cm. The average distance (the semi major axis) 3,4134.10
cm After a flight during 0,121.10
s apocenter decreased to 4,4957.108 cm, and the pericenter increased to 2,3493.10
cm. The average distance decreased to 3,4025.10
Orbital speed at the beginning and end of the free flight accordingly was 1,1984.10
and 1,2004.10
cm/s Substituting the obtained values of the average distance in the beginning of the period of free flight and orbital velocity at the beginning and end of the flight in the formula 1, we get the value of the constant C = 1,91.108 cm/s, which is close enough to the values previously given for satellites "Luna-10" (3,69.10
cm/s) and the lunar Prospector" (2,25.10
Japanese satellite of the Moon "Kaguya" was launched on 14 September 2007 with the Japanese Baikonur Tanegasima using booster h-2A (H-2A) [9]. The mass of the satellite 3000 kg. To the orbit of the moon it was only appear on 4 October 2007. After separation of the two auxiliary satellites, test equipment and instruments basic core ("Main orbiter") mass 2 27 1kg December 2007 began their regular observations on polar circular orbit with altitude of 100 km (the distance from the center of 1,838.10
cm, orbital speed 1,6332.10
The time of the flight without the inclusion of the propulsion system lasted until June 11, 2009, that is 0,466.10
s. At the point of activation of the brake motor installation altitude was 27.8 km (the distance from the center of 1,776.10
cm), which corresponds to the orbital velocity 1,6661.10
m/s. Then, after 6 minutes the connection with the satellite was lost. Substituting the values of change of orbital parameters in the formula 1, we get the value of the constant C = 2,34.10
cm/s, very close to the values previously calculated for other satellites.
Indian space research organization (ISRO,) reported [10] about the launch of 22 October 2008 on a circumlunar orbit of his device
"Chandrayan-1 using developed in Indian rocket PSLV–XL (PSLV – Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle from Baikonur Satish Dhawan. Starting weight station was 1380 kg, weight station in lunar orbit – 523 kg.
After a series of maneuvers November 4, the station went on the flight path to the Moon and on 8 November reached the environs of the Moon, where at a distance of 500 km from the surface was included brake motor, resulting in the station moved to a transitional circumlunar orbit resettlement 504 km, aposelene 7502 km and an orbital period of 11 hours. Then on 9 November, after adjustment of the pericenter of the orbit was lowered to 200 km. On November 13, the station was transferred to the circular working circumlunar orbit with altitude of 100 km (1,838.10
cm from the center of the Moon), a cycle time of 120 min, the orbital speed 1,6332.10
On August 29, 2009 ISRO announced that radio contact with the satellite was lost. By the time of the loss of communication with the satellite, it stayed in orbit 312 days (0,27.10
(s) and managed to make a 3400 revolutions around the Moon.
Indian space research organization claims that her device will be in lunar orbit for another 1000 days. The lack of data on the orbital parameters after braking satellite Chandrayaan-1 does not allow the calculation of the constant C. However, determining the average value for other satellites, using equation (3) to confirm or refine the prediction of the lifetime of the satellite "Chandrayan-1.
The average value of the constant C it is advisable to calculate on three.satellites: "the lunar Prospector", "Smart-1" and "Kaguya". It is of 2.16.10
cm/s. The large deviation of the satellite is "the Moon-10" – 3,690.10
cm/s is associated with significant orbital eccentricity at which the intersection of the gravity-magnetic power lines occurs at small angles and braking force in accordance with equation (1) is small. Therefore, the estimated flight time is significantly less than the actual, since the calculation was made according to the formula (3), in which the angle α was not taken into account.
With regard to satellite "Chandrayan-1, the calculation showed that the total time spent in orbit until the fall on the surface of the Moon is 644 days including 332 days after loss of communication with the satellite.
The deviations of the estimated time from the actual for other satellites are given in table 1. In the case of a satellite, the lunar Prospector" observed the coincidence of two values: 0.157.10
and 0,153.10
C. For "Smart-1" rated value is 12.5 % higher than the actual, for the "Kaguya" 15 % below the actual time of flight of the satellite. This coincidence of the calculated and observational data confirms the correctness of the made assumptions about the braking satellites of the moon due to gravimagnetic forces.
4. The influence of gravimagnetism on planetary and satellite distance
Let us consider the problem of the connection between phenomena gravimagnetism with the regularity of planetary and satellite orbital distances. Here it is appropriate to remind once again about the ideas of M. Faraday, who introduced the concept of the gravitational field, managing the planet in orbit. “The sun generates a field around itself, and the planets and other celestial bodies feel the influence of the field and behave accordingly."
Unlike the Moon, the Earth has its own rotation around its axis. This rotation may distort the lines of tension from Sinα = 1 to Sinα = 0, that is, braking force in a rotating central bodies can have a very small value.
It can be assumed that the rotation of the Earth causes deformation of the surrounding gravitational field, and this oscillatory motion, in which are formed of concentric layers with different orientation vector gravimagnetic tension. When the orientation is close to concentric (Sinα ≈ 0) the motion is without braking and energy consumption, i.e. elite or permitted orbits. If the orientation of the vector gravimagnetic tension is close to radial, as in the case of the Moon, the braking is happened and the satellite moves to the bottom of the orbit lying with less potential energy.
In some works [11, 12] it is shown that planetary and satellite orbital distance r is expressed by the equation similar to equation Bohr quantization of orbits in the atom:
r = n
k, (4)
where n is an integer (quantum) number, k is a constant having a constant value for the planetary and each satellite system.
The k values calculated for planetary and satellite systems, are presented in table 2. For different systems, while maintaining consistency within the system, the value of k varies within wide limits [13]. For the planetary system it is 6280.10
cm, and the smallest satellite system Mars 1,25.10
cm, there are 5 000 times smaller.
Seemed interesting to find such a mathematical model, which would be in the same equation was combined planetary and satellite systems. In this respect fruitful was the idea expressed by H. Alfvén [14], that “the emergence of an ordered system of secondary bodies around the primary body – whether it be the Sun or a planet, definitely depends on two parameters initial body: its mass and speed"… It has been shown [13] that when the normalization constant k in the complex, representing the square root of the product of the mass of the central body for the period of its rotation (MT)of
, the result is a constant value, see table 2. If the constant k is changed for the considered systems within 3.5 decimal orders of magnitude, normalized by k/(MT)
value saves the apparent constancy, rather varies from 0.95.10
to 1.66.10
Thus, in a mathematical model expressing the regularity of planetary and satellite distances should include the mass of the central body and the period of its rotation, two factors (mass movement) determining the occurrence of gravimagnetic forces in the system.
Further, in the synthesis equation, it seemed natural, should include the gravitational constant G. By a large number of trial calculations, it was found that equation (mathematical model) that combines planetary and satellite systems, is the expression: