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‘You need to understand. It’s not like, say, Alzheimer’s. You won’t get the same types of confusion about, you know, who people are or where he is that you’d find in those kinds of dementia. This is more like – oh, I don’t know – more like an old computer, gradually getting slower and slower. It’s the white matter, the connections in the brain, that are being affected. So it’s likely that he’ll get increasingly passive, increasingly unresponsive. If things get more severe, that is.’

And that was what she’d seen, as the weeks had passed. Today’s outburst had been unusual, a rare demonstration of energy and emotion, however negative. That happened from time to time, as Liam’s frustration at his condition built inside his head to the point where he could no longer contain it. But those sudden explosions were increasingly rare islands in an otherwise endless sea of calm.

It wasn’t the Liam she’d known. The old Liam had been sparky, enthusiastic, full of ideas. He could be a pain to live with at times, their different personalities rubbing up against each other in a constant friction. But that had been the Liam she’d loved. The Liam who was always looking for a new challenge, a new opportunity. The Liam who continued to pursue his dream of being a successful artist even when, some might think, it had ceased to be realistic. The Liam who would do anything rather than sit slumped in front of some anodyne television programme.

She returned from the kitchen bearing an opened bottle of red wine and two glasses, a takeaway menu tucked under her arm. Liam already had a local authority carer who came in a couple of times a day to help him get something to eat, check he was okay. Increasingly, though, Marie had the sense that he shouldn’t be left alone for too long. He needed more care, someone to be with him through the day.

Would that be her? She couldn’t see it. She tried to imagine herself giving up her job, spending the day as Liam’s full-time carer. The image simply wouldn’t form in her head. Apart from the practical questions – what would they actually live on, for example? – that just wasn’t the person she was. Maybe that was selfish – well, of course it was selfish – but she knew that if she tried to devote her life entirely to caring for Liam, she’d probably end up killing both of them.

It needed thinking about, though. She had to start planning for this. She’d intended to discuss Salter’s proposed assignment with Liam before she gave Salter her answer. But she knew there was no way she could raise it tonight, and, even if she did, no likelihood that Liam would be able to give her a sensible response.

Another decision postponed, then. But she was beginning to recognise, watching Liam gazing vacantly at the flickering TV screen, that nothing could be delayed forever.

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‘Get much from the sheep-shaggers?’

Brennan paused in the doorway, his blank expression suggesting that Salter was speaking some entirely unfamiliar language. Brennan closed the door behind him, paused to hang his jacket carefully on the coat stand, and walked across the room to the conference table where Salter was sitting. He paused for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to sit, and then lowered himself on to the chair opposite Salter. ‘Not really. Nothing new, anyway. Mind you, it might have helped if I’d had the foggiest idea what I was supposed to be looking for.’

‘Local colour,’ Salter said. ‘Mainly green out there, I imagine.’

Brennan bent down to unfasten his expensive-looking leather attaché case. Salter was dressed in the plainclothes cop’s standard uniform. Jeans, open-necked shirt, leather jacket tossed casually around the back of chair. Brennan wondered whether he always dressed like that. He suspected not. Salter struck him as a Marks & Spencer man. Brennan’s own suit was Paul Smith, and not off-the-shelf. ‘I still don’t really know why I’m here,’ he said, placing a thin manila file on the table in front of him. ‘Not just today, but the whole thing. Why have I been seconded over here? Don’t tell me it’s just because you’re short-staffed.’

‘We are, actually. Bloody short-staffed, now you come to mention it. And particularly short of bright young things like yourself.’

‘I’m not sure I’m all that young any more, let alone bright. Anyway, I thought this place was wall-to-wall bright young things.’

‘It’s a mess over here, to be honest, Jack.’ Salter’s voice had taken on an ingratiating tone now. ‘It’s been a mess from the start. It was a political decision to set up the Agency, so everything was done at a rush. Bits and pieces from all over the place, cobbled together. Of course, there were some excellent people – there still are some excellent people – but we’re holding it together with not much more than good intentions.’

Brennan noted that Salter had casually included himself in the category of ‘excellent people’. Probably not without reason, from what he’d heard, but it was clear that Salter wasn’t short of ego. Well, okay, Brennan thought. That makes two of us. ‘And now it’s going through another set of changes?’

‘It’s never stopped bloody changing,’ Salter said. ‘That’s the trouble. As soon as the dust begins to settle, they start moving the deckchairs round again. If it’s not the politicians, it’s senior management trying to second guess what the politicians might want. People get pissed off.’

