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The alien visitor's revelation

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“Not necessarily,” replied Anna smilingly. “If you focus on the navigation map, you will see several pulsing points. These are the way finders. They are located on the Moon, Mercury and the satellites of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus. Each way finder is assigned with its own identification code, upon using which I can precisely track the location of my spaceship and correct its route within the solar system if necessary. Our spaceships may travel within the three-dimensional reality of the solar system at very different speeds; it depends on the task we perform. As a rule, we keep the speed range corresponding to the solar system movement speed within the galaxy and beyond its limits. This simplifies acceleration and braking of a spaceship in the three-dimensional Reality within the solar system. Spaceships are fitted with the life-support system to travel within this reality. As I told you before, the spaceship’s shell is multilayer type. The last inner layer supports a living being’s life as per same uniform law: changing of matter characteristics based on changing of the vibrational characteristics of its atomic-molecular base. Eventually, this allows generating any kind of a product. Changing the vibrational characteristics of the last spaceship’s shell layer as per preset sequence leads to generation of the atmosphere (for example, air or oxygen), which will support living beings’ life. On the other hand, waste products are absorbed directly into the spaceship’s shell, where they will be decayed into, for example, oxygen atoms. Besides, there is an emergency system considered to automatically transfer the spaceship into the Real Universe, in case the life-support system is out of order. Waste products’ removal is also supported by special skinny suits and small compartments in spaceships’ shells. I am wearing a special device at my waist: it is a vibrator. It is exactly what allows me not only removing and destroying waste products by means of aiming special vibrations from my suit material, but also moving between the three-dimensional reality and the Real Universe. My skinny suit is made of the same material as the spaceship’s one.

I looked at the vibrator Anna was wearing on her waist. It was a small oval silver-colored box with three buttons colored in red, white and blue. I did not ask about the functions performed by those buttons, but Anna read my thoughts and provided the explanation.

“There is a time for everything, Alex. When it comes, I will tell you about this device. For example, it is working under the same principle as do your lifting devices on Earth. It is an artificial “hard” beam. Its parameters correspond to those of matter within the adjacent field of the Real Universe and three-dimensional one. One of the functions of this beam is to aim correspondent vibrations to an object, which is picked up on board of a spaceship. The beam penetrates into atomic structure of that object and makes it weightless. So, it is possible to pick up any organic or non-organic object through a special entry hatch. But still it is necessary to compare an object’s dimensions against a spaceship’s size. But let’s revert back to the life supporting system. Pilots’ nutrition is controlled by means of a special unit that is embedded into the inner skin of the spaceship.”

Anna pressed some button on the control unit, and a panel with a number of buttons unclosed on her left. At the same time I saw a small silver-colored tray protruded from the wall, and two small cream-colored cubes. As she told me, those were pastries, and offered me one.

As it seemed to me, the taste of that pastry was near to a cherry pie’s. I felt fantastic burst of vigor and energy. Anna pressed the button again, and again I saw the silver-colored tray with two glasses of some goldish liquid.

“This is vine or juice, whatever, as you call it on Earth,” said Anna and proffered the glass, which seemed to be made of cut-glass. “In this reality we don’t require nutrition, so both juice and pastries stand for provisional stimulating things designed for your being. Based on the self-regulating process, these things put their vibrations in order, and then they correspond to the surroundings. If we speak about the three-dimensional reality, this food allows compensating energy loss of the body and restoring its normal functions.”

After I had tried that juice, I felt an incomparable surge of joy and desire to create. I seemed to be able to remove the Universe; it fell into my mind to fly to the stars. Earthly concerns seemed so miserable and absolutely pointless. “God! I feel so good. Don’t bring me back to Earth, don’t!” This thought was cheering my mind.

“Well, my friend, it’s time to go home,” Anna made me come down from my dreams. “Everything you’ve heard and seen here is going to be the base of your ongoing book. You have to draught it out once you are back to the three-dimensional reality. Look, this will help you to remember our conversation, word-to-word. When you were born, we chipped you two implants: one is behind your right ear, and another is near your fifth neck bone. Their function is related to the nervous system. Through these implants we can model certain vibrations of the molecular base of a human’s body, and assist the transition into the adjacent field of the three-dimensional and Real Universe or directly to the Real Universe. Transition can involve entire human’s body (neck implant’s function), or just human’s pra-matter, a real egoity, which is the same with spirit (the implant behind your ear). In the first instance a human will just disappear right in front of others’ eyes; otherwise a human will be in a sleepy state. We rarely use the first method since repeated transitions make human bodies wear out. Besides, there is not much need in it. We can get a certain human’s personality on board of our spaceship by means of using the same hard beam. The second method is more preferable with regard to secrecy, contactee’s health, and long-distance space flights. Moreover, implants service to forward certain data to humans. For example, when you start writing your book, I will remind you to include the information, which you will not include owing to your earthborn reasons.”

