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The Duel

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“I can’t part from you like this. We shall never see each other again. Some presentiment tells me that, so at this only moment we must not fear anything in the world. Let us be happy!”

And at that moment the pair, the room, the entire world, were filled with an ineffable bliss – stupefying, suffocating, consuming. For the space of a second Romashov fancied he saw, as it were by miracle, Shurochka’s eyes shining on him with an expression of mad joy. Her lips sought his.

“May I accompany you home?” asked Romashov, as he escorted her to the street.

“No, my darling, don’t. I have not the least idea how long I’ve been with you. What is the time?”

“I don’t know. I have not a watch.”

She stood lingering there, leaning against the gate. A powerful scent arose from the earth in the warm, languishing summer night. It was still dark, but, notwithstanding the darkness, Romashov could clearly distinguish Shurochka’s features, motionless and pale as a marble statue’s.

“Good-bye, my darling,” she uttered at last in a weary voice. “Good-bye.” They embraced each other, but their lips were cold and lifeless. Shurochka departed quickly and was swallowed up by the dark night.

Romashov remained a while listening till the last faint sounds of her light steps could no longer be caught, and then returned to his room. A feeling of utter, yet pleasant, weariness took possession of him. He had hardly undressed before he fell asleep. And the last impression left on his mind was a faint, delicious odour of perfume proceeding from his pillow – the scent from Shurochka’s hair and her fair young body.


    June 2, 18 – .

To his Excellency the Colonel and Commander of the – th Infantry Regiment from Ditz, Staff-Captain of the same regiment.


Herewith allow me respectfully to report to your Excellency that the duel between Lieutenant Nikoläiev and Sub-lieutenant Romashov took place to-day, according to the conditions settled by you on the 1st inst.

The two adversaries met at 5.55 a.m. in the wood called “Oakwood,” situated three and a quarter versts beyond the town. The duel was decided in the space of one minute ten seconds, including the time for placing the parties and giving the signal. The places taken by the duellists were determined by lot. When the command “Forward” was given the fight began. As the two officers approached each other, a shot from Lieutenant Nikoläiev struck Sub-lieutenant Romashov high on the right side. After this Lieutenant Nikoläiev stopped to await his adversary’s bullet, but, after the lapse of half a minute, it was evident that Sub-lieutenant Romashov was not in a condition to return the shot, by reason of which Sub-lieutenant Romashov’s seconds declared the duel was ended, as to which other witnesses were agreed. Sub-lieutenant Romashov, on being carried to his carriage, fell into a deep swoon, and died in five minutes through internal hæmorrhage.

The seconds on Lieutenant Nikoläiev’s side were the undersigned and Lieutenant Vasin; on Sub-lieutenant Romashov’s, Lieutenants Biek-Agamalov and Viätkin. The further arrangements for the duel were, by general agreement, made by me.

A certificate from Dr. Znoiko is enclosed herein.




The Lezghins are among the medley of mountain tribes living in Daghestan and part of the Terek province. These mountaineers of the Eastern Caucasus are nearly all Sun’i Mohammedans.


One of Russia’s bravest and greatest generals in the war with Napoleon, 1812.


Roman Catholic priests are so called in Lithuania and Poland.


Schtoss is a sort of Russian hazard.


Yuri = George.


Roubashka (blouse).


The official newspaper of the Russian Army.


Professional floor-polisher.


A town and “government” in East Russia.


Corresponds to the Swedish smörgasbord, and consists of a number of cold dishes and delicacies.


A national dish in Russia, consisting of a sort of buckwheat porridge baked in the oven in fire-proof earthen vessels, which are put on the table.


In the time of Nicholas, sons of soldiers quartered or garrisoned in certain districts. They were liable to be called on to serve.


An old Slavonic character (l’schiza), only occurring in the Russian Bible and Ritual.


Nickname for Little Russians on account of their curious habit of cutting and fashioning their hair into a tuft (khokhol) on the crown.


An affectionate diminutive of George.
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