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Palmist. Thirst for revenge

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– No. Grown up. Vina took the cup from her mother’s hand and took a small sip of coffee.

– This is exactly what I have been missing all these years. Nirmala looked at her daughter with loving eyes.

– What are you going to do?

– I do not know. Maybe I will go to the beach.

– I am not letting you go alone. Your brother will go with you.

– OK. Let him go. I will stay at home for a while. Vina did not want to leave the house, her condition was actually depressed, and she did not know where to start yet. She had a lot of ideas and ideas in her head, but she did everything by force. Her love for Arthur gave her strength, and knowing that her lover loved only her until his last breath, this was what gave her the incentive to move on. It was only in the evening that Vina left the house, her brother followed her, not paying attention to it, she completely forgot about her mother’s request. Vina spent the whole evening on the beach, where Arthur initiated her into Islam. These memories were so painful that the girl could not hold back her tears and burst into tears. She still could not understand why she had suffered such a bitter fate. Mansur ran up to her

– Why are you crying? What happened?

– Are you here? And I didn’t notice. Nothing. I just remembered some episodes from my life.

– Tell me what happened to you? You can trust me, no one will know about it.

– Thank you. Maybe I will tell you in time, but not today. Leave me alone. Do not be afraid, I will not get into the water.

– OK. Whatever you say. With these words, Mansur left. The wine was left alone. She lay down on the sand and closed her eyes. The ocean was calm. The air is not the same as in the capital of Russia. Vina missed this place so much. Not far from this secret corner, there was the very guesthouse that the late Zhamal did not have time to inherit. Vina did not know anything about it. She just sat on the sand and crossed her arms watching the illumination of the lanterns that shone in the distance and illuminated the facade of the building.

– Where can I get such a sum of money? A plan had matured in her beautiful head, but she did not have such a sum of money to bring all these ideas to life. The next morning, Vina was sitting and drinking coffee in the very restaurant where she had once danced, and Arthur noticed her. The girl was looking at one point and was immersed in her thoughts. She could not see anything around her. Even the way a man with a scar on his left cheek was looking at her, and a hood covered his face.

– Has she been sitting here for a long time?

– Since the morning.

– What does she want?

– I do not know. But clearly something is not good. He and Arthur have a lot in common.

– «You’re right. If something becomes known, call.

– OK. The man with the scar went out; Vina remained sitting and slowly finished her coffee. From that moment, surveillance began on the Guilt. She did not know about it. Exactly two days later, in the same cafe, Vina was sitting with two men and talking animatedly with them about something. A day later, the guesthouse, which was lit by a dim lantern not long ago, was rented and Vina spent the night in it. Arthur’s former possessions were returning to her with lightning speed. The money for the lease of this building was borrowed from a bank. This girl was confident in her strength and took this risk.

Vina did not know that the scarred man was fascinated by her strength and beauty. He did not show his face, knowing that she would not be happy to see him. This formidable man sent people to her that she needed, threw up a sudden amount of money, exposing everything as if it was Arthur who was saving it for her. Vina was so happy about the money, and after booking a ticket, she flew to Moscow ahead of schedule, with two rented dancers.

Business in Moscow was developing as quickly as in Indonesia. Vina started with restaurants and guesthouses. Several buildings have already been rented in several countries. Now, Vina could not redeem anything, since she did not have such a sum of money. The most native and expensive building for her was the «Oriental Fairy Tale». The restaurant was closed, but this «monster» simply did not leave the office in which Arthur once sat. She recalled all the events since the opening of this restaurant. The highlight of the program was Sultana, and she wanted to do everything exactly the way Arthur did, and to some extent, she succeeded, but she lacked the nail of the program. Vina understood that Sultana would not take this step and her husband too. Restoring all the pictures in her memory, she remembered that she had seen a video in which Sultana advertised the opening of a restaurant. An idea has settled in Vina’s head, with the help of this video to attract the attention of guests, and she herself will perform with the Sultana program. – I dance not almost worse, maybe even better.


There was exactly one month left until the New Year. Sultana was sitting on the Internet, and in one of the social media groups, she saw a video in which she performs. After reviewing everything carefully, Sultana learned about the festive opening of the «Oriental Fairy Tale». The girl was looking forward to her husband. – You have finally come.

– What happened?

– Look here.

– You are still trying to attract the attention of customers! Amir said with a laugh.

– Are you still laughing at me?

– No way. What is the big deal? Videos and videos. It has been so many years.

– Aren’t you jealous?

– No. Not a drop. Now you are dancing just for me. Sultana sat on her husband’s lap and kissed him tenderly. She was so passionate about her husband that she completely forgot about opening a restaurant. – By the way, Lyosha saw this video first and invited me to the restaurant for the opening. And I didn’t even Look, I just heard your name, and immediately realized that I had to go. Sultana’s eyes shone with happiness, she did not know that the host of the restaurant was Wine. – What else is interesting there? Let me see. Amir sat thoughtfully at his computer. Sultana tried to tease him, but she could not do anything.

– And what is interesting there?

– Nothing. I do not like all this. Who is behind all this? I know who will help us. Amir dialed a video call.

– Hello Thailand!

– Hello! Amir said with a laugh.

– What should happen to make such calls at such a late hour?

– I am sorry. I completely forgot.

– Well, what?

– Who is the owner of the restaurant «Oriental fairy tale».

– God rest his soul! Rest in peace!

– But seriously?

– I will not upset you, but this is the wife of the deceased. Beautiful Indonesian!

– A nightmare.

– I think so too!

– I am looking at you having fun, despite such a late hour.

– Yes, my wife and I do not sleep here!

– And we are not sleeping!

– Don’t forget about the time! The joker! I don’t know how or what? But this is not good.

– I wonder what she wants. To be honest, I already believed in a miracle and calmed down.

– Me too. I thought that woman was out there somewhere. But not here. Gee. Is Arthur really dead?

– Don’t laugh like that. Otherwise, he will rise again.

– Exactly. This type is not to be trifled with. And what should I do now?
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