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Confessions of a Male Nurse

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The ego

Bad news, good porn

Magic medicine

A different world

Highs and lows of temp nursing

Mrs Olsen

MRSA where?

Deep shit

Tough love

How hospitals kill

Gotta get out of this place


Reality check


Mr Townsend

Dan’s demons

Mr Brown

Food for thought

Catherine, meet your new neighbours


Family man of steel

Dumb as they come

Don’t believe all you read

Confidential dilemmas

The perfect match

No chance

Saturday night shift

Full moon


All for a plate of sandwiches


The nice drunk

The regular drunk

The unconscious drunk

The lucky drunk

The mean drunk

The changed drunk

The final draught

Epilogue: Reflections on a life of nursing

The dos and don’ts of being a patient

The big difference

How we do it

The best of the NHS

Where am I now?


About the Author

About the Publisher

Who am I? (#u99288368-c2dc-581b-8db8-b64de8fcf600)

I am just your everyday, run-of-the-mill nurse, with a unique story to tell. Okay, unique is not quite accurate; anyone that spends time working in healthcare has their own uniquely similar stories. Every day we come into contact with people from all walks of life, from the destitute to the wealthy, the young to the elderly, simple to genius, cruel to caring.

Though I never planned on being a nurse, caring for others was in my blood: my great-grandfather was a medic through two world wars, and my mother was also a nurse. Medicine provided them with a living, and so at the wholesome age of 17 I figured it would be good enough for me; nursing meant a guaranteed job. Little did I know that nursing would prove to be so much more than just a way to make a living.
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