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The Colors Of The Dragon

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He whistles more and more and his multiple mouths chatter teeth, but against all odds, reposes me on the ground, on my feet. My head is spinning a bit, the blood flow going up to my brain. I quickly regain my balance and stay on my guard. Nothing is won yet. He has not yet accepted my proposal.

— What's your name ?

Hmm, I don't like the question, it can be dangerous for my future. However, if I do not answer, I will still find myself hanged and I did not like the experience. It wasn’t the first time, but I’m not used to it.

— Dakota.

— Dakota how?

He is smart. A first name alone is useless. While a full name is the door open to everything, and to him in particular.

— Dakota Jones.

— Dakota Jones, I can find you if you lied to me.

I have no doubt about it. I'm starting to have a bunch of enemies among those below. My job rarely brings me friends among its people. I am paid to track them down and they are rarely cooperative, which most often results in bloodshed. Note, to incur reprisals. Note, to suffer reprisals, the protagonists would already have to be alive. However, those who are against me always end up cut in pieces in the morgue. My teammates arrive at this moment, all weapons outside. Fortunately my new acquaintance does not take offense.

— It's good guys, he's ready to follow us.

— Are you sure, Lynx Eye?

Yeah, no first name in front of targets in normal times, and like nothing escapes me, I was nicknamed the Lynx Eye. I like it. And it's better than ‘’ the weird ’’, the nickname from my childhood. How could I have guessed that I did not see like everyone else when I have been like that since my birth?

— Dakota Jones gave me a promise. You have to take me to a place where I wouldn't disturb anyone. And shit. I'm going to be scolded. George doesn't waste a second to hit me.

— Damn Dakota. We do not give his name to the demons. You know the rules and this is the first one we have learned, the most important.

Me, I am convinced that the most important is the one that says to stay alive at all costs, but, this is not the time to point out to him.

— You always do it only as you please. Your father will fall on me again while reading the report!

— So ignore this detail. And now let's go from here.

I turn to the creature that has returned to human form. Only his shirt shows his change in appearance, the sleeves having cracked under the force of his tentacles. Normal, two sleeves, six tentacles, no need to be a mathematician to understand the problem. At least his anatomy is still hidden, which should greatly relieve my colleagues. It’s not always the case and a naked man, even if he’s not really a man, makes my friends uncomfortable every time.

— Serpieusson, after you.

— How do you know what I am?

— I see a lot of things.

And I would prefer to see much less. But I certainly do not intend to discuss it with him.

— Do you know other creatures like me?

— You are not the first of your kind that I come across, but you are probably the most cooperative.

— I see.

He climbs into the van without arguing and turns to me before I close the door.

— When you need me, call me. You know how to do ?

I am surprised by his mark of confidence. He is giving me the means to call him as I did by giving him my identity.

— Yes, I know how to summon a demon.

He rubs his leg and gives me one of his scales.

— Take care of yourself Dakota Jones. You are different. Many are afraid of what they do not understand. I am confused. A warning? Different from who?

— What are you talking about ?

— Hell is not the only one to contain evil and unscrupulous beings.

With that, he turns away and the van takes the road. More dangerous than the demons of Hell? Impossible. I've seen enough to know what kind of monsters he can be, and I've never seen anything worse in humans. Even the worst psychopath can’t be good enough to the cruelty of a bloodthirsty demon.

Chapter 2


This good old Fort Benning base does not change despite the passing time. Always so many people, and I still feel alone among them. Thousands of people, and one intruder. The weird girl who has the right to stay here only because her father is directing the base. Finally, this is what everyone thinks in silence without telling me clearly, because everyone ignores the role that I play in the army. The girl who has no place among the soldiers who risk their lives to defend the country. If only people knew my life, their vision of me would surely change. In everyone's eyes, I am the nice girl to her daddy who has been boosted. My father has cultivated this myth with the greatest care in public since my childhood. However, in private, that’s another story. The difference with my childhood is that today I have my own home in which I can take refuge at will. No more sad and silent apartment of my father who was conspicuous by his absence and where I have been so alone all my life. I spent most of my time between nurses and school until I was a teenager. Until my father realizes my potential and finally pays attention to me. Or rather, interest. The kind of interest that I will do without, and that ended by breaking my hopes of one day having a father. I passed from being a bulky child to a soldier under his orders without ever having given my opinion. Whether I agree or not, I have had no say, zero free will, like the military does, and rebellion is out of the question unless you want to pay dearly for it. Whether I agree or not, I have had no say, zero free will, like the military does, and rebellion is out of the question unless you want to pay dearly for it. No special treatment for General Jones’s daughter, whatever the others may think, some might perceive it as a weakness and the general is not weak. One of my teammates took two years before realizing who is my biological father. Like what, the general's strategy is effective. So much so that even I sometimes wonder who my father is.

The little cocoon that I created for myself is therefore my haven of peace essential for my mental health, if I still have one. Some people find it too colorful, even motley, but those who know me, namely my teammates only, understand the reasons and approve of my different choices. My living room is painted in sky blue, like the days of cloudless sunshine that I love so much, with paintings of multicolored tulips, jonquils or even, lotuses in vibrant colors of blue and pink. In front of my giant screen TV which I only use to watch romantic movies, I see enough horror during the day, my white sofa with neon cushions stands out in this country decor, but it is very comfortable. So much so that my friends tend to be a little too comfortable there. Regarding the white and blue open kitchen with a central island in marble and quartz sparkle, it is literally an invitation to meals with friends, which is perfect because I love to cook. Unfortunately, I don't have time to settle down to enjoy a coffee that my phone is already ringing. Ugh!, my father. I sigh just when hearing her voice. If it would have been someone else, I would have turned a deaf ear. But with my father, useless. Better to answer, because he will harass me until I pick up the phone, and if I turn off my mobile, he will send one of his underlings to ring my doorbell. Out of the question, I hate that a stranger enters my lair and noses about my business. It’s therefore without enthusiasm that I pick up the phone.

