the zoo pounding my chest to protect you.”
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