Electricity, effects of atmospheric, 257 (#x7_x_7_i59);
atmospheric, how caused, 258 (#x7_x_7_i62).
Elements, change in spectra of, 129 (#x4_x_4_i37);
in the sun, 184 (#x5_x_5_i62);
in meteorites, 185 (#x5_x_5_i62);
in organic structures, 201 (#x6_x_6_i3).
Empedocles an early astronomer, 3 (#x1_x_1_i83).
Eudoxus on motions of planets, 3 (#x1_x_1_i83).
Evolution of the stars, 128 (#x4_x_4_i34).
Explanations of life-processes, 202 (#x6_x_6_i4).
Faculæ of sun, 105 (#x3_x_3_i74).
Fisher, Rev. O., on oceanic basins, 234 (#x7_x_7_i16);
on thin sub-oceanic crust, 237 (#x7_x_7_i20).
Fizeau measures speed of light, 79 (#x3_x_3_i28).
Flammarion, C., on universality of life, 274 (#x7_x_7_i98), 281 (#x8_x_8_i7).
Fontenelle on plurality of worlds, 9 (#x1_x_1_i93).
Galileo on star measurement, 74 (#x3_x_3_i18).
Geological climates, 222 (#x6_x_6_i54).
Geologists on duration of sun's heat, 275 (#x7_x_7_i101).
Germinal vesicle, M'Kendrick on, 202 (#x6_x_6_i4).
Gill, Sir D., on systematic star-motions, 178 (#x5_x_5_i47).
Globular clusters, stability of, 126 (#x4_x_4_i31);
and variables, 127 (#x4_x_4_i33).
Gore, Mr. J.E., on stars in Galaxy, 60 (#x2_x_2_i42);
on mass of binary stars, 97 (#x3_x_3_i55);
on remoteness of bright stars, 140 (#x4_x_4_i55);
on limits of star system, 145 (#x4_x_4_i59);
on limited number of stars, 151 (#x4_x_4_i73);
on life on planets of other suns, 282 (#x8_pgepubid00043), 289 (#x8_x_8_i22).
Gould on solar cluster, 165 (#x5_x_5_i26).
Gould's map of Milky Way, 164 (#x5_x_5_i25).
Gravitation, motions produced by, on Lord Kelvin's hypothesis, 298 (#x8_x_8_i47).
Haliburton, Professor W.D., on proteids, 200 (#x6_x_6_i2).
Heat and cold on earth's surface, 207 (#x6_x_6_i20).
Heat-supply, our long-continued, accounted for, 305 (#x8_x_8_i59).
Herschel, Sir J., on Milky Way, 50 (#x2_x_2_i27);
on limits of the star-system, 147 (#x4_x_4_i64).
Heliometer, description of, 89 (#x3_x_3_i44).
Huggins, Sir W., on spectra of stars, 32 (#x1_x_1_i128);
measures radial motion, 37 (#x1_x_1_i140).
Huxley, Prof., on protoplasm, 198 (#x5_x_5_i85);
on duration of life, 278 (#x8_x_8_i4).
Hydrogen, why not in atmosphere, 240 (#x7_x_7_i25);
escapes from earth, 264 (#x7_x_7_i76).
Infinity, unknowable, 323 (#x9_x_9_i2);
Proctor on, 324 (#x9_x_9_i8).
Jupiter's satellites show speed of light, 79 (#x3_x_3_i28).
Kapteyn on solar cluster, 166 (#x5_x_5_i29).
Kelvin, Lord, on the sun's age, 279 (#x8_x_8_i5);
on a suggested primitive form of star-system, 298 (#x8_x_8_i47).