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ЕГЭ-2025. Английский. Варианты на основе открытого банка ФИПИ

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A girl from Uganda

It was a special day for the girl from Uganda, a country in Africa. She was 30 ______ to meet the world’s greatest living chess player, which was a great honour for her. The girl was a chess player herself. She had been invited to 31 ______ her story by a committee that had organized a conference in Moscow. That story was one of triumph. It was a story of her childhood in Katwe, Uganda. She would describe how the skills nourished by the principles of the game of chess had 32 ______ her to come to that conference.

There is no word for chess in the girl’s native language. 33 ______, the game had taken her far from home, first to Sudan and Turkey, and finally to Russia. Chess had given her the opportunity to take her first flight above the clouds. Over the years, she had become the best female chess player in Uganda. Though the girl was only 17 years old, she had long competed at the highest level of the game. Her talent and 34 ______ made her one of the most promising young players in the world. The girl’s story was the subject of a book, documentaries, and magazine articles.

The girl still couldn’t believe she was visiting the conference in Moscow. She was very 35 ______ about meeting the world champion, the person she had idolized in her childhood. He had 36 ______ her to push herself so that one day she might achieve the rank of Grand Master, the highest honour in the game.


1) supposed

2) supplied

3) suspected

4) succeeded



1) say

2) talk

3) speak

4) tell



1) approved

2) allowed

3) admitted

4) afforded



1) However

2) Despite

3) Otherwise

4) Likewise



1) reservation

2) admiration

3) appreciation

4) determination



1) enthusiastic

2) abandoned

3) controversial

4) sympathetic



1) involved

2) intended

3) impressed

4) inspired


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Раздел 4. Письменная речь

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