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Angel of love

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We got to our minibus station. Many souvenir shops were out there. Awesome. But I didn't buy anything. And Lincy too. We got into our minibus. It was great. Because we were starting our way to home.

We left our place. I had a bottle of water. And I drank some water. I suggested to Lincy. She drank some water too. Good. We are on the drive. What I mean? I mean we were coming back into our deep shit. Deep shit? Our home!

"Lincy, what do you think?" – I asked.

"What do you mean?" – she answered.

"What will you do today?" – I asked.

"I don't know" – she answered.

"Ok" – I said.

Our minibus arrived close to my condominium. We got out from the minibus with Lincy. And I said Goodbye to our driver. And he said goodbye too. Now we were together with Lincy. Lincy was going to get home. And she found motorbike taxi near my condominium.

"Goodbye, Lincy" – I said and kissed on the neck.

"Goodbye, hope to see you" – she said.

After, she left me. I went back to my room. And unpacked my bag. Everything was with me. I almost forgot to copy photos from my camera to the laptop. Damn… What a situation. But first of all, I'll go to the shower. Damn… Awesome! I took shower. Was time for photos. I turned on my laptop and did the procedure. Damn… Files were copying… Time for a cup of tea. Ok… Files were copied. I checked them on my laptop. Awesome photos, awesome photographer! Who is this photographer? Shit! It was me. Believe me! Incoming call…

"Hello" – I answered.

"Hello, do you remember me?" – she asked.

"Kitty?" – I answered.

"Yes… why you don't come to my bar?" – she asked.

"Oh… I'm doing some business with my friend" – I answered.

"I see… but today… will you come?" – she asked.

"Oh… I'll call you later, ok?" – I answered.

"Maybe, you have girlfriend?" – she asked.

"No… no! Nothing serious" – I answered.

"Oh…" – she said.

"Don't worry! And see you!" – I said.

"Ok… ok, bye!" – she said.

"Bye" – I said.

She hung up the phone. Damn… I forgot about Kitty. Why? Because I have motherfucker things to do! Damn… what a day today? Month was coming to the end. Yeah… and now we should make a strategy. I put some photos on internet with Miki, to check rating! Good idea. I took photos with Miki, and I paid money for it. Now was time for breakfast!

I went out of my room. And stepped in the cafe. Oh yeah! What a shit? I saw Rosty.

"Hello, Ros… How are doing?" – I asked.

"Oh… hello, hello! I'm good and you?" – he answered.

"Awesome! I just back from Kwai" – I said.

"Wow… so how was it?" – he asked.

"Awesome… awesome" – I answered.

"Come for breakfast?" – he asked.

"Yeah" – I answered.

Rosty made order for me. And I found the place to sit. Now it was waiting time. It was good, that I took my cell phone with me. But call or not? I didn't think about it. After some time, my order was on the table. I asked Rosty:

"Have tequila?".

"Yes" – he answered.

"For free?" – I asked.

"No… later" – he answered.

"Ok" – I said.

I started eating. Breakfast was awesome, same always. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toasts, jam, orange juice, tea. Damn… I had something on my mind. Need more money. Sure. But I could pay for my breakfast.

I finished my breakfast and paid the bill. Got to go to the ATM. Yeah. Withdraw some cash for my poor life. Damn… no thoughts. When I went back to my room, I was going to check my laptop. Everything was ok. Ok… What is a day today? Usual day. Need to call Tim…


"Hello" – he answered.

"Hello, Tim" – I said.

"Hi…" – he said.

"How are you doing?" – I asked.

"Very well" – he answered.

"Why you don't call?" – I asked.

"Just staying home" – he answered.

"Oh… I been to river Kwai" – I said.
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