Then I broke off and asked Anna next question.

“When you transfer from one reality to another, your body is also exposed to multiple changes of vibrational characteristics of the atomic-molecular base. Doesn’t it lead to any irreversible processes, which will wear your body out?”

“My friend, the inner structure of our osseomuscular tissue is slightly different from yours. It is more dense and elastic. In your earthborn terminology, we used the “genetic engineering” to reduce the risk of our bodies’ fulguration to zero, even in case of multiple changing of the atomic-molecular base characteristics. In order to do that, we have been using genomes of some other cosmic civilizations (including Titans’ one) for the last 50 thousand years. However, our work towards this subject is not finished yet. We want to zero out our insenescence, or, if speaking your earthborn language, we want to open the door to “eternal life”. But this is not that easy. Theoretically, it is possible to create such a body, but it is required to keep it within the natural habitat, and maintain certain parameters (around one hundred of them in total). It is hardly possible to create such conditions on Earth, since the planet’s environment is critical. But our mother spacecrafts are able to maintain them. Even now we’ve already achieved good results: a human having this body may live for more than five thousand years on Earth, while this time is endless within our mother spacecrafts.”

“Anna, I don’t quite understand whether your civilization is using infant bodies or in some way adult ones. And what’s the point of wearing your tight clothing, if you may travel within the three-dimensional Universe without it?” I asked her.

“My friend, the meaning is same: in order to understand evolutional processes of the three-dimensional Universe, an intelligent being needs to use the body armor. The process of cognition and pra-matter (a human’s soul) evolution is endless. Intelligent beings understand creation processes quicker and better, exactly if they are in the corporal state. During last 50 million earthyears our civilization has been using adult bodies in order to embody ourselves within the carnal plane of existence. Genetic engineering helps us here too. This is very convenient in terms of constant learning of different evolutional processes taken place on Earth. Since our self-development refers to the being of the 5

level of the Universe, our memory is not blocked when we change our corporal shells. I mean, if I need, I can remember every phase of my personal evolution during every reincarnation, starting from life issues on Oregon and finishing with direct learning of evolutional processes taken place on Earth. Any higher being may use its corporal shell for incarnation and reincarnation within the three-dimensional reality, in order to guide human race’s evolution in the Real Universe data field. Now we are on the 2

level of the Real Universe. Observers from the outside can see neither us, nor our shuttle. Look at your hands and your body: they are same as they would be in the three-dimensional Universe. The only difference is that they are twinkling with thousands of sparkles. This is what is called pra-matter, a building block of the intelligent data field, your personality, your egoity and your personal “self”, and, finally, your soul. Now it exists in the shape, in which you recognize yourself. You recognize yourself as a human with those personal characteristics, which were attributed to you during your last carnation. In order to exist and create while being on the 2

level of the Real Universe, you have to learn how to control every of your thoughts, whether it is happiness or emotional stress, fear or courage, kindness or antipathy. You have to learn creative thinking, where it shall be rational and impartial. You have to awake your inner explorer, who will seek to cognize the creation. In this regard, it is better to first analyze your personal evolutional experience, which is the base of the entire series of carnations within the three-dimensional Universe. Believe me; this is much more interesting than reading the most fascinating book. In reality, the evolution of your personal “self” is for sure the most fascinating book of your life. But we will talk about it next time. Now you have to think out the information I gave you, systemize it, and learn how to summarize it. When you read your notes, you will unwillingly remember our conversation word-to-word, because the true worth of your book is sharing information without any misrepresentation and fiction. Your skill of writing and using a simple and understandable language had motivated us to select you as the writer of this book. I am sure you will manage this mission, and I am going to help you. When we meet the next time, you will learn what the multilevel Real Universe is, and what the stages of human being’s spiritual evolution are. And now, my friend Alex, come back and try to have a rest.”

Anna touched my shoulder, and I heard hissing noise again, as if someone was aligning a radio set nearby.

“I can’t belie-e-ve it!” I yelled in a drawling manner. “I will never forget this! What a miracle! If you told anyone, they’d never believe you!”

