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In the Wonderful Land of Hez: or, The Mystery of the Fountain of Youth

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“What is it?” asked his cousin.

“Let us go down the steps and see what has become of those who have already gone down.”

“Agreed!” exclaimed the professor, who was ready for anything.

“Oh! for de good Lor’ sakes! don’t go down dere. De debbil am dere, suah!” whined Lucky, in a frightened manner.

“Keep still, coon, and don’t git skeered. We may as well go as far and see as much as we kin, since we have got ter this dod-rotted country. I, for one, are satisfied to go down them steps.”

The Yankee gave a contemptuous glance at the darky as he spoke, and then nodded for Leo to lead on.

Dick had not passed his opinion on the question yet, but that he was perfectly willing need scarcely be said.

But at the same time it occurred to him that they ought to take some sort of a light with them.

They had left their supplies at the point where they had been compelled to use the ax in the thicket.

Dick hastened to the spot and got a small lantern, which was all that was left of three that they had brought along with them.

When he reached the obelisk again his companions had already entered the doorway, and were waiting for him on the steps.

It was but the work of a moment to strike a match and light the lantern; and then the boy followed them down into the place beyond.

Down they went, for at least a hundred steps, and the end of the flight was not reached yet.

Another hundred, and still it appeared the same.

“I wonder how many miles we have got ter go afore we git ter ther bottom?” said the Yankee.

“Have patience, Martin,” replied Prof. Easy. “We are on the eve of a great discovery – mark my word for it!”

“Humph! I heerd ye say that same thing a good many times before. But, by the great boots in ther haymow, I stepped on somethin’ alive jist then!”

“A ground hog!” exclaimed Dick, holding up the lantern. “How in thunder did it ever get there, I wonder?”

“If it can live in here, I am sure we can a little longer. Let us proceed,” returned the professor, quietly.

Once more they began descending the steps.

During all this time they had not heard the least sound from those who had preceded them.

Probably one hundred and fifty steps more were descended, and then they reached a wide passage.

“Come,” said Leo, leading the way. “We have struck level traveling at last.”

The swamp explorers had not proceeded over three hundred yards, before they saw daylight ahead.

It seemed rather strange that it should be daylight, but it was, nevertheless.

With all possible speed they hastened along the passage.

Two hundred yards more and a wonderful sight met their gaze.

They were emerging into a vast tract of country many feet below the earth’s crust.

In front of them was the beginning of a long crack, which extended a couple of miles or more, and all along the edges of this the water streamed down in the form of a cascade of unlimited extent.

The sunlight came in through the crack, which was probably a quarter of a mile in width, and lighted up the place.

All sorts of vegetation flourished on the place beneath the opening above; but beyond this our friends could perceive nothing on account of the falling water and the mist arising from the streams in which it fell.

“Wonderful!” exclaimed the professor.

“Darned if it ain’t wonderful,” assented Haypole.

“Who ever imagined that such a place as this existed?” said Leo.

“We are now under the great Everglades of Florida. It remains for us to find out what sort of place it is,” spoke up Dick Vincey.

“I agree with you there,” returned Prof. Easy. “Come, let us be moving. It is strange what has become of the man and dog and their pursuer.”

They stepped off to the left, and kept walking until they emerged from the mist, which seemed to settle back on either side of the opening.

As they left it behind them they saw that only a sort of twilight prevailed in and about the underground place.

Then a startling thing occurred.

A body of men suddenly appeared from the numerous galleries, to be seen on their left, and rushed toward them.

There must have been fully a hundred of them, and all were attired in long gowns of some dark-colored material, and were barefooted and without any head covering.

The strange horde had the appearance of Turks, both in manner and looks.

The moment Leo and Dick beheld them, they placed their rifles to their shoulders.

Their action was quickly followed by their companions, and then Leo exclaimed:

“Halt! We mean you no harm!”

But the command was entirely disregarded. The crowd of men rushed at them with a quicker pace, if possible, brandishing spears and bows and arrows.

When within about fifty feet of the intruders, they came to a sudden halt and sent a flight of arrows at them.

One of these found lodgment in the fleshy part of Martin Haypole’s leg, and another went through the crown of the professor’s hat.

Leo and Dick thought it high time for them to act.

Dropping to their knees, they began firing into the ranks of the queerly attired strangers.
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