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The Nurse's Bodyguard

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“I have my hospital ID but not a driver’s license since I don’t drive here... Why?” she repeated.

“Good. That’ll make it easier.”

“Make what easier?” Claire was getting increasingly confused.

“Getting you on base. I have to get back now, so I can’t drive you home.”

“Why do I need to go onto the base?” She motioned to the very busy street. “It’s not a problem. I can just catch a taxi.”

“No.” His tone was blunt. “That’s not an option.”

“Wait a minute! Of course it’s an option.” She stopped walking and turned to face him. “Seriously, Luke, I understand that you need to get back to the base right now, But you don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.” Her tone suggested it would be wise if he didn’t argue.

“Mary Claire—” his drawl was back, much stronger than before “—in case you’ve forgotten, the reason I came to see you today—well, at least part of the reason—is because I’m convinced someone targeted you the other night. Someone who fully intended to hurt you. I can’t take you home, but I can make sure you get home safely, which is why I need to get you on base.” He took her hand and started again in the direction of the car.

She had already lost the battle, softening even further when he’d called her ‘Mary Claire.’ Besides, she really liked the feel of his large hand enclosing hers. Trying to accommodate to his need to hurry, she said, “Luke, you’re sweet for worrying about me, but this is only tonight. You can’t be with me tomorrow morning when I go to work or tomorrow evening, or the next day, or the next.” She glanced at him and the corners of her mouth turned up a little, “Well...tomorrow evening...” she said hopefully.

“I know,” he said, his expression somber. “But I can be sure tonight. I promise that you’re going to be safe tonight.” There was a hint of something ominous in his tone. “This is my watch, Claire. Nothing is going to happen to you on my watch.”

* * *

PER LUKE’S INSTRUCTION, Claire’s escort not only walked her to the door, but he waited until Jessica answered and questioned her as to whether everything was in order before he left. Following Korean customs, Claire slipped off her shoes and placed them on a small rack in the entry.

Jessica practically pounced on Claire as she closed and locked the door. “Okay, who was that and why are you home already? And where is Lieutenant Luke?”

“That was Mr. Kim. He’s one of the local men who work on the Army base. He helps with translation and transportation—that sort of thing. Anyway, Luke was called in to take care of an emergency and he pretty much conscripted Mr. Kim to bring me home.

“What happened?” Jessica persisted.

“Let’s go to the kitchen,” she replied. “Dinner was interrupted, and I’m starved.”

In the small kitchen, Claire pulled some crackers and peanut butter out of the pantry, grabbed a plate and sat down at the table with her friend. Between bites, she ran though the events of the evening, explaining how Luke had stopped by the hospital, ostensibly to warn her of a possible threat but also to ask her to dinner. She grinned when she recounted his shy hesitance. Claire described their walk down Itaewon to the Italian restaurant and how he’d been called just as they were about to order pizza. “When he drove us onto the base, the guard waited with me at the car while Luke disappeared into one of the buildings and came back with Mr. Kim.”

“And then....” Jessica prompted.

“And then, what?”

“So Luke just waved goodbye and walked away with a ‘see you later, baby’?”

“Not exactly.” Claire grinned.

“Well, what exactly? I want details.”

“He was very gentlemanly.” Claire smiled as she took a bite of a peanut butter covered cracker. “He took my hand and asked what time I wanted to try dinner again.”

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