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Trouble in Tinseltown

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Part 1 of Summer Flings – a fun, flirty and laugh out loud rom com series of short stories.Armed with a degree from Oxford that she doesn’t have a clue what to do with, Ciara Bree convinces her two best friends, Elle and Gem to spend their first summer of freedom backpacking across the globe. Now it’s time to shop, sunbathe, think about boys for a change, and party hard…First stop: LA!The girls hit Tinseltown for a few days of shopping, star spotting, and even a movie premiere!But their plan to sneak into an exclusive celeb party in West Hollywood backfires. Elle’s gorgeous older cousin, Zack, is called to the rescue and despite knowing she should stay away, Ciara just can’t seem to resist him.The ideal summer treat for those relaxing days soaking up the sun!
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