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Щенок Рекс и его летние приключения в Турции. The Puppy Rex and his Summer adventures in Turkey

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Poodle’s family are going to England first and then to Israel.

Poodle’s family doesn’t want to miss their flight.

Guess the riddles

This is a place where people park their cars.

This is a big machine. People use it to fly from one place to another.

Chapter 2

In the airport

We go inside the airport. The airport is very big. It is crowded in the airport. There are a lot of other dogs going to their flights. We remember the rule of safety. We hold our Mummy’s and Daddy’s hands. But Timmy doesn’t follow the rule. He starts to run away.

“Timmy, stop! Come back!” Father cries. “Do you remember the rule of safety? We need to stay together and hold hands.”

Timmy comes back with a sad face.

“But I want to run in the airport,” he says. “It is very interesting to run in a new place. I want to see what the airports looks like.

“Timmy,” says Mother very strictly. If you run and don’t hold your parents’ hands you can be lost. It is very crowded in the airport.”

“Ok,” says Timmy with a sad voice. “I am going to hold your hand, Mommy. I don’t want to be lost in the airport.”

“All right, Timmy,” Mother says. “Now we need to go to the registration desk, take our boarding pass and give them our luggage.”

“I am not giving my luggage to anyone!” cries Timmy. “I need it myself!”

“Don’t worry, Timmy,” says Daddy. Your luggage will fly with us in the same plane. You can take it back after the flight.”

“All right,” says Timmy.

We go to the registration desk. A nice Lady Dog in a green suit meets us there.

“Good afternoon,” she says. “Where are you flying?”      “Good afternoon,” she says. “Where are you flying?”

“Good afte      “Good afternoon, we are flying to Dalaman,” Father answers.

“May I have your passports, please?” Lady asks.      “May I have your passports, please?” Lady asks.

“Here they are,” Daddy gives our passports to the Lady.      “Here they are,” Daddy gives our passports to the Lady.

The Lady looks at our passports, looks at the computer and gives us our boarding pass.

“Your gate is number eleven,” says the Lady and gives our passports back to Daddy.

“Gate? What is it, Mommy?” asks Betsy.

“The gate to our plane. We need to find it in the airport,” Mother explains.

“Thank you very much!” Daddy says to the Lady.

“You are welcome. Have a nice flight!” The Lady says.

We go to the second floor of the airport on the elevator. We find our gate number eleven. We see a lot of other dogs near the gates.

“Now we need to take our seats and wait. Stewardess will invite us to get on a plane.” Mother explains

“When the stewardess invites us, I will run very quickly on to the plane. I want to be the first!” says Timmy.”

“Oh Timmy, Timmy,” says Mother, “Polite puppies do not run to the plane. They stay in line and wait for their turn to get on to the plane.”

“Waiting is boring,” says Timmy. “Running is fun!”

“But if everyone runs it is going to be dangerous,” says Father.”

“Oh,” says Timmy, “Travelling is not fun. There are too many rules!”

“Timmy, if you do not follow the rules travelling can be dangerous. But if you follow the rules, you can have a lot of fun and be safe!”

New words

remember [r??memb?] – помнить

follow the rule [?f?l?? ?? ru?lz] – следовать правилу

be safe [bi? se?f] – быть в безопасности

be lost [bi? l?st] – потеряться

crowded [?kra?d?d] – переполненный, битком набитый

all right [??l ra?t] – хорошо

registration desk [re??s?tre??n desk] – стойка для регистрации

boarding pass [?b??d?n p??s] – посадочный талон

luggage [?l?g??] – багаж

gate [ge?t] – ворота

stewardess [stju???des] – стюардесса

in line [?n la?n] – в очереди

your turn [j?? t??n] – твоя очередь
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