Agata Niyazova-Belova

Произведения автора 3

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Год написания книги 2022
A fairy tale that will send your child into a fantasy world. Kittens and their mom will go on adventures in the magical forest.The fairy tale teaches patience, the ability to cope with fears, the...
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2022
Inventing games is a favorite activity of the friendly and resourceful penguin Donut. All his friends love him and the games he invents. But today he realized that he doesn’t want to be himself,...
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2022
Kippie is an inventor, he constantly comes up with something interesting, likes to play different games. And he is also a real leader who knows how to support and show empathy. “Kippie the Penguin...