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The Duchess of Malfi

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Caetera non scrutantur.'[57 - "The rest not considered."]
Why, now 'tis most apparent; this precise fellow
Is the duchess' bawd: – I have it to my wish!
This is a parcel of intelligency[58 - A piece of news.]
Our courtiers were cas'd up for:  it needs must follow
That I must be committed on pretence
Of poisoning her; which I 'll endure, and laugh at.
If one could find the father now! but that
Time will discover.  Old Castruccio
I' th' morning posts to Rome:  by him I 'll send
A letter that shall make her brothers' galls
O'erflow their livers.  This was a thrifty[59 - Cleverly contrived.] way!
Though lust do mask in ne'er so strange disguise,
She 's oft found witty, but is never wise.


Scene IV[60 - Rome. An apartment in the palace of the Cardinal.]


CARDINAL.  Sit:  thou art my best of wishes.  Prithee, tell me
What trick didst thou invent to come to Rome
Without thy husband?
JULIA.                Why, my lord, I told him
I came to visit an old anchorite[61 - Religious recluse.]  Here for devotion.
CARDINAL.           Thou art a witty false one, —
I mean, to him.
JULIA.  You have prevail'd with me
Beyond my strongest thoughts; I would not now
Find you inconstant.
CARDINAL.             Do not put thyself
To such a voluntary torture, which proceeds
Out of your own guilt.
JULIA.                  How, my lord!
CARDINAL.                              You fear
My constancy, because you have approv'd[62 - Experienced.]
Those giddy and wild turnings in yourself.
JULIA.  Did you e'er find them?
CARDINAL.                        Sooth, generally for women,
A man might strive to make glass malleable,
Ere he should make them fixed.
JULIA.                          So, my lord.
CARDINAL.  We had need go borrow that fantastic glass
Invented by Galileo the Florentine
To view another spacious world i' th' moon,
And look to find a constant woman there.
JULIA.  This is very well, my lord.
CARDINAL.                            Why do you weep?
Are tears your justification?  The self-same tears
Will fall into your husband's bosom, lady,
With a loud protestation that you love him
Above the world.  Come, I 'll love you wisely,
That 's jealously; since I am very certain
You cannot make me cuckold.
JULIA.                       I 'll go home
To my husband.
CARDINAL.       You may thank me, lady,
I have taken you off your melancholy perch,
Bore you upon my fist, and show'd you game,
And let you fly at it. – I pray thee, kiss me. —
When thou wast with thy husband, thou wast watch'd
Like a tame elephant: – still you are to thank me: —
Thou hadst only kisses from him and high feeding;
But what delight was that?  'Twas just like one
That hath a little fing'ring on the lute,
Yet cannot tune it: – still you are to thank me.
JULIA.  You told me of a piteous wound i' th' heart,
And a sick liver, when you woo'd me first,
And spake like one in physic.[63 - Sick.]
CARDINAL.                      Who 's that? —

[Enter Servant]

Rest firm, for my affection to thee,
Lightning moves slow to 't.
SERVANT.                     Madam, a gentleman,
That 's come post from Malfi, desires to see you.
CARDINAL.  Let him enter:  I 'll withdraw.


SERVANT.                                    He says
Your husband, old Castruccio, is come to Rome,
Most pitifully tir'd with riding post.


[Enter DELIO]

JULIA.  [Aside.] Signior Delio! 'tis one of my old suitors.
DELIO.  I was bold to come and see you.
JULIA.                                   Sir, you are welcome.
DELIO.  Do you lie here?
JULIA.                    Sure, your own experience
Will satisfy you no:  our Roman prelates
Do not keep lodging for ladies.
DELIO.                           Very well:
I have brought you no commendations from your husband,
For I know none by him.
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