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Her Christmas Knight

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Three sharp blows to the weakened door had pieces of chipped plaster falling to the floor. Turning sharply, Hugh sloshed the ale in his cup as he watched the inconsequential door withstand the pounding. His sole concern was who might be visiting this time of night.

Only Bertrice knew he was in the town. He wanted it that way—wanted to give himself at least a day before he had to face everyone. Face what he had to do.

Another bang on the door...another swirl of dust.

‘Hugh, open the damn door—it’s freezing outside.’

Hugh recognised the voice, unlatched the door and stepped away as a tall, thick giant of a man stormed into the tiny house and stamped his feet to dislodge the snow that had settled on him.

Blowing on his hands, the man turned. ‘It’s not much warmer in here.’

‘I can open the door for you to leave and find warmer accommodations,’ Hugh replied, latching the door and turning to Eldric, a man he had known since they’d fostered at Edward’s court.

‘I think I’ll take my chances in here,’ Eldric replied.

‘Are you sure about that?’ Hugh replied, assessing one of his oldest friends—one he had not seen for many years.

Many young squires had been shoved into the same room back then. There had been nothing to differentiate Hugh from the rest of the boys Edward fostered, but even then Eldric had been huge. Everyone had wanted to be his friend and his partner.

Having known too many tormentors in the past, Hugh had steered clear—which had only got him noticed by Eldric.

It hadn’t taken long for Hugh to realise that Eldric wasn’t like the children in his past. For one, his friend had whistled—a habit that would have been mercilessly mocked if Eldric had been a hand span shorter. The other thing was that he was always at ease with his place and with everyone around him. From a lowly servant to the King, Eldric took every meeting with a happy outlook.

Such an outlook on life had intrigued Hugh. Growing up in Shoebury and then in Swaffham he had thought his life sheltered though he’d always known his family’s past darkened him. He knew it for certain when he heard Eldric laugh with an ease he could never manage.

However, there was nothing at ease about his friend now—and he guessed it wasn’t only the cold that caused the certain tenseness to his friend’s shoulders and expression.

‘What are you doing here, Eldric?’

Eldric pointed to the flagon still on the table. ‘Is there any left?’

Hugh knew better than to turn his back to fetch another cup. ‘Not much.’

Eldric’s gaze took in Hugh’s dust-covered boots, his travel-worn breeches and wrinkled tunic. ‘I can tell that.’

Hugh knew he was hardly in courtly dress and had drunk deep. But that was his own business, not this town’s nor his childhood friend’s. Years had passed since he’d seen him, and yet even though Eldric had scarcely been in his presence, he knew exactly how to challenge him.

In these small confines, there was only one way to accept such a challenge.

Turning his back, Hugh fetched another cup and flipped it over in front of Eldric, so that dust, plaster and insect remains fell to the ground.

Without so much as a telling tic, Eldric accepted the cup and poured the rest of the flagon’s ale into it.

Hugh’s humour lifted. Regardless of the unanswered question of why Eldric was in Swaffham, there was some of the same man he had known. Eldric was indeed still at ease with his world.

‘As to why I am here...’ Eldric shrugged. ‘You have to know news of your presence in this town has spread.’

Gossip. He might have underestimated the power of the small town. ‘I arrived today. I thought myself alone for tonight, but that’s not what I meant.’

‘Ah, you mean why am I in Swaffham?’

Hugh gave a curt nod. ‘Not exactly your home town.’

‘I’ve got cousins here now. And, though it is yours, I never thought you’d return.’ Eldric took a sip and eyed the empty flagon. ‘How can you be still standing?’

‘I am my father’s son.’

Eldric scanned the room’s sparse furnishings. ‘You weren’t exaggerating about your past.’

‘And were you about yours?’

Eldric sighed, his expression resigned. ‘Come, this is a gloomy conversation.’

‘Without any answers being revealed. It’s late, and I’m tired.’

‘Well, then, I’ll get to the point. I am like you...as you most likely would have guessed by now...if not for the strength of that ale.’

To cover his surprise, Hugh turned to sit. There was only one other chair in the room—his father’s chair, but Hugh had broken that long ago though the remains stayed in the corner.

Hugh didn’t know if he was more surprised that jovial Eldric was a spy or that he had disclosed it. He had heard that Eldric was commissioned, but had thought it only a rumour.

‘Edward sent you here?’

‘No, I’m on a...detour.’

‘Personal?’ Hugh asked.

Eldric gave a small smile.

Hugh didn’t expect an answer, but sometimes the most obvious questions slipped into answers.

‘Are we friends?’ Eldric said.

‘Yes,’ Hugh replied, surprised that the answer came easily despite himself knowing better. Maybe there was still some of that sheltered and naive boy in him yet.

Eldric nodded, as if Hugh had answered some other question not asked. ‘Good to know.’

Hugh sensed that there was more to say, and he intended to wait. After all, he knew about keeping secrets. If he pried too deeply Eldric would do the same. With his silence, it appeared Eldric knew a score of secrets—as did Hugh. Could it be possible that Eldric was a friend in truth? There was only one way to find out.

Shifting in his seat, he said, ‘I would think Edward would know better than to employ you to carry and catch secrets. It’s not as if you can hide.’

Eldric let out a startled laugh. ‘You’d be surprised how easy it is to hide in plain sight. People don’t equate my handsome stature with intelligence.’

‘Your intelligence must be all you’re relying on!’

Eldric did laugh then. ‘I may not have bested you, but my sword arm is still longer than yours.’

Hugh drained his cup. ‘Longer, but not sharper.’
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