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Stay out of trouble, and trouble will not follow you.

Bad news travels fast.

People seem to hear bad news very fast.

Bad is never good until worse happens.

A bad situation you have been complaining about will suddenly seem a blessing when something worse happens.

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

What you wish for may not really be what is good for you.

Beauty is only skin-deep.

Looks are not the most important thing about a person.

Behind every successful man is a woman.

A man's strongest and most loyal supporters are usually his mother and/or his wife.

Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.

To have something, no matter how little or poor in quality, is better than to have nothing at all.

Do as I saw, and not as I do.

Do something as you have seen it done although it may be different from your own way of doing it.

Doctors make the worst patients.

It is difficult advising people on matters they are supposed to be experts on because they believe they know better.

Don't go near the water until you learn how to swim.

Do not try to do something before you have learnt how to do it or before you are ready for it.

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.

The success of a group or team depends on the full commitment of every member

A closed mouth catches no flies.

It is better not to say anything than to say something that might get you into trouble.

A good beginning makes a good ending/well begun half done.

Something that starts off right will probably succeed all the way and end on the right note.

Don't mend what isn't broken.

Do not change things that are working fine as they are.

Don't shut the barn door after the horse is gone.

prepare for emergencies and eventualities before they happen.

Don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.

Do not be presumptuous and teach an experienced person how things should be done.

Better be safe than sorry.

It is wise to take precautions rather than be upset that you did not prepare for an eventuality after something has happened.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.

The problems you are facing at present may not be as bad as those in the place you are planning to move to.

A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

A desperate person will do anything to save himself.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

A person who makes himself close to everyone probably cannot be trusted by any one.

Better to be alone than in bad company.

It is better to be by yourself than to be with people who are a bad influence

A word spoken is past recalling.

What has been said cannot be taken back, so think before you speak.

A word to the wise is enough.

You need not be long-winded when speaking to intelligent people or those who understand you well.

After a storm, comes a calm.

Every problem eventually comes to an end, so cheer up.

All for one and one for all.

People who are committed to working together for a positive outcome.

All good things come to an end.
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