‘Well, I’m sold,’ Brennan said. ‘I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be seconded to.’

‘Yes, well, at least you’re only being seconded,’ Salter said. ‘Means you’ve still got a way back.’

‘And you haven’t?’

Salter shrugged. ‘There’s nothing to stop me applying for jobs back in the police service. At the moment, I’d even be in with a shout. Despite everything, you get some good experience over here. But the longer I’m out of the mainstream, the harder it’ll be to get back. That’s why a lot of our best people have already voted with their feet.’

‘And that’s why you need some new blood, is it?’ There was a cynical edge to Brennan’s voice. Experience had taught him that management decision-making rarely stemmed from much more than short-term expediency. We’ve got a gap to fill. You got anyone suitable? Well, Jack Brennan’s royally screwed his career. We could send him over to cool his heels for a few months. Keep everyone happy. He could imagine the conversation.

‘It’s why we need talented officers,’ Salter said. ‘And, yes, I’ve been fully informed about your background. It doesn’t stop you being a very capable, committed and experienced officer.’

‘It bloody well proves that’s what I am,’ Brennan said. ‘That’s the point, from where I’m sitting.’

Salter looked doubtful. ‘Yes, well. Not everyone will see it that way. Even here.’

‘I imagine not. I’m well past caring.’

‘And it means we have something in common.’

Brennan gazed thoughtfully at Salter. ‘So I understand. Funny how things work out, isn’t it? From what I hear, you’re quite the hero round here.’

‘In some people’s eyes. Not in everyone’s, I imagine.’

‘Your case was a little more spectacular than mine.’

‘Not through choice,’ Salter said. ‘I just didn’t know what I was taking on. Nearly went completely tits up. The outcome was the same for both of us.’

‘A corrupt copper exposed. I guess so. My case wasn’t so clear-cut. Apparently.’

‘No. Well, things rarely are, are they?’ Salter paused, a smile playing softly across his lips. ‘Unless you’re actually caught with your hands in the till.’

Brennan nodded, accepting that Salter was just playing games. He’d come across plenty like Salter over the years. Smart-arse graduate types who maybe weren’t quite as smart as they thought, but who enjoyed yanking people around until they were found out. Christ, he’d probably been one of them himself, though it hadn’t felt like it.

‘Is that why I’m here, then?’ Brennan said. ‘Birds of a feather, and all that. Or did you just feel sorry for me?’

‘Not my call. Though of course you’re just what we needed. Like I say, the really experienced investigators are getting thin on the ground here. We’re up to our ears in ex-Revenue types. They’ve been only too keen to stay with us. Well, it’s more fun than chasing up some dodgy builder for accepting too much cash in hand. No, it’s the honest-to-goodness coppers we’re short of.’

‘So now you’ve found an honest-to-goodness copper, what exactly do you want to do with me?’

Salter pushed himself slowly to his feet and walked over to the window. The meeting room was in the Manchester regional office, an anonymous industrial building in the furthest corner of an equally nondescript industrial estate, somewhere in the far reaches of Trafford Park. The window looked out over the rear of a small-scale distribution company – a couple of lorries lined up for loading, a forklift truck, a couple of piles of poorly stacked pallets. ‘Kevin Sheerin,’ Salter said.

‘Go on.’

‘You knew him?’

‘We all knew him. Not that any of us particularly wanted to. Small time dealer. Occasional grass. No one’s friend; probably a few people’s enemy.’

‘And now no longer with us.’

‘Hit and run. Back streets of Stockport. Sheerin, pissed out of his head, fell into the road and was hit by a car. Driver didn’t stop. Not entirely sure I blame him.’

‘Accident, then?’

‘Christ knows. Like I say, Sheerin had made a few enemies. Grassed up a few of the wrong people. Got away with it as long as he did only because he was so small-time. But he might well have pissed off one person too many. Not worth wasting a lot of resources on, either way.’

‘So you weren’t treating it as murder?’

‘We were treating it as a hit and run. Inquest gave an open verdict. We made the usual efforts to find the driver – CCTV, any witnesses. But no dice yet, as far as I know.’

‘Is Stockport Sheerin’s usual stamping ground?’

‘No. He’s more of an inner-city Manc type. Cheetham Hill. That’s another reason he survived as long as he did – kept on the right side of the people who matter up there.’

‘So he was off piste when he was killed?’
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