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The Duchess of Malfi

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Follow him to mass; may be Antonio,
Although he do account religion
But a school-name, for fashion of the world
May accompany him; or else go inquire out
Delio's confessor, and see if you can bribe
Him to reveal it.  There are a thousand ways
A man might find to trace him; as to know
What fellows haunt the Jews for taking up
Great sums of money, for sure he 's in want;
Or else to go to the picture-makers, and learn
Who bought[130 - So Dyce. Qq. BROUGHT.] her picture lately:  some of these
Happily may take.
BOSOLA.            Well, I 'll not freeze i' th' business:
I would see that wretched thing, Antonio,
Above all sights i' th' world.
CARDINAL.                       Do, and be happy.


BOSOLA.  This fellow doth breed basilisks in 's eyes,
He 's nothing else but murder; yet he seems
Not to have notice of the duchess' death.
'Tis his cunning:  I must follow his example;
There cannot be a surer way to trace
Than that of an old fox.

[Re-enter JULIA, with a pistol]

JULIA.  So, sir, you are well met.
BOSOLA.                             How Now!
JULIA.  Nay, the doors are fast enough:
Now, sir, I will make you confess your treachery.
BOSOLA.  Treachery!
JULIA.               Yes, confess to me
Which of my women 'twas you hir'd to put
Love-powder into my drink?
BOSOLA.  Love-powder!
JULIA.                 Yes, when I was at Malfi.
Why should I fall in love with such a face else?
I have already suffer'd for thee so much pain,
The only remedy to do me good
Is to kill my longing.
BOSOLA.                 Sure, your pistol holds
Nothing but perfumes or kissing-comfits.[131 - Perfumed sweetmeats for the breath.]  Excellent lady!
You have a pretty way on 't to discover
Your longing.  Come, come, I 'll disarm you,
And arm you thus:  yet this is wondrous strange.
JULIA.  Compare thy form and my eyes together,
You 'll find my love no such great miracle.
Now you 'll say
I am wanton:  this nice modesty in ladies
Is but a troublesome familiar
That haunts them.
BOSOLA.  Know you me, I am a blunt soldier.
JULIA.                                       The better:
Sure, there wants fire where there are no lively sparks
Of roughness.
BOSOLA.  And I want compliment.
JULIA.                           Why, ignorance
In courtship cannot make you do amiss,
If you have a heart to do well.
BOSOLA.                          You are very fair.
JULIA.  Nay, if you lay beauty to my charge,
I must plead unguilty.
BOSOLA.                 Your bright eyes
Carry a quiver of darts in them sharper
Than sun-beams.
JULIA.           You will mar me with commendation,
Put yourself to the charge of courting me,
Whereas now I woo you.
BOSOLA.  [Aside.] I have it, I will work upon this creature. —
Let us grow most amorously familiar:
If the great cardinal now should see me thus,
Would he not count me a villain?
JULIA.  No; he might count me a wanton,
Not lay a scruple of offence on you;
For if I see and steal a diamond,
The fault is not i' th' stone, but in me the thief
That purloins it.  I am sudden with you.
We that are great women of pleasure use to cut off
These uncertain wishes and unquiet longings,
And in an instant join the sweet delight
And the pretty excuse together.  Had you been i' th' street,
Under my chamber-window, even there
I should have courted you.
BOSOLA.  O, you are an excellent lady!
JULIA.  Bid me do somewhat for you presently
To express I love you.
BOSOLA.                 I will; and if you love me,
Fail not to effect it.
The cardinal is grown wondrous melancholy;
Demand the cause, let him not put you off
With feign'd excuse; discover the main ground on 't.
JULIA.  Why would you know this?
BOSOLA.                           I have depended on him,
And I hear that he is fall'n in some disgrace
With the emperor:  if he be, like the mice
That forsake falling houses, I would shift
To other dependance.
JULIA.                You shall not need
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