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Lovers Premiere

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Ram pulled in a deep breath, shook his head and turned away from her. “Goodbye, Sofia. Undoubtedly, I’ll see you in Vegas.” When he started to climb up into the cab of the plane, Sofia panicked and grabbed him by the arm.


Carefully removing his shades, Ram turned his head and looked down at the slim fingers that were clutching his biceps.

Sofia tried to swallow what felt like a sharp-edged rock in the center of her throat while an intense wattage of electricity singed through her fingertips she could practically see the fine hairs on her arm stand up.

“Do you mind?” he asked.

His warm baritone managed to break whatever weird trance she’d fallen into, but just barely. “All right.” She lowered her hand and forced on a smile, but Ram just frowned and stared at her suspiciously. “You’re right. I’ve been a little…”

“Bitchy,” he supplied.

“Short,” she corrected. “I was going to say short around you.”

He rolled his eyes and waited for her to finish.

“It’s just that…you know a lot of this…merging stuff…I don’t like it.”

“Actually yes, you made that pretty clear. But it still doesn’t excuse…let’s compromise and call it rude, shall we? It doesn’t excuse you for being rude.” He glanced at his watch. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a ton of things to do before the pre-award party our company is throwing for our nominated clients.” He turned to climb back into the cab.

“Wait!” Sofia grabbed his arm again. “Are you really not going to give me a lift?”

Ram continued to pretend that he didn’t feel the heat blazing up his arm when he shrugged off her touch. “Are you really not going to apologize for your rude behavior?”

She dropped her hand again and pulled up straight, but the one thing she had trouble doing was getting her mouth to work.

“See you later.”

“OK.” Her hand flew back to his arm. “I’m…I’m…” She started coughing.

“You have to be kidding me.”

“Oh God, I need some water.” She clutched her throat as if it needed massaging to get the words out of it.

“You need to stop wasting my time.” Irritation had finally crept into his voice. “I’m not going to stand for you talking and treating me like I’m something stuck on the bottom of your shoe. Whether you want to recognize it or not I’m a man that has worked and earned a certain level of respect. If you can’t deal with that then I suggest you march your butt out there on the runway and hitch out your thumb and see if you can catch a ride that way.”

She blinked and then finally whispered. “I’m sorry.”

Ram cupped a hand around his ear. “Come again?”

Sofia sucked in a deep breath, closed her eyes and spoke louder. “I said I’m sorry.” After a long pause of silence, she peeled open her eyes. Ram looked as if he was still weighing whether to accept her apology or tell her just where she could stick her apology.

“I mean it. I’m sorry,” she added.

Ram nodded. “Fine. I’ll give you a lift on one condition.”

She should have known. “What is it?”

“That you keep your mouth shut. I don’t want you to so much as utter a sound,” he said with a narrowed gaze that made it clear that he was being serious. “Think that you can handle that?”


“Ah. Ah. Ah.” He waved a finger in front of her face. “When it comes to you, as far as I’m concerned, silence is golden.”

Sofia clamped her mouth shut and then angrily nodded her head.

“Good. Then you got yourself a deal.”

Chapter Five

Forty minutes. Sofia just needed to keep her mouth shut for forty minutes. How hard could that be? Turns out, it was pretty hard. Given the fact that she had lost her parents in a plane crash, flying was never her favorite thing. But for the most part, she could deal with it because of all the travel that was needed for her job. But climbing into this plane, much smaller than anything she’d ever flown in, was another thing all together.

“How long did you say that you’ve been flying?” she asked, clutching her seatbelt.

Ram cut her a look.

“I mean…” She glanced around as they neared the runway. “You’re sure of what you’re doing, right?”

“It’s not too late for you to get out,” he said.

Sofia opened her mouth but Ram signaled for her to zip it. Now look who is being rude. She sulked down in her chair. But when the plane raced down the runway, she slammed her eyes closed and prayed. Five minutes later, she finally felt safe enough to pry her eyes open. By then they were coasting smoothly through the clouds. “Well…okay. This isn’t so bad.” She exhaled and tried to relax. “I can do this.”

Ram just sighed.

“What? Are you going to threaten to kick me out now?”

“Don’t tempt me.”

Sofia pulled in a long breath while she stared at his strong profile. She tried to hold on to the years of anger that she’d felt for the Jordans. In her head, she could still hear her father yelling and accusing Emmett Jordan of being a backstabber. From that day on, she grouped father and son together. But was that really fair?

She jerked at the rogue question and then squirmed in her seat because she didn’t really want her subconscious to answer it.

Ram snuck another glance to his right and noticed how stiff Sofia looked in her seat. “Unbelievable,” he mumbled under his breath.


“Nothing,” he lied with a shrug.

“That was not nothing,” Sofia challenged. “What is it? Spit it out.”

After a couple of more shrugs, he decided to come clean. “I was just noting how…uptight you are.” He looked over at her again and shook his head. “You’ve changed so much.”

She raised her chin indignantly. “I have not.”

“Puh-lease. I’m willing to bet that this is the longest you’ve gone without talking on the phone.”

“No it’s not.”
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