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Английский язык. 101 типичная грамматическая ошибка

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3. Sir Winston Churchill served as Prime Minister twice, in 1940–1945 and 1951–1955.

4. Lady Diana, the Princess of Wales and the first wife of Charles, was killed in a car crash in 1997.

5. He didn't know Peter Rouse, (the) leader of the orchestra.

6. They appointed him Head Librarian last month.

7. I'd like you to meet Cathy Parker, the novelist.

4–2. Mark the right variant and translate the sentences.

1. In 2012, (the, – ) Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond Jubilee – 60 years on the throne.

2. Oscar Wilde, (a, – ) famous English essayist, poet, novelist and dramatist, died in Paris in 1900.

3. Alexander Pushkin, (the, – ) most famous Russian poet, was born in Moscow in 1799.

4. Horatio Nelson, (the, – ) English admiral who won the Battle of Trafalgar, is a national hero of Great Britain.

5. Then James Sweet (-, a) chairman of the Committee, took the floor.

6. She interviewed Saul Bellow, (an, the) economist who wrote this item.

7. Yesterday I got acquainted with Nelly (the, an) interpreter of Chinese.

4–3. Translate into English.

1. Он переводчик японского языка (Japanese).

2. Это переводчик японского языка, который работал на выставке.

3. Они вчера говорили с г-ном Вилли, председателем комитета.

4. Председатель комитета хорошо говорит по-русски.

5. Он был избран председателем в прошлом месяце.

5. Учебные заведения и другие учреждения

К данной группе относятся существительные school, university, college, hospital, church, prison, court и т. д.

Данные существительные употребляются без артикля в следующих случаях:

1) в различных устойчивых сочетаниях, например:

to enter school/university/college

to go to school/ university/college/hospital/church/prison/court

to be at school/university/college/church

to be in hospital/church/prison/court

2) если впереди стоит название города, например:

Oxford University, Trinity College, Moscow University.

Но в следующих случаях употребляется определённый артикль:

1) если название города стоит после существительного, например:

the University of London, the University of Moscow.

2) если перед существительным даётся имя учёного или определённое направление в науке, например:

the Humboldt University, the Lomonosov University, the Wurzburg school.

Note: Если эти существительные обозначают соответствующиездания,они употребляются с артиклямипо общим правилам,например:

It isanold public school.

Theschool is located in the suburbs of the city.

5–1. Read and translate the sentences.

1. Eton College, one of the nine private public schools in England, has educated boys for nearly six centuries.

2. Jane is at/in hospital. She will be operated on tomorrow.

3. I left my coat in the hospital when I was visiting Jane.

4. The case went to court last month.

5. He was sent to prison for shoplifting.

6. Some workmen went to the church to repair the roof.

7. He usually sits at the side in the church.

5–2. Use the Definite Article if necessary, and translate the sentences.

1. How is Peter getting on at… school?

2. We went to… same school.

3. When did she finish… school?

4. He is graduating from… University next year.
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