Not until then I noticed, that I was back to my real body, sitting on the couch. I rushed to the window and saw the fireball slowly taking to the starry sky. For an instant fireball’s surface turned into Anna’s face, enwreathed in beaming smiles. I waved her off. The fireball with Anna’s image blinked me back and disappeared. Suddenly I felt sadness, as if something most valuable and clear, an angel, has left my world.

“No, I couldn’t have imaged it! I will surely do my duty and write this book!” I whispered before dropping off to sleep…

Chapter 2.

What stands for the data field, multilevel Real Universe, ‘life after life’ philosophy: heaven and hell, individual’s karma and my past incarnations, my acquaintance with Yaroslav the Wise.

I have fulfilled Anna’s request and made sketches of our dialogs in my notebook. To be fair, I did not do it right the next day. It took me about three month to calm down after meeting her. I was on the fence about it: was it real or was it just my dream? I even read some publications regarding that subject, but there was no answer. Some people saw different kinds of UFO, but not much else. Then I abandoned this and began waiting for further developments. Besides, my job was taking its course. But I was constantly burdened by a sense of unfulfilled duty: sometimes I was blushing remembering I’d had to begin writing the book about contacts with the alien from another planet. I have known about the small object behind my right ear since a young age, but I attached little importance to it. After my first contact with Anna I was curious to touch it while trying to understand what function it performed, but I got no answer. The decision to start writing the book came by itself. It was a late December evening, when I took my notebook and began writing. Suddenly, as if by magic, I remembered the entire dialog with Anna. My hand was writing easily and steadily. I mechanically reproduced my conversation with the alien visitor. I understood that I had to render the dialog a verbatim wherever possible. Only then it could be valuable for us, inhabitants of Earth. I suddenly awoke my inner explorer, who had more questions than answers. What stood for the multilevel Universe? Was the humans’ fate something predetermined? Whether it was life after physical death? To which level of the Universe would humans get after death? What was the meaning of humans’ lives? Why was there much more evil than good in our world? Why were there criminals and their victims? What did the human race seek to, and what might lie ahead? Whether we are not alone in the Universe, and who exactly were the aliens? All of these and so much more questions were tumbling in my brain.

“I should have asked Anna more details about it!” I thought once while dropping asleep.

Suddenly I felt vibrations inside my body together with the same noise of an unadjusted radio set. I found myself … undersea. Plenty of different fishes were rowing around me.

At first I thought that I had to float to the surface, before I would be out of breath.

I started to skip from side to side and quickly move my hands and legs. Then fishes suddenly rushed to me and began tearing me into pieces. I screamed in panic and tried to swim away, while still fighting my way against those fishes, but it only intensified their attacks.

Suddenly, my gut feeling told me to calm down and move my hands and legs in a slow and smooth manner. “Then fishes will leave you alone!” It said in the end.

I obeyed it and slowly swept, while inching along. And, oh my god, fishes suddenly stopped their attacks. I finally calmed down, and looked around. Shadowy figures of predatory fishes were silhouetted against emerald-green water column. Those creatures were of different colors and somehow resembled our earthborn spikes. But they seemed to ignore me and slided by, dozily moving their fins.

Suddenly, I found myself standing on the azure seashore. Gentle waves approached a narrow sea beach with sweet rustle. Clear blue sky was primed with some miraculous light. Behind that narrow yellow sea beach I saw a bit hilly area, covered by astonishingly beautiful flowers. They were beaming rainbow of colors and resembled our dahlia plants. Sea beach ended with a narrow path going in a serpentine course. That path was laid with orange-colored stones. I was surrounded by plenty of emerald-green grass and flowers. Melodic and lyric music sounded from somewhere: it made me feel endless happiness and exultation. I saw some strange creatures afar: they slowly strolled along the path, both alone and in small groups. They resembled snow-white oval clouds.

“Well, at least I am not alone here! There these either sheep or people; I can’t see them from here. I wonder where I am. And what shall I tell my boss after my non-attendance!?” That was what I was thinking about.

And then I saw Anna; she appeared out of thin air together with her white-toothed smile. She was still beautiful and again wearing her skinny silver-colored suit and blue headband with a shining diamond on it. I was rushed with unlimited feeling of kindness, and my concerns seemed to float away.

