She looked appealingly at Poirot. He smiled reassuringly at her, and reached for a pencil and notebook.
‘Let us be businesslike, madame. Now, then, you and your husband reside – where?’
‘Polgarwith, a small market town in Cornwall.’
‘You have lived there long?’
‘Fourteen years.’
‘And your household consists of you and your husband. Any children?’
‘But a niece, I think you said?’
‘Yes, Freda Stanton, the child of my husband’s only sister. She has lived with us for the last eight years – that is, until a week ago.’
‘Oh, and what happened a week ago?’
‘Things hadn’t been very pleasant for some time; I don’t know what had come over Freda. She was so rude and impertinent, and her temper something shocking, and in the end she flared up one day, and out she walked and took rooms of her own in the town. I’ve not seen her since. Better leave her to come to her senses, so Mr Radnor says.’
‘Who is Mr Radnor?’
Some of Mrs Pengelley’s initial embarrassment returned.
‘Oh, he’s – he’s just a friend. Very pleasant young fellow.’
‘Anything between him and your niece?’
‘Nothing whatever,’ said Mrs Pengelley emphatically.
Poirot shifted his ground.
‘You and your husband are, I presume, in comfortable circumstances?’
‘Yes, we’re very nicely off.’
‘The money, is it yours or your husband’s?’
‘Oh, it’s all Edward’s. I’ve nothing of my own.’
‘You see, madame, to be businesslike, we must be brutal. We must seek for a motive. Your husband, he would not poison you just pour passer le temps! Do you know of any reason why he should wish you out of the way?’
‘There’s the yellow-haired hussy who works for him,’ said Mrs Pengelley, with a flash of temper. ‘My husband’s a dentist, M. Poirot, and nothing would do but he must have a smart girl, as he said, with bobbed hair and a white overall, to make his appointments and mix his fillings for him. It’s come to my ears that there have been fine goings-on, though of course he swears it’s all right.’