Quatrain 10.26 William III of Orange
Le successeur vengera son beau frere,
Occuper regne souz ombre de vengeance,
Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,
Long temps Bretagne tiendra auec la France.
The successor will avenge his brother-in-law,
To occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance:
Obstacle slain his blood for the death blame,
For a long time will Britain hold with France.
William III of Orange (1650-1702) – the invited king of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1689. Before that he was ruler of Netherlands from 1672. James II, who ruled before him, had no children for a long time, so he was tolerated in the hope that after him crown would been been inherited by his daughter, protestant Mary. Unexpectedly, at age of 55, the king gave birth to the heir. This caused a conspiracy against the king. The son-in-law William and daughter Maria were invited to take his place. Previously, William visited England several times. The people loved him, as one of the main defenders of Protestantism of that time.
The 1 line. James II repeatedly attempted to regain the crown. William had to fight with his supporters (Jacobites). In 1689 he defeated them in Scotland, then in 1690 he – in Ireland. To this day Protestants celebrate this victory as a holiday.
The 4 line. The King of France Louis XIV was a Catholic and for a long time he did not recognize the Protestant William as the King of England. However, he created a powerful army and navy and successfully resisted the most powerful Catholic monarch. Louis resigned himself. In 1697 they signed a peace treaty.
Decoding of the number 10.26. If 2 to flip in 5, 0 and 6 to swap, then we get 1650 – the year of born.
Quatrain 8.58 James II
Regne en querelle aux freres diuisе,
Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique
Tiltre d'Anglican sera tard aduisе,
Surprins de nuict mener ? l'air Gallique.
A kingdom divided by two quarrelling brothers
to take the arms and the name of Britain.
The English ruler will be warned late,
surprised by night (the other is), led to the French air.
James II (1633-1701) was the king of England, Ireland, Scotland from 1685 to 1688.
The 1 line – in 1685 Jacob suppressed the mutiny of his half-brother James Scott.
The 2 line – in 1688 his nephew and son-in-law William of Orange, the ruler of the Netherlands, at the invitation of the Whigs and Tories landed with the army in England and seized power. He began to rule under the name of William III.
The 3 and 4 lines are about James’ fleeing to France in December 1688, where his wife and son were sent earlier.
Linkage with other quatrains: 10.22, 10.4, 10.26, 4.89.
Decoding of the number 8.58. If 8+1=9, flip 9 in 6, by swapping 58 in 85, we get 685 – the year of beginning reign.
Quatrain 10.4 Battle on the Boyne
Sus la minuict conducteur de l'armee
Se sauuera subit esuanouy,
Sept ans apres la fame non blasmee,
A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.
At midnight the leader of the army
Will save himself, suddenly vanished:
Seven years later his reputation unblemished,
To his return not once they will say yes.
This is a prophecy which came true about the failed attempt of deposed King James II to regain the crown of England. In 1690 James landed in Ireland, having gathered an army of untrained militia men. The battle took place on July 1, 1690 on the river Boyne and became the largest in the history of this country. A new and deposed kings personally commanded their armies. William III won. The Jacobites did not suffer any special losses and successfully retreated, but many soldiers deserted. Dublin was surrendered without a fight. The army of William of Orange triumphantly entered into it. So the Glorious revolution was finished.
The 2nd line. James II secretly left his army at night and went to France. There he lived until his death in 1701. His supporters, the Jacobites, were very disappointed by his unworthy act.The 4th line. Later he tried to regain the throne, but even Louis XIV, who adopted him, refused to support him.
Linkage with other quatrains: 10.2, 8.58, 10.26, 4.89.
Decoding of the number 10.4. If 0 to put at end, 1+1=2 to consider as 2000, 2000-40=1960, 6 and 9 to swap, then we get 1690 – the year of battle.
Quatrain 10.100 The power of England
Le grand empire sera par Angleterre,
Le Pempotam des ans plus de trois cens:
Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,
Les Lusitains n'en seront pas contens.
The great empire will be for England,
The pempotam for more than three hundred years:
Great forces pass by sea and land,
The Lusitanians will not be content.