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Killing Ways

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‘Hmm. I’m not sure he feels the same way.’

‘That’s his problem.’

Janine studied her in the mirror.

‘Honestly, I’m fine,’ said Ren. ‘The guy’s not even drinking.’

‘I don’t think a man needs to be drinking to make a move on you,’ said Janine. She paused. ‘Anyhoo, I think I’m about ready to call it a night.’

‘Noooo,’ said Ren.

Janine nodded. ‘I’m exhausted. Do you mind?’

‘No, but I’m wiiide awake – do you mind if I stay?’

‘Not at all,’ said Janine. ‘I’ll see you back at the ranch.’ She hugged Ren, and pulled back. ‘I know Gary’s not actually here, but you seem to be in his crosshairs. I’m not sure it’s to do with all this partying, but—’

‘Fuck Gary!’

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Ren was dancing hard and fast, bright-eyed and soaring, wild of heart and intentions. The people around her were happy and free and smiling and a reflection of her. They moved together, buoyant and powerful. Two guys joined her on the dance floor – one in front, one behind.

I may be old enough to be the front guy’s mother. He has no clue. Or does he?

He was smiling at her with his gorgeous, perfect teeth.

Ren smiled back.

Boom-boom-BOOM. Boom-boom-BOOM. Boom-boom-BOOOOOM.

I wonder what Ben would make of this? I mean, it’s all perfectly innocent, but still. Would I like to see him in a girl sandwich? I don’t know … Yes you do. You’d kill him.

Ren backed into the other guy, and the front guy moved forward. They all moved with instinctive rhythm.

‘We’re good at this!’ said Ren.

‘We are!’ said the front guy.

She could feel the back guy’s breath on her neck.

Ew.Garlic stranger breath.

She squeezed her way out from between them. ‘Thank you, gentle men!’

‘Don’t go!’ said one.

‘Stay!’ said the other.

‘Bar!’ said Ren. I’m way too sober for these shenanigans. I’ve sweated out the alcohol.

Half an hour later, Ren was back with her original group of strange men. Her phone buzzed in her purse. She took it out.

It was a text from Janine. She could barely focus on it.

I can’t find the key! Stranded outside apartment …!

Shitttt. I don’t want to leeeave. Fuck. Maybe Janine can go back to her house. Don’t be an asshole.

‘Excuse me, gentle men,’ said Ren. ‘I’m going to have to go.’

‘What? Why?’ said one of them.

‘My friend is locked out of my apartment.’

‘Is it far?’ said the guy.

‘Ten minutes in a cab,’ said Ren.

‘I can drive you,’ he said. ‘I haven’t been drinking.’

Ren felt a small spike of sobriety. He could be a psycho. Lots of psychos don’t drink or do drugs because they don’t want to lose control. Jesus. Worst-Case Scenario Girl strikes again.

‘That means I can drive you back here after,’ said the guy. ‘Keep the party going!’

I hate that expression. ‘OK! That’s an excellent idea! What’s your name again?’


‘Thank you, JD!’

They pushed through the hot, crowded bar onto the street. The night was warm. There was only a gentle breeze, but it hit her like a slap.

Whoa. My head.

She called Janine. She picked up right away.

‘Are you OK?’ said Ren.

‘Yes,’ said Janine.

‘I’m on my way,’ said Ren. ‘One of the guys is giving me a ride.’

‘What?’ said Janine. ‘Get a cab. Who is he? Has he been drinking?’

‘Nope,’ said Ren. ‘He’s tonight’s designated driver. With a name like JD that’s a bit cruel, isn’t it?’

JD laughed. He unlocked the car door.
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