La dame antique cherra de place haute,
De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.
The blood of the righteous will bring blame to London.
Burned by lightning at twenty by three and six,
The ancient lady will fall from her high place,
Several of the same sect will be killed.
Nostradamus predicted the Great Fire in London from September 2 to 5, 1666 (666 is the number of the Antichrist). The numbers 2 and 5 in the quatrain's number indicate the days of the beginning and end of the fire. The second line shows the year of the fire: 20?3=60 and 6 – 66 year. The first line is about the cause of the fire. This is a punishment for Londoners for the innocently shed blood of king Charles I.
The fourth line speaks of foreigners and Catholics killed by a crowd. Many residents believed that the cause of the fire was arson organized by the French and Dutch, with whom there was a war.
Decoding of number 2.51. If 2 to consider as 2000, 5 to turn over into 2, then 2000-21=1979. 7-1=6. Turn 9 over into 6 we get 1666 – the year of the fire.
Quatrain 2.28 Jonathan Swift?
Le penultine du surnom de prophete
Prendra Diane pour son iour & repos,
Loing vaguera par frenetique teste,
Et deliurant vn grand peuple d'imposts.
The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet
Will take Diana for his day and rest:
He will wander far because of a frantic head,
And delivering a great people from subjection.
Maybe this prophecy is about the Irish priest and writer Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). In Hebrew his name means "God-given." Several prophecies can be found in his book "Gulliver's Travels".His best known prediction is about two Mars satellites discovered after 150 years. One of the Demos's craters was named after his name. Swift also gave a rather detailed description of the flying apparatus design which almost completely coincides with the description, which E. Casey gave 200 years later. In the book "Voyage to Laputa" there are 2 statements coinciding with Nostradamus prophecies. These are predictions about of the end of the world and a fiery comet which will ignite the Earth. All this shows that Swift had a gift of foresight.
The 4th line. In his works Jonathan defended the interests of the Irish people, violated by England at that time. In pamphlets he urged the Irish to fight for the equal rights of citizens of both islands. As a result, England was forced to make economic concessions to Ireland. The common people of this country loved and honored Jonathan Swift.
Probable decoding of number 2.28. 2000-28=1972. If we flip 9 into 6 and 2 into 5, then it will be 1675+1=1676. By putting 6 at the end we will get 1667 – the year of birth.
Quatrain 4.89 Conspiracy against the King
Trente de Londres secret coniureront,
Contre leur Roy sur le pont l'entreprinse,
Luy, satalites la mort degousteront,
Vn Roy esleu blonde, natif de Frize.
Thirty of London will conspire secretly
Against their King, the enterprise on the bridge:
He and his satellites will have a distaste for death,
A fair King elected, native of Frisian.
The 1 line is probably about the conspiracy against James II. The leaders of the two main parties of England Whigs and Tory had a conspiracy. They decided to replace the undesired monarch (Catholic) with his daughter Mary (Protestant) and her husband William. The conspiracy was led by the "Immortal Seven": the Bishop of London and six his companions. They sent an invitation to stadtholder of Holland and Maria to occupy the throne of England and protect the Protestant religion.
The 3 line. When William of Orange landed with the army in England, James was not killed. He managed to escape to France and his family was sent there too.
The 4 line. Before England William was the ruler of Netherlands – native of Frisian. He has white hair on the child's portrait. In adult portraits the hair color cannot be determined due to the wigs.
Linkage with other quatrains: 10.22, 10.4, 10.26, 8.58.
Decoding of the number 4.89. If 9 to consider as 9000, then 9000-84=8916. The permutation of the digits gives 1689-1=1688 – the year of conspiracy.
Quatrain 10.22 Exile of James II
Pour ne vouloir consentir au diuorce,
Qui puis apres sera cogneu indigne,
Le Roy des Isles sera chasse par force,
Mis a son lieu qui de Roy n'aura signe.
For not wishing to consent to the divorce,
Which then afterwards will be recognized as unworthy:
The King of the Islands will be driven out by force,
In his place put one who will have no mark of a king.
The 3 line. During the whole history after Nostradamus, only one king was exile from the islands of England and Ireland – James II. Under the influence of his wife, he became a supporter of Catholicism, not popular in Protestant England. Neither people, nor nobility not wanted his reign. His daughter and son-in-law were invited instead of him. James II was forced to flee to France in 1688.
The 2 line. Unworthy – can be considered that he abandoned the army after the defeat in the battle at the river Boyne.
The 4 line. The King of France Louis XIV welcomed the outcast, granted him a palace and maintenance, but this place was no longer royal.
As the saying goes, "history repeating itself." 250 years later, another king of England, Edward VIII, also came under the influence of a woman, abdicated and left England. Like James II, he settled in France. Even the date of the abdication of both coincided – December 11.
Linkage with other quatrains: 8.58, 10.26, 10.4.
Decoding of the number 10.22. If 1 and 2 to swap – 2012, then 2000-12=1988. 9 flip in 6 we get 1688 – the year of exile.