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Haunting The Night

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What Harris Abbott had done to me was something I wanted to completely forget. And for the most part, I had. We had dated briefly after New Year’s, until I discovered he already had a girlfriend and was simply using me to help her. Or rather, he was using me to get to my semi-famous ghost-hunting parents. Mom and Dad worked to debunk some of the world’s most famous ghost stories. Their books and TV deals meant that we spent little time living in one place—until last year, when we arrived in South Carolina and I accidentally got a glimpse of the other side.

“Harris doesn’t matter to me anymore,” I told Avery now.

“Good. He shouldn’t.” She shrugged. “Doesn’t mean I want to be anywhere near him, though.”

A glance out the window told me that it was later than I thought. Even though I lived just a short walk up the street, I didn’t want to be outside when it got dark.

“I should go,” I said, standing up. “My dad will be home soon.”

Avery started to say something, but stopped. “Okay. I’ll call you later.”

The sun was setting fast as I hurried up the hill, and even though it was warm outside, I shivered a little. It wasn’t the approaching dark that frightened me. It was the things that could hide within it.

When I first saw the strange shadow, it was crouched across the street. From my view at the living room window, it appeared at first to be a small dog, about the size of Dante but black in color. My heart pounded with the recent memory of Marcus, who had crawled down the street in his possessed state only two weeks earlier. But this was a smaller creature, too little to be a full-grown man. Still, something about it reminded me of Marcus.

I began seeing the shadow every day. My phantom stalker moved with the speed of a wild cat and appeared larger each time I saw it. Sometimes I caught only a glimpse of the thing as it streaked down the street. Other times, it simply sat on the sidewalk. I knew it was there for me, that it was watching me, waiting. But waiting for what? I had no idea, but it terrified me. And that was the main reason I needed to go to Charleston. I had to get away from it. Maybe if I was gone for a few days, the shadow would give up its vigil and leave me alone.

I kept my head down and I approached my house, unwilling to sneak a peek across the street. If the shadow thing was there, I did not want to see it. Focused on unlocking the front door, I didn’t even notice that Noah was sitting on the front porch until he spoke.


I gasped and dropped the keys. He came over to me, taking my shaky hands in his. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s okay. I’m fine.” I smiled, but I knew he could see through it.

“Did you see it again?”

Only Noah knew about the shadow creature. And even though he had never spotted it, he believed that I was truly seeing something. It was nice to have someone trust my words even if they didn’t make sense.

“No, but it’s getting dark,” I said. “It usually makes an appearance right around now.”

Noah picked up my keys and unlocked the front door. “Well, I’m here now. You’re not going to be alone.”

Relief filled me as we went inside. Noah began turning on lights while I dropped my backpack to the floor and took off my shoes. “How long had you been out on the porch?” I asked him.

He turned on a lamp in the dining room and joined me on the sofa. “About a half hour. I stayed after school today and got a ride over. I figured you were at Avery’s.”

“You should have come over.”

He shook his head. “And interrupt girl time? No chance.”

“I could have used you.” I snuggled closer to him and he draped an arm around me. “She’s really pushing the Prom thing.”

“Yeah, she’s been after me, too. She thinks I can convince you to go.”

I looked at him, my eyes immediately finding the small bruise on his neck. I was waiting for it to fade and disappear, but the reminder of the attack we endured four weeks earlier was still there.

“If it matters to you, I’ll go.”

He kissed my forehead. “What matters to me is that you’re okay.”

I reached for the remote and turned on the TV. As I settled back into Noah, I heard his stomach growl. “I forgot about dinner,” I said. “You want to order something?”

“Sure. Anything but pizza.”

I was sick of pizza, as well. Neither my dad nor I were very good in the kitchen, and we ended up eating pizza three times a week. Noah and I decided on Chinese food. He placed the order while I called to check in on Dad.

“I think I’m going to stay here tonight.” His voice was laced with exhaustion. “We’re trying out some new medication and I want to be here.”


“Shane will be over soon to stay with you. Have you had dinner yet?”

I looked over to the kitchen, where Noah was on the phone. “We’re ordering it now. What about you? Have you eaten?”

I worried about my dad, who seemed to exist solely on coffee and stale sandwiches from the hospital cafeteria. He’d lost weight over the past month. His face was leaner and he always wore a belt now.

“I’ll get something from the vending machine,” Dad said.

“You can’t live on candy bars. I’m going to start packing you a lunch.”

“Sounds good. I have to go, Charlotte. The doctor’s here.”

I hung up, wondering if he’d really heard me. When Noah came back into the room, I told him about my concerns. He agreed that my dad needed to eat better and offered to recruit his mom to help. “She loves cooking for you guys.”

“She’s already done so much for us,” I protested. “I can’t ask her for any more. Besides, I need to take care of my dad. It’s not your mom’s responsibility.”

“And it’s not yours, either.” Noah pulled me into a hug. “You have enough going on as it is. Let people help you. They want to.”

I reluctantly agreed. We watched TV as we waited for our food to arrive, flipping between the news and a comedy special. The doorbell rang while Noah was in the bathroom. I grabbed some money from my purse and opened the door, where I was greeted with a man holding two brown paper bags of food. The scent of garlic chicken made my mouth water. I paid the delivery guy and took the bags, then set them on the hallway table so I could shut the door. When I turned around, the delivery guy was gone.

But the shadow creature was there, sitting across the street.

It was now the size of a German shepherd. My hand felt frozen to the doorknob as I stared at the thing. I could make out two distinctive legs. The shape resembled a man crouching, and although I could not see a clear face, I knew in my terrified gut that it was looking directly at me.

Noah came out of the bathroom. “Smells great,” he said as he approached me. “Charlotte? Are you okay?”

I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t do anything but gaze across the street. The shadow creature was slowly becoming lighter, melting into the night. By the time Noah stood beside me to also look across the street, it was gone.

I let go of the doorknob and stepped back. “It was there,” I whispered. “It was just there.”

Noah stepped onto the porch and scanned up and down the street. Then he came back inside and shut the door. “Come on, let’s eat.”

I nodded, grateful that he didn’t state the obvious: there was nothing there. But it had been there, and at the rate it seemed to be growing, I wondered how much time I had left before it was the size of an elephant. Or maybe it would stop once it took the form of a full-grown man. I didn’t know—and I didn’t want to find out.

I had to get away and leave it behind me. Charleston would be my escape. Next Wednesday could not come soon enough.

Chapter Two
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