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Open Animals Day

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– Hello! The zoo is closed to the public, – replied a smiling man in the window.

– But how, comrade cashier? – dad objected. – There is no announcement of the closure of the zoo, but the queue? Where is the queue? To a closed zoo?

– First of all, I'm not a cashier, but an administrator number forty-seven, – the smiling man replied. – Secondly, the zoo is really closed to the public. And, thirdly, people stand in line to take some animal for a while.

– How's that for a while? – dad asked.

– Until the evening, – the administrator replied.

– Why? – dad asked.

– To communicate, – answered the administrator. – You came here to communicate, haven't you?

– In principle, yes, – agreed dad.

– Well, – said the administrator, – Take it and communicate! Today is our open day.

– What is your open day if the zoo is closed? – dad asked.

– But the doors are open for animals? – said the administrator. – So today we have a day, so to speak, of open animals. And you can take them for communication.

– But I can't take everyone with me, – dad said, frightened.

– Nobody will give you all, – the administrator grinned.

– And who decided to give the animals for a walk? – dad asked.

– Direktor of the zoo, – answered the administrator.

– And why? – dad tried to find out.

– Let me lock you up in a cage? – suggested administrator number forty-seven. – Then you will understand why. The animals began to feel sad – they want to be free, at least on weekends.

– And how much does it cost to walk with any of them? – dad asked.

– Not at all! – the administrator solemnly announced.

– Can I take a walk for nothing? – dad did not believe.

– Exactly, – confirmed the administrator. – The only condition is that you have to feed your pet lunch, exactly on schedule.

– Well, that’s logical, – dad agreed. – Тhey shouldn't go hungry.

– Who do you want? – dad asked Misha.

– Elephant, – answered the son.

– May I have an elephant? – dad asked the administrator.

– No problem, – the administrator replied. – There is an Indian elephant named Terimerisund.

– What kind of name is Terimerisund? – dad was indignant.

– It translates from Hindi as Crooked Trunk, – the administrator replied. – It's an Indian elephant.

– Do you have elephants with straight trunks? – dad asked.

– With direct all sorted out, – answered the administrator.

– With a crooked trunk will we take? – dad asked Misha.

Misha shrugged his shoulders in response.

– Okay! – dad said. – Give us a crooked!

– He's not crooked, – offended the administrator. – He has both eyes and he walks straight. Only the trunk is slightly bent in the wrong direction.

– Well, if a little, then it's not scary, – agreed dad. – Lead!

Administrator number forty-seven picked up the phone and said to someone:

– Vasya! Lead Terimerisund! – And then he turned to dad: – Your passport?

– Listen! – dad started up. – You said that the pet needs to be fed with dinner. And what does he eat, this Terimerisund of yours?

The administrator took out the elephant's lunch menu from the folder and read:

– Hay – 30 kilograms, grass – 30 kilograms, straw – 5 kilograms, oats – 7 kilograms, bran – 2 kilograms, rye bread – 5 kilograms, white bread – 5 kilograms, carrots – 20 kilograms, beets – 10 kilograms, potatoes – 15 kilograms, cabbage – 10 kilograms, apples – 10 kilograms, pears – 10 kilograms, bananas – 5 kilograms, sugar – 1 kilogram.

– Are you kidding me? – dad said. – I do not earn so much to buy it all. Take back your elephant – we don't need your Lame Trunk!

– You haven't taken it yet! – said the administrator. – Besides, he is not Lame, but a Crooked trunk. Elephants walk with their feet, not trunks.

– All the same, he eats so much that we will not take either Lame or Crooked, – said dad.

The administrator picked up the phone again:

– Vasya! Bring Terimerisund back!

Misha was upset, tears appeared in his eyes.

– Do not worry! – dad reassured him. – Let's take someone else. Who do you want?

– Crocodile, – the son sobbed.

– Well, crocodile, so crocodile, – agreed dad.

– Available baby Nile crocodile named Kesul, – said the administrator. – Lead?
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