‘Yes. It’s opposite Number 15.’
‘The important question I have to ask you, Miss Waterhouse, is if you saw the arrival of this man—the mystery man as I’m afraid the morning papers have called him.’
Miss Waterhouse shook her head. ‘No, I didn’t see him or any other caller.’
‘What were you doing between half past one and three o’clock?’
‘I spent about half an hour doing the crossword in The Times, or as much of it as I could, then I went out to the kitchen and washed up the lunch. Let me see. I wrote a couple of letters, made some cheques out for bills, then I went upstairs and sorted out some things I wanted to take to the cleaners. I think it was from my bedroom that I noticed a certain amount of commotion next door. I distinctly heard someone screaming, so naturally I went to the window. There was a young man and a girl at the gate. He seemed to be embracing her.’
Sergeant Lamb shifted his feet but Miss Waterhouse was not looking at him and clearly had no idea that he had been that particular young man in question.