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He’d taken the blame, and the grounding, and managed to hide the puppy for another two weeks before his dad figured out what was going on.

And he’d replanted everything by himself.

Kayla put her hand on his arm, jolting him from his thoughts. Focus. He had to focus, or one or both of them would end up dead.

“I hope you can pick a lock, because I don’t have my keys.”

Finally, something he could do that was easy. Conner got them inside and had Kayla wait by the front door while he cleared the house. “Okay. We’re good for the moment.” He headed toward the door. “Pack your bag for a couple of days, but do it fast.”

Kayla stared at him. Eventually, she nodded, then trailed down the hall.

Whatever that had been, he was glad she wasn’t arguing. Conner glanced around while he waited. He really liked her house. It was...homey. Kind of girlie for his tastes, but then, she probably wouldn’t like his brown couch and the fact that his house smelled like the previous owner’s dog. But he wasn’t in this line of work for the sweet accommodations. Thugs didn’t live in expensive condos or cute little houses.

He should hurry her up so they could leave. It wasn’t safe for her, and they needed to get out of there as soon as possible. But he figured that despite what had happened, and maybe because of it, he shouldn’t say it. She’d done the right thing, and they’d survived that encounter with Manny, but she was at ease now. He didn’t want to spoil it, even if he was still completely tuned in to what was happening.

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