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The Father of Her Son

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“The stairs lead to my room. That hallway at the foot of the stairs goes to guest bedrooms. Would you like a tour?”

Kelly’s jaw dropped. “You live here? Alone?”

He shrugged. “I bought it when I took the home job. Do you like it?”

She smiled. “It’s wonderful. You’re a lucky man.”

Matt tugged on Evan’s hand. “What’s that?” He pointed to the pinball machine.

“Wow,” Kelly said.

Evan grinned. “That is an original Flash Gordon pinball machine. Ever play one?”

Matt’s wide-eyed look held awe. “I don’t know what it is.”

Evan crossed the distance to the pinball machine in a few strides. “Come on, Matt-man. I’ll set you up. The sounds are great. You can play while I finish making your birthday supper.”

Evan pinched a handful of quarters from a bowl on the table next to another overstuffed lounge chair. He tugged the ottoman over to the machine.

Matt scrambled onto the ottoman, looking into the pinball machine as if he’d discovered a secret world. “Wow! What does it do?”

Evan dropped a quarter into the slot. The machine lit up. Bells sounded and a dastardly but hilarious, “Ah, ha, ha!” resounded.

Matt yelled with delight. “How do you play?”

Evan showed Matt how to launch the silver ball and manipulate the flippers on the sides of the table. The machine dinged and pinged with lights flashing every time the ball hit a bumper beneath the glass. It didn’t take long for Matt to become completely absorbed with the game—especially with that large bowl of quarters on hand. The boy was grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, man. This is the best birthday, ever!”

Satisfied that Matt was entertained for the moment, Evan gestured toward the kitchen, where a pot of water boiled on the stove. “Kelly, would you like a glass of wine?”

With a longing look at the pinball machine, she said, “I’ve never played.”

Chuckling, he led her to a chair at the black granite counter. “I’ll make sure you get a turn.” He circled to the work side of the counter. He poured a glass of Cabernet to match his. “Anything for you, Kelly. When are you going to figure that out?”

He regretted his words the moment they left his mouth. Kelly stiffened in her seat, her glass stopping in midair.

She pointed a finger at him. “Now, Sir Smooth, save the suave words for your lady friends.”

Oh, well. Now he had to save face. He held up a stopping hand. “Sorry. I can’t help myself with your hair down like that.”

She lowered her voice to a whisper. “If it wasn’t Matt’s birthday, we would not be here. Now behave!”

He tapped his glass to hers. “Mea culpa.”

Well, he’d pay in spades. Just watching her lift the glass to those luscious lips was payback enough. Damn. He’d love to be that glass.

Before taking another sip she gave him her sternest look. “No tomfoolery here now, Evan McKenna. You promised.”

He sipped his wine if only to do something with his mouth other than try to kiss her, and nearly groaned when she let the flavor of her wine swirl on her tongue before swallowing.

“Mmm. This is delicious.”

I’ll bet you are. If he was going to make this night a success he had to get his head out of the bedroom, or the living room floor, or the dining room table. He held up the bottle. “It’s a good year.”

“Oh, yes? And which year is that?”

“The year we met.”

She almost choked.

He reached over to pat her back. “Did I have that bad an effect on you?”

She held a hand to her throat. “That year was rather awful for me. I’d say the following year was a better time.”

“Why do you say that?”

She frowned. “Well, it doesn’t matter. That year began a prestigious career for you. So I’m happy to toast to a fine year.” She lifted her glass.

He studied her from across the counter. There she was dodging information, one more time. “Yes, there was that.”

She smiled sweetly. “Is there anything I can do to help with the meal?”

She looked uncomfortable again and it pained him that she felt she had to be so protective. He shook his head. “You serve folks every day. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself.”

Behind them the pinball machine dinged wildly. Matt jumped up and down on the ottoman. “Score!”

“Easy on the furniture, son.”

“Okay.” Without even looking at Kelly, he slipped another quarter into the machine and began playing again.

“Don’t worry. I bought the furniture to handle my rowdiest friends. Matt can do no harm in here. Let him be free.”

Kelly smiled. “That’s nice. Thank you. He doesn’t get much room in the apartment.”

“Well, you and Matt are welcome here anytime.”

“I’ll be sure to call first. Wouldn’t want to interrupt a hot date.”

He laughed. Boy, did she have the wrong idea. “Not much worry there.”

She slanted him a sideways glance. “Oh, please. Your reputation precedes you.”

“Lies. All of them.”

“Hmm. I seem to remember some political, fund-raising auction and you were the main prize for a dinner date.”

“Oh, don’t remind me of that hellish night.”
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