— Hello.

— Dakota, mission return briefing in 15 minutes.

I don’t have time to argue that he’s already hung up. No ‘’ how are you? ’’ Or ‘’ I missed you ‘’. The general spoke, execution. It’s exactly how I felt right now. I have no father but a general whose orders I must follow without arguing, without thinking, and above all without emotions. I have to go to HQ of TD right now or I will get slapped on the fingers.

Demon Hunters, by his full name, is the unit my father created when he heard about my particularity. Hell has been known for centuries. It is also mentioned in the Bible. As mentioned, there is a passage between our world and this abominable underground world. But contrary to popular belief that men are punished and sent to the Underworld after their death, it is the demons who come to earth, and not to punish men who deserve it, but to live and do evil there, according to their nature. Originally, the army was fighting the demons, you know, haphazardly. They killed them when felling on them by chance, after several human losses obviously, since not everyone is walking with a titanium blade permanently . Today, thanks to me, our attacks are targeted and only the unit of which I am a member is empowered to fight the demons, and kill them if necessary. On this last point, I was intransigent in front of my father. Just like humans, there are good and bad demons. It is out of the question that I kill a creature that doesn't hurt anyone. Today's serpieusson is the perfect example. I wasn’t going to end his life because he eats animals. In this case, let's also arrest people who eat pigs. The poor little pink beasts with their corkscrew tail so cute. I am aware that my father gave in to my claim for the unique purpose that I join the unit, but it doesn't matter. The main thing is that I won my case and demon or not, the innocent are spared. Call to order or move, depending on what is causing the problem, but leave alive and at peace. This does not stop the general from blaming me for my choices and my actions at each debriefing. I'm just a disappointment to him and he makes me feel it on every occasion. Our mission was a success, but he will find fault with it, as usual.

So reluctantly that I join the HQ highly secure of TD , consisting of offices, a huge meeting room, and an underground laboratory to which I do not have access. It is not a problem for me. I don't like the morbid and the lab gathers dead demons for autopsy. I don't need to see this. Truly not. I have enough horror vision during investigations, without having to add images of demons cut with a scalpel and dissected. The staff of the morgue is still essential to our work. It allows us to expand our knowledge of hell species and how to kill them faster without hurting ourselves. It schematizes and lists all the strengths and weaknesses of the different species that we have fought in the past. However, each has its place, and I prefer to face the danger and fight rather than being around death all day long.

When I arrive, the whole team is already there, chatting quietly while waiting for the general to honor us with his presence. I love each person in this room. All these men have become my family since I joined the program and I would be ready to give my life for them as they are ready to do for me. George, our team leader, is the oldest of us. From the height of his 45 years and with his temples which I suppose graying, even if I don't distinguish this color on him, is a surrogate father for me since the formation of the team.

I was just 18 years old and my father charged him of my apprenticeship . This is there when I met Luke, the youngest member of the team after me. Two years older than me, he had just graduated from military school and was placed in the care of George to follow training with me. over the fights, camouflage techniques, handling of weapons and excessive George's shoutings, we weren't very disciplined students, we got closer to become like brothers. Luke is the twin I dreamed of having in my worst moments of loneliness. A brother who would be like me and who would always understand me despite my oddities. In the end, Luke is not like me, I am unique, but he understands me better than anyone and always knows what is on my mind. Like now.

— Calm down Dakota. We do the briefing and I'll take you home straight away so you can spread out on your sofa in front of a turnip. I do my best smile. He just described to me the perfect day, I am dreaming about it. My sofa ', a coffee and a romantic movie that transports me to an ideal and harmonious world.

— Wouldn't you prefer to spend the evening with me, my dear? I’ll help you relax, I promise.

Jared, the inveterate flirt. A 30 years old smooth talker with the body of a god, shaped by years of bodybuilding. unfortunate that this handsome boy, from the height of his 75 inches, takes girls like handkerchiefs: usable and disposable. On the other hand, we have to admit that the secret nature of our missions and their dangerousness does not allow us to forge deep ties with anyone outside the team. So he made the choice to enjoy life. I respect him, but it will be without me and he knows it. Only he loves to tease me and above all, tickle the protective side of our stooges. I don't have time to say that Russel does it for me.

— You don't touch her, perverse. Russel, the nice boy, defender of lost causes. And I am his latest charity. I love him, he is always on my side and was the first to support me when I opposed the systematic massacres of demons, but I am far from the fragile little flower for which he makes me pass. I am able to defend myself alone against Jared's pathetic attempts. Especially since these are mainly empty words. I'm not her type at all. To please him, you have to be a hottie with a big chest that opens his thighs when he snaps his fingers. Me, I am brunette, petite, some shapes, but without excess, and especially, I am able to make him very bad if he looks for troubles or disrespect me. Jasper adds a layer.

— She'll never land in your bed, man, she's way too smart to be fooled by your pretty face.
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