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The Wonders of Arithmetic from Pierre Simon de Fermat

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. We take two numbers 4 + 9 = 13 and 1 + 16 = 17. Their product will be 13?17 = 221 = (4 + 9) ? (1+16) = (2?1 + 3?4)

+ (2?4 ? 3?1)

= (2?1 ? 3?4)

+ (2?4 + 3?1)

= 14

+ 5

= 10

+ 11

; Now if 221

= (221


= 10793861

; then the required result will be 221

= (14

+ 5


= (14?10793861)

+ (5?10793861)

= 151114054

+ 53969305

= (10

+ 11



+ (11?10793861)


+ 118732471

; But you can go also the other way if you submit the initial numbers for example, as follows: 221

= (14

+ 5


+ 11

) = (14?10 + 5?11)

+ (14?11 ? 5?10)

= (14?10 ? 5?11)

+ (14?11+5?10)

= 195

+ 104

= 85

+ 204

; 221

= 221

?221 = (195

+ 104


+ 11

) = (195?10 + 104?11)
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