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A Man to Believe In

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She looked at his outstretched hand before finally grasping it across the table. “Cassie Michaels. A pleasure to meet you.”

He glanced over her shoulder to see Cassie’s mother watching them. Amusement crossed her face. He returned his attention to Cassie. “Let me add that I am delighted to learn that you are one of my new colleagues. My job prospects look brighter.”

She laughed. “And I have no doubt your charming self will do nothing but improve the emergency department.”

“Why thank you.” He paused. “Oh, and did I tell you that you and your mother look identical?”

She smiled. “So we’ve been told.”

“You are beautiful women.”

She pointed at him. “You are flirting again.”

He ducked his head. “Sorry.”

She nodded. “Now, that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s plan for me to pick you up at seven thirty on Monday.”

“I’ll be ready. As for your friend, Brian?”

She pulled out her phone and pressed speed dial.

“Brian, hello.”

The waitress brought their plates. Peter waited while Cassie spoke.

“Hey, the new hire arrived early. He needs a place to live. Is your duplex ready yet?”

She smiled at Peter as she listened. Nodding, she said, “When can I send him by?” She listened more as Brian spoke. “Okay. We’re at the pancake house. Sounds great. Bye.”

She disconnected the call. “He’s in his car now. He’s going to stop in and show you pictures. If you like it, you can take a look. Does that work?”

“Wow. That’s perfect.”

They were halfway through breakfast when Brian appeared. Peter liked him immediately. Brian had a ready smile and a firm handshake. His dark, gray-streaked hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Brian reminded him of a friend he’d known in Los Angeles.

When he sat, Cassie reached over to kiss him on the cheek. “Brian, meet Peter, my new coworker. Peter, meet Brian. We’ve been friends since kindergarten, when I tried to kiss him and he ran away from me.”

Brian laughed. “Cassie has a way with introductions, eh?” He teased, but affection lit his face. He gestured to Peter’s eye. “What happened?”

Cassie interrupted, laughter in her voice. “He met his first deer.”

Brian shook his head. “Sometimes I think deer are not so gentle and play games like ‘chicken’ by running in the street to ambush drivers.”

Laughing, Peter held Cassie’s gaze. “I was definitely distracted by the wildlife.”

Cassie’s eyes narrowed playfully. She didn’t seem to mind that small flirt.

Brian said, “I hear you’re from California. Welcome to Montauk.”

“I’m happy to be here. Great town.”

“You’re looking for a place to live.”

“As soon as possible. I’m anxious to settle in.”

“Well, I own a sweet colonial I’ve renovated as a duplex. The bottom-floor apartment is ready.”

If he didn’t have to search for a place, life would be so much easier. “I’m interested in seeing it.”

Brian pulled out his cell phone. “I have pictures.” He handed Peter his phone. “The home used to belong to the oldest living man in Montauk. I’ve known him since I was a kid cutting his lawn, and I took care of him when he got older. He had no family and left his estate to me.” Brian shrugged. “I was pretty touched since I loved the old guy.”

Cassie added, “The house is in a beautiful area on the way to the lighthouse. Secluded. Quiet.” She laid a hand on the table between them. “You’ll like it, Peter.”

He thumbed through the photos on Brian’s phone, once again not believing his dumb luck. The house exceeded his expectations. Could he afford it? He handed the phone back to Brian. “Nice. How much are you asking for rent?”

Brian grinned at Cassie. “I know how much nurses make. I think you’ll find it reasonable.”

“When can I see it?”

“I’m heading back there in about half an hour. Does that work?”

“Sure. I’ll grab a taxi.”

Cassie scoffed. “No need. I’ll take you.”

“No way. You need your sleep.”

She laughed. “I can sleep when I die. I’d like to see your face when you see this place.”

Brian stood. “This is great. I don’t even have to advertise. Call when you’re on your way.”

After Brian left, Peter picked up his cell phone. “Speaking of phones, can I have your number?”

“So you can stalk me by phone?”

He laughed. “I promise I won’t.”

It didn’t take her long to decide. She picked up her phone. “Okay.”

“Give me your number. I’ll call you so mine will register.”

Once she dictated the number he called her phone. His number lit on her screen and Peter gestured to it. “Answer.”

“No. It’s you.”

“I know. Answer anyway.”

Shaking her head, she picked up her phone. “Hello?”
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