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Digital Gold: Earn Money on the Web

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And indeed, people buy cars and houses, thinking that they have acquired assets. In fact, they buy liabilities. And the reason for this is the lack of financial education. After all, calculate how much you need to spend on gasoline and car repairs per month. And how much you need to pay for utilities, minor repairs (after all, the house is constantly breaking something), how much you need to pay property taxes…

14. Be smart, and no one will get the better of you.

Remember that an intelligent person will always win the argument; an intelligent person is harder to mislead. Being smart does not mean knowing everything. Sometimes, it is enough to know the techniques of conducting a conversation to be able to recognize the non-verbal signs of the interlocutor. And for this, you need to read the relevant literature.

15. Do not underestimate yourself.

Get used to the fact that you are an irreplaceable and unique person. Modesty, of course, is good, but it should be in moderation. Don’t be afraid to ask more for your product/service. If you don’t value yourself highly, then no one else will do it for you.

16. Do what you think is right in the depths of your heart.

The advice of family and friends is undoubtedly important, but it should always remain only advice. Do not try to please someone. We have one life, and we need to live it the way we want it. What is the point of doing what we don’t like all our life? Besides, whatever you do, you will still be condemned.

17. Do not say “I can not afford it,” say “how can I afford it?”

Indeed, you cannot give up if you are in financial difficulties. It is necessary to look for opportunities and achieve the goals set by any efforts. And it is necessary to learn to achieve everything on our own and not to expect that everything we desire falls from the sky.

18. Invest in your education.

Learn languages, buy a useful book, watch a video lesson, attend lectures, business seminars (by the way, there are many free seminars). Learn to choose the important and prioritize. Start faster. Practice but move slowly.

19. Choose friends and partners carefully.

Unfortunately, now is a time when people will do anything for the sake of money. Therefore, be attentive to your business partners and the environment. In this case, perhaps you need to listen to the advice of relatives. They have more experience in life, and they can recognize the scoundrels better.

Also, try to avoid negative people in your life. Yes, sometimes we all have difficulties, and in such cases, we need support. But there are people who are always unhappy with something, who always have problems and who always complain. So, try to spend less time with such people. We do not need negative energy. In addition, it is desirable to communicate as much as possible with successful and wealthy people. They can teach you a lot. Limit communication with those who will pull you down.

Success can be attracted by becoming better and attuning to the positive.

20. Do not get into debt.

Debts and loans are pits and traps from which it can be very difficult to get out. Learn to cover all your expenses yourself. Get first of all what is really necessary. Paying your latest iPhone by instalments and then only being able to buy bread and water is foolish.

21. Find a hero you would like to be like.

I do not mean Superman or Batman but real successful people. This will be a good incentive for self-development. There will be aspirations and goals which will be easier to achieve.

22. Whenever something is missing, or you need something, first give what you want, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold. This applies to everything: money, love, friendship, etc. I have tested this on myself more than once.

23. Stop doing what doesn’t work.

Look for new things all the time. Study, offer, conduct negotiations, accept offers.

24. Everything good and new will be attacked and criticized. Get ready for it.

Perhaps after reading this book, you will want to share its contents with family or friends. But do not expect they will understand and approve your decision to start. People are afraid of new things, especially things they don’t understand. It is much easier to continue to live in the usual way than try to risk for success.

25. Every day, with every dollar, you decide whether you will be rich, poor or middle class.

The choice is yours – to follow the customary tradition, to enter a university and get a diploma to please your parents or try yourself in something else. Take a chance and open your business and learn to invest. For example, I regret that I spent eight years of my life studying at university. Undoubtedly, these were the best years; I met good guys, made new friends, but learning took about 1/10 part of my life. I spent eight years just to get a piece of paper, which I can just throw in the trash.

26. Communicate more with people.

New acquaintances and communication will only bring benefits. This is a chance to find good friends and learn new useful information. Useful information is new opportunities.

In addition, take the time for family and loved ones. “Tomorrow” for some of them may not come.

27. Look for the positive in everything.

Whatever happens to you, no matter what difficulty you get – appreciate it. While it may be a negative experience, it is an experience. Try to never lose heart and tune in to success in advance. Do not think about the mistakes of the past but concentrate on the success and achievements in the future. What is the point of thinking about failures? Our energy goes where our thoughts go.

28. Get out of where you feel bad.

It was the best decision in my life when I left the hospital, the place where I desired to work. Moreover, I made this decision completely independently. I did not consult with anyone and did not ask for the opinion of others. And I absolutely do not regret it. It was simply impossible to work in those conditions. Some employees of the hospital had never even heard about ethics and deontology. And the idea that I would work for 100—150 dollars per month to the end of my days simply disgusted me.

29. Don’t be afraid to hear “no.”

You will hear this word all the time. But “no” does not mean that everything is bad. You may have been refused collaboration with a company that will go bankrupt a week later. Be strong in spirit. So, this world is arranged. We can’t always get what we want although committing to this is still necessary.

30. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

We are all human, and we all occasionally make mistakes. This is normal. Our mistakes are experience. And there is nothing more valuable than your own negative experience.

31. Every morning, repeat to yourself: today is a wonderful day, and I will succeed.

A positive attitude from the morning will surely bring success. Don’t think about how many difficulties are ahead and how much you have to do today. Be thankful that you woke up this morning and enjoy life.

In addition, such positive affirmations can (and should!) be used in relation to financial success. At least twice a day, repeat to yourself: “I am a rich and successful person. I always have a lot of money.” Affirmation should be short and bright; believe what you say. You’d be surprised, but it works. It costs nothing to try.

32. Always have your opinion.

Be able to say no, and don’t let the crowd impose their point of view on you. It is our own opinion that makes us individuals.

33. Be self-disciplined.

Self-discipline is the connection between goals and their achievement. This is the foundation on which all success is built.

34. Be responsible for your own life.

If you want to achieve more, you need to become responsible.

35. The combination of desire, planning, effort and perseverance can always create a miracle.

So, wish, plan and put in maximum effort. This is the only way to achieve success.

36. Impatience and greed are equally suicidal for success.

10—20% of profit, in the beginning, is already very good. Steve Jobs, too, once started a business in his home garage, and now one stock of the company he created costs more than $200.
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