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Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851

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Totness church, 29.

Touchstone's dial, 52. 107. 196.

Tracy (Wm.), disinterred for heresy, 240. 378.

Tradescants, family of the, 119. 286. 353. 391. 393. 469.

Tradesmen's signs, 224. 285.

Traditions from remote periods through few links, 206. 237. 289. 421.

Traherne's Sheriffs of Glamorgan wanted, 186.

"Trepidation talk'd," its meaning, 450. 485.

Trevelyan (W. C.) on apple-pie order, 485.

–– on Durham sword, 485.

–– on fossil elk of Ireland, 212.

–– on the Oldenburg horn, 509.

–– on the authors of the Rolliad, 129.

Tr. (G.) on charm for the tooth-ache, 20.

Trinitäll Hall's exequies, 203. 252.

Trisection of the circle, 303.

Tristan d'Acunha, 29.

True blue, 27. 71. 92. 116. 194.

Trusler (Rev. Dr.), his Memoirs, 61. 110.

Truth, an inedited ballad on, 134.

Ts. on Coleridge's opinion of De Foe, 136.

T. (S. P. H.) on fossil elk of Ireland, 121.

T. (T.) on Robert Burton, 157.

T. (T. C.) on Newburgh Hamilton, 356.

–– on umbrellas, 482.

T. (T. J.) on the derivation of gooseberry-fool, 496.

Tu autem, its meaning, 265. 308. 435.

Turner (Dawson) on authors of the Rolliad, and Pursuits of Literature, 277.

Turner (T. Hudson) on haybands in seals, 291.

Turning the tables, on the phrase, 276.

Twysden (Sir Roger), his incredulity, 444.

Tye, what is it? 263. 340. 469.

Tyro on the authorship of Cinquante Lettres d'Exhortation, 169.

–– on the meaning of difformis, 24.

–– on oration against Demosthenes, 227.

–– on Dodd, the historian, 496.

–– on Engelbert, Archbishop of Treves, 379.

–– on Bishop Hooper's Godly Confession, 227.

–– on Rodolph Gualter, 43.

Tyro-Etymologicus on M. or N., 436.


U. (E. B.) on Dutch martyrology, 479.

Ulm manuscript, 60. 191. 269.

Umbrellas, 37. 126. 482.

Uncumber and the offering of oats, 404.

Ussher's Works, on the completion of, 496.


V. on Tennyson's In Memoriam, 506.

–– on allusion in Trinitäll Hall's exequies, 252.

–– on the derivation of Voltaire, 329.
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