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Рекомендации ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS по диетотерапии при муковисцидозе у младенцев, детей и взрослых

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Gronowitz E, Garemo M, Lindblad A, Mellstrom D, Strandvik B. Decreased [221 bone mineral density in normal-growing patients with cystic fibrosis. Acta Paediatr 2003;92:688-93


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Moran A, Brunzell C, Cohen RC, Katz M, Marshall ВС, Onady G, et al. Clinical care guidelines for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: a position statement of [225 the American Diabetes Association and a clinical practice guideline of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, endorsed by the Pediatric Endocrine Society. Diabetes Care 2010;33:2697-708


Moran A, Brunzell C, Cohen RC, Katz M, Marshall ВС, Onady G, et al. Clinical care guidelines for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: a position statement of [225 the American Diabetes Association and a clinical practice guideline of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, endorsed by the Pediatric Endocrine Society. Diabetes Care 2010;33:2697-708


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Coste TC, Armand M, Lebacq J, Lebecque P, Wallemacq P, Leal T. An overview of monitoring and supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids in cystic fibrosis. [234 Clin Biochem 2007;40:511-20


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Freedman SD, Blanco PG, Zaman MM, Shea JC, Ollero M, Hopper IK, et al. [230 Association of cystic fibrosis with abnormalities in fatty acid metabolism. N Engl J Med 2004;350:560-9


Lloyd-Still JD, Bibus DM, Powers CA, Johnson SB, Holman RT. Essential fatty acid deficiency and predisposition to lung disease in cystic fibrosis. ActaPaediatr 1996;85:1426-32


Walkowiak J, LisowskaA, Blaszczynski M, Przyslawski J, Walczak M. Poly-unsaturated fatty acids in cystic fibrosis are related to nutrition and clinical expression of the disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2007;45:488-9. author reply 489


Gronowitz E, Lorentzon M, Ohlsson C, Mellstrom D, Strandvik B. Docosa-hexaenoic acid is associated with endosteal circumference in long bones in [219 young males with cystic fibrosis. Br J Nutr 2008;99:160-7


Gronowitz E, Mellstrom D, Strandvik B. Serum phospholipid fatty acid pattern is associated with bone mineral density in children, but not adults, with cystic fibrosis. Br J Nutr 2006;95:1159-65


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Jorgensen MH, Ott P, Michaelsen KF, Porsgaard T, Jensen F, Lanng S. Long- chain PUFA in granulocytes, mononuclear cells, and RBC in patients with [236 cystic fibrosis: relation to liver disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012;55:76-81


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Maqbool A, Schall JI, Garcia-Espana JF, Zemel BS, Strandvik B, Stallings VA. Serum linoleic acid status as a clinical indicator of essential fatty acid status in children with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2008;47: 635-44


Coste TC, Armand M, Lebacq J, Lebecque P, Wallemacq P, Leal T. An overview of monitoring and supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids in cystic fibrosis. [234 Clin Biochem 2007;40:511-20

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