“Alex, my friend! Welcome to the 2

level of the Real Universe,” Anna greeted me. “Can't you still get used to the immaterial form of your existence? You will be fine after a while; multiple experiences are what make sense here. I have modeled vibrations inside you through your implant; this allows your soul, which is your personal ‘self’, being here, I mean being home. The panorama you can see now is a fragment of the Real Universe data field on its 2

level. This level is an entrance point for so called dead people souls and time and space travelers. As some earthborn philosophers would say, the immaterial soul has its astral and then mental bodies, that are characterized in ephemeral categories. However, this is a bit incorrect point of view in determination of the soul category in terms of pra-matter and carrying of an individual ‘self’ of a certain character. The soul is an integral category that is indivisible and invulnerable, as well as any pra-matter. The soul is a real personality, which has multiple existence experience in both three-dimensional and Real Universe. That is why so called astral and mental bodies are just temporary states of the soul, as a unified category, that depends on the vibrational frequency of its pra-matter. Astral experience mode of the soul is determined by its mental and intellectual development, and also inner concerns about unresolved issues being left on Earth. For example, all those ghosts are astral modes of soul existence. The 2

level of the Real Universe consists of seven sub-levels; each of them is an entry point of souls of the dead depending on their mental or intellectual development grades. The 2

level of the Real Universe is, theoretically speaking, graded due to existence of the data field. Each of the seven sub-levels has its own vibration frequency, which makes it possible for each soul to enter its exact sub-level (it will not enter other sub-levels by mistake, since there are different pra-matter vibrations there). When the vibrational frequency of pra-matter, that composes a soul, becomes higher, the qualitative level of soul existence will be different as well. These levels depend on a soul's inner state. This is the reason why it is so important for a human to progress in terms of morality, religion and education. So, it is a soul itself to identify its place within the Real Universe, where its self-development goes forward. Mental strength and ability to put thoughts in a clear and distinct manner are important elements of each human’s evolution. This doesn't mean that a soul is abandoned and develops alone by means of endless incarnations and reincarnations on Earth.”

“At the moment we are at the 7

sub-level of the 2

level of the Real Universe. This is somewhat ‘threshold of the paradise’, as you call it on Earth. Your soul's vibrational frequency and its mental and intellectual development make it possible to be at this sub-level, but no more than that. This is the reason why you had to gain peace and your essence had to pass through the ocean with fishes to put your vibrational frequency in order to reach your level. The 7

sub-level identifies spiritual people; their intellectual resources let them ask and search answers to those questions, which have been agitating the human race: what's the meaning of life? Is there any life after life? Is there any God, and what was the prime cause of the Universe creation? What are evolutional stages and their limits? And the 1

sub-level identifies the people, whose mental development is low and their selfish origin prevails. This usually refers to primitive tribes, who put physical needs satisfaction on the top. Besides, luminescence of each creature depends on the obtained perfection to a greater or lesser degree.”

“Mental body of a being is nothing more than the 3

level of the Real Universe. This is the world of peace and happiness, where human beings critically evaluate their mental and moral outfit, and select the most valuable properties among the line of their past lives for their future incarnations. Final development of a soul’s creativity is exactly an essential part of this level.”

“The 4

level of the Real Universe is the world of so-called social beings (you call them ‘collective beings’). They are joined by the spiritual affinity. The world of peace and happiness cocoons each being, which is a fragment part of a collective being. In reality, a collective being is a guardian angel for stand-alone like-minded beings, which occupy lower levels. Collective beings are kind of life leaders for the selected lower beings. Each collective being possesses special vibrational frequency, which is different from the others’. However, it doesn’t mean, that a fragment of a collective being is powerless to contact a fragment of other collective being; if necessary, it may even transfer into another collective being. But these processes take place on the 5

level of the Real Universe. Total number of stand-alone like-minded beings, which constitute a social (collective) being, may reach 5 thousand and even more. After physical death, a human’s soul will meet a luminous creature, emitting the world of kindness and light, whether it is on the 2

or 3

level of the Real Universe. Those luminous creatures are exactly collective beings of the 4

level. They will evaluate the spiritual level of a human being, and determine its further destiny and its place within the Real Universe in the course of its spiritual evolution. Notably, that each higher being may visit lower levels, but now vice versa. Vibrational frequency of less spiritually developed being will not allow it ascending to the environment of more developed beings. A social being is the total ‘self’, which consists of plenty of separate ‘selves’. Don’t mix together the definitions of an individual ‘self’ and personal one. These are two different philosophic categories. An individual ‘self’ is so to say a personal ‘self’, in terms of specific physical incarnation. A personal ‘self’ is total life experience of individual ‘selves’. That experience was achieved in the course of physical incarnations (actually, not only physical). So, a collective being cannot reincarnate, as usually on Earth. However, if necessary, its separate beings (fragments) may do it. Usually these are prominent individuals, who had left their marks in the human race history.”
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