век = century
красть = to steal (stole – stolen)
приглашать = to invite
свадьба = wedding
включать = to include
месторождение = deposit
процент = percent
наводнение = flood
нефть, масло = oil
обувь = shoes
натуральная кожа = genuine leather
номер = number
делегация = delegation
порох = gunpowder
нанести урон (повреждение) = to damage
сильный, крепкий = strong
ветер = wind
необходимый = necessary
решение = solution
находить = to find (found – found)
показывать = to show (showed – shown)
обвинять = to accuse
преступление = crime
цена = price
увеличение = increase
увеличивать = to increase
вызывать = to call
инфляция = inflation
монета = coin
золото = gold
сделать = to make (made – made)
причина, причинять = cause, to cause
популярная книга = bestseller
обильный = heavy
Task 2
Составьте слова
Task 3
Выберите подходящую форму сказуемого
1. Сomputer (invented, was invented) in the 20th century.
2. He (invented, was invented) that device last year.
3. She (was sent, sent) an email in the morning.
4. The email (was sent, sent) in the morning.
5. The money (was stolen, stole) yesterday.
6. He (was stolen, stole) the money yesterday.
7. The house (was built, built) two years ago.
8. They (were built, built) the house